69.Kookie, thank you for hearing me. (1)

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Back to reality, Lisa opened up her eyes slowly.

Before this last trip, she had always viewed these as completing her assignments. She felt that little Jungkook was pitiful and cute and that the whole experience was very noble.

There was a dull feeling in her chest after she returned this time.

She wished that little Jungkook would remember his Sister Angel in the past but, now, she wished that he wouldn't. That way he couldn't count everyday until they meet again.

The night was very quiet.

Lisa turned and looked at Jungkook with his eyes closed. His outline was distinct under the dim light and all of the childishness was gone from his look. The hair over his forehead rested there submissively, as docile as little Jungkook.

She scooted over closer to him.

Lisa reached out stealthily, stroked his hair, and said tenderly, "Sweet dreams, Kookie."

The next day, the sun shined into the room through the floor-to-ceiling window. The light-bJeone colored curtains rustled in the soft breeze.

Jungkook had already gone jogging by the time Lisa woke up. She had never once seen Jungkook sleeping in, or napping. His biological clock was more precise than an alarm clock.

She struggled for quite a while before she finally got out of bed.

Someone knocked on the door at the same time.

Lisa opened up the door. "What's the matter, Aunty Hua?"

Aunty Hua replied, "Madam asked me to have you go downstairs."

Lisa was baffled, "Did she say what it is about?"

Aunty Hua, "The expert that First Young Master had hired for Second Young Master had arrived. Madam wants you to accompany Second Young Master to the hospital."

Lisa knew that Mingyu had mentioned that he was looking for a doctor for Jungkook.

After the few incidents of Mingyu setting up Jungkook back in their childhood, Lisa had a lot of doubts about Mingyu's concern for his brother.

There was a possibility that he did what he did when he was a child because he was envious of Jungkook and wanted to the adults' favorite or that they were just pranks because he had disliked Jungkook. But he had grown into a good big brother who cared about his younger brother.

Nevertheless, Lisa leaned more toward the fact that Mingyu did not just become a good big brother. Instead, he was just putting up a front to fool those around him.

"Okay. I will." Lisa, too, wanted to find out about Jungkook's situation.

Lisa changed into a beige dress. Her skin was lighter now and a sweet color like this looked good on her.

She went downstairs and found Mother Jeon, Mingyu, and Eunha there. Father Jeon had probably left for the office.

Mother Jeon looked like she was in good-spirit today and she said to Lisa, "Ah, you are here. Let's accompany Kook to the hospital together after breakfast. The doctor is already there waiting for him."

She then went on to say that, "Kook resents the hospital quite a bit. You will need to try to talk him into it." Lisa was the only one that he listened to.

Lisa nodded.

She inadvertently glanced over at Eunha and was surprised to see a pimple above her lip and the dark circles under her eyes. She looked like she hadn't been well rested.

Compared to the time when Eunha had 100% of the halo, she was already looking disheveled after losing just 20% of it.

Lisa felt that Eunha would lose her mind if she turned back into how she used to be. She was quite interested for the day to come.

Eunha had been frantic the last few days. She had taken the pendant to be fixed and the crack on the jade had already been filled, leaving no signs that it was one broken.

Nevertheless, she had learned that even with the jade fixed, she was still unable to take the halo back from Lisa.

Looking at Lisa in front of her with her skin becoming better and her features more 3-dimensional, Eunha was very irritated and, at the same time, felt uneasy.

Why was there a crack on her jade and why was it that when the halo returned to Lisa, she wasn't able to take it back again?

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