105.Everything will return when she get the halo back. (1)

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Standing by the door and seeing what was going on, Mother Jeon was stunned.

"You...... I......" Mother Jeon was surprised, pleasantly surprised, and all of her happiness was written on her face. She had almost forgotten what she was going to say.

Lisa felt embarrassed. She hadn't thought that such a suggestive moment would be witnessed by Mother Jeon. Even though she hadn't done anything with Jungkook but the suggestive way that they were with each other could bring about a lot of imagination.

Mother Jeon reacted quickly. "Ay, what was it that I was going to say? I forgot. Let me think about it. I'll go and think about it......"

She smiled as she retreated and closed the door behind her.

Mother Jeon was very happy and she returned to her room with a big smile and said to Father Jeon, "I had thought that perhaps Lisa's attitude change toward Kook had other motives."

Father Jeon lifted his brows, "And you changed your opinion now?"

After seeing what she had seen, Mother Jeon was happy. "I feel that perhaps she had merely fallen for Kook."

Lisa's face was burning red after the door had closed. She hadn't expected that Jungkook would be so aggressive and that he didn't even let go even when Mother Jeon saw them.

That made sense. Jungkook had no idea what was shame or embarrassment.

She wanted to look up but Jungkook's large hand was still pressed on the back of her head.

"Jungkook." What Lisa didn't see was that blankness and somewhat greedy look on Jungkook's cold and fair face.

He was frowning and he seemed to be having a difficult time controlling his feelings. "Kiss. More kiss."

Lisa lowered her head again.

Her lips touched his Adam's apple gently over and over again. Little suns appeared one after another over his head and rushed toward Lisa.

The flashy gold light made Lisa narrowed her eyes happily.

Discovering new treasures was her specialty.

It finally stopped after 15 little suns.

Lisa looked up after she was done with harvesting little suns.

She saw that Jungkook's head was pointing upward and his beautiful cherry-blossom eyes, moistened, stared at the ceiling. His hands by his side clutched and released.

His Adam's apple's area itched but all he did was gulped meaninglessly.

His handsome face was red as were his eyelids, even his neck was red and nobody knew whether that was from shyness or his fever.

Feeling that Lisa had stopped, he looked at her and said, "Want more."

Now that Lisa had no use of him anymore, she smiled and said, "Don't be so greedy now."

Jungkook pinched his lips shut and touched where Lisa did with his fingertips. But he didn't feel a thing.

He looked at her blankly and said, "Not enough, I."

Jungkook had no idea what greedy was; he only wanted the comfortable touch from Lisa.

He blinked and his voice was deep and low from the fever. It sounded languid. He acted like a greedy little beast waiting to be fed. "No enough. Want. Want."

Not enough. I want more.

Lisa couldn't help but pinched him on his cheek. "Why are you so greedy?"

Lisa's heart softened when she saw his innocent look. He wasn't asking for something difficult to do. So what if she spoiled him?

She had just lowered her head when Jungkook, seemingly couldn't wait any longer, pressed her head down again.

Unintentionally, the tip of Lisa's tongue touched his Adam's apple.

Jungkook grunted heavily as though he was hurt, feeling uncomfortable, and happy.

Unlike in the past, where little suns would only appear one at a time, this time it was two at a time.

In the blink of an eye, Lisa saw 6 little suns over Jungkook's head and they were still incrementing by 2 every time.

Lisa was baffled.

What did that mean?

Was he twice as happy as he was before? Or that his indicator had been upgraded?

Lisa's eyes beamed. She tried to touch him again with the tip of her tongue and little suns popped out even faster.

Jungkook's neck was beet red. Like a bullied little beast, he grunted nonstop and veins popped up on the back of his hands.

Forced into a corner, the little beast suddenly flipped and pounced.

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