200.I am Angel Big Sister, I can make any of your wish comes true. (3)

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Lisa reached out to touch his head and straightened out his messy short hair. She spent another 5 little suns in exchange for 5 minutes of a physical form.

Lisa picked up the towel that Jungkook had tossed aside. Turning to her side, she continued to dry his hair for him. "I know you didn't mean for it to happen with your grandmother."

Jungkook lowered his head even more. His lips shut tightly and he looked like a puppy that was confused and at loss after it had done something wrong, longing for its owner to comfort it.

"It's not your fault. Nobody knew that Grandma would have an episode suddenly." Lisa comforted him.

Under her hand, the young man's hair was fine and soft. It felt good on her hand.

Jungkook was silent and his eyes dim.

Lisa slept next to Jungkook that night. He rested his head against her neck. Half asleep, she heard the young man choking back his tears, like a wounded small beast licking its own would by itself.

Lisa woke up slowly and felt heat coming from behind her.

She sensed that something was off.

Lisa turned around and, under the warm yellow glow of the light, she could see that Jungkook had his eyes closed and his cheeks were red. There were low, soft uncomfortable grunting coming from his throat.

She reached out to touch her and he was burning up. "Jungkook, you are running a fever."

Just like how it had happened in the past, Jungkook got sick.

Lisa got up quickly. Spending one little suns in exchange for a minute of time, she quickly pulled out Jungkook's cellphone and phoned Dr. Jin.

It was midnight and Dr. Jin was already in bed. He was a bit dazed when he received the call. He finally woke up fully when the strange but melodious voice informed him that Jungkook was ill.

"I'll head over right now," said Dr. Jin. The person on the other side of the phone hung up the next second.

After Lisa had notified Dr. Jin, she ran over to the bathroom and looked for a clean towel. She wrung it dry, folded it up neatly, and placed it over Jungkook's head.

She heard from Mother Jeon in the past that nobody knew that Jungkook was ill and his fever was so high that he almost suffered damage to his brain.

The coolness on his forehand felt good and Jungkook opened up his eyes blankly.

He could see his favorite Odd Big Sister there in front of him. Jungkook pinched his lips shut tight and, holding Lisa's hand, the whimpering noises coming from him was more obvious.

There were tears at the corners of the young man's eyes. Lisa knew that Jungkook was bothered a lot by his grandmother's death.

It wasn't like he had no feelings at all. He was just slow to react to them was all.

The servant was very surprised when Dr. Jin suddenly showed up at the Lu's place. "It's so late right now. Why are you here, Dr. Jin?"

The servant told him, "Master and Madam are out and not back yet. Are you looking for them?"

Dr. Jin, "No, Jungkook is ill. Didn't you notify me to come over?"

The servant was stunned. "Young Master Jungkook is ill?" She shook her head quickly. "No, we didn't phone you. Were you notified by the Young Master?"

Dr. Jin was mystified. "It was a female's voice over the phone. Well, that's not important. Let me go check on Young Master Jungkook."

Having said that, he hurried upstairs.

The servant looked frightened and quickly followed behind him.

When Dr. Jin arrived at Jungkook's room, he knocked a few times before he pushed the door open and walked inside. He saw Jungkook lying in bed, his face flushed.

Seeing that Dr. Jin was there, Lisa quickly got up and make way for him. "Jungkook, the doctor is here."

Dr. Jin walked forward. "How are you feeling, Young Master Jungkook?" He reached out to touch Jungkook's forehead. He barely touched Jungkook when he jerked away.


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