8.This man is for sure a treasure!! (2)

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Mother Jeon was up early. Lisa found her sitting on the couch when she walked down stairs.

Mother Jeon was an elegant woman. Her curly hair was impeccable and she had a fiery red gem ring on her well-maintained hand, and a glowing, emperor green bracelet on her wrist. She has the temperament of a model upper-class woman.

She was very different than the mother who was frantic about her child yesterday.

Lisa walked over but did not see Jungkook in the living room.

Lisa quickly got into her role. Sitting on the couch kitty corner to Mother Jeon, she said, "Good morning, Mom."

"Oh, you are up. Aunty Hua is preparing breakfast. It will be ready shortly." Mother Jeon was much friendlier toward Lisa after what happened the day before.

Lisa only had two days left to live. Her time was running out. She must stepped up her game in wooing Jungkook.

As she was thinking about that, she got up from where she was sitting and sat down next to Mother Jeon affectionately. "Mom, I want to ask you something."

Lisa had always been pretty and a sweet talker since she was a child and had always been popular among the elderlies. As such, she was not intimidated to interact with the elderlies.

"What is it?" Mother Jeon put down the cup in her hand and was surprised at the way that Lisa was behaving today. She was normally cold and quiet as though she really hated the Jeon family. She had never tried to get close to her like this before.

"I want to ask about Jungkook's preference. What does he like to eat? I want to make something for him." She knew nothing about Jungkook's preference and asking Mother Jeon was her only option.

Mother Jeon was even more surprised after hearing what Lisa had said. She couldn't help but looked over at her. Lisa was smiling at her, looking serious. She was not joking.

She had picked Lisa to marry into the Jeon family not only because she was able to get close to Jungkook, but also because she was very pretty and the two of them made a good-looking couple. Their future children would for sure be very attractive.

Nevertheless, ever since she had married into the family, not only did she look more and more ordinary, she also did not play her part as a wife. She was cold to Jungkook day in and day out. Truth be told, Mother Jeon was quite disappointed in Lisa.

"Why did you want to make him food all of a sudden?" Mother Jeon watched Lisa closely to capture every expression that she may have. "The Jeon family has many chefs. You don't need to go into the kitchen."

Lisa was an observant one. Naturally, she was aware of Mother Jeon's feelings toward her.

She did not give up. Instead, she said, a little shy, "Jungkook was upset at me last night. I want to make him something myself to placate him."

She wasn't lying. The little silly thing was very angry at her sleeping in his bed. She did, however, noticed that the black cloud with lightning above his head had disappeared this morning. He had somehow placated himself.

How cute was that?

Mother Jeon studied Lisa carefully. It didn't look like she was lying to her.

"I don't know whether Jungkook likes sweets," said Lisa in a low voice.

Hearing that, Mother Jeon started to smile. "He likes sweets but he can't have too much of it."

Regardless of what her intention was, Mother Jeon was happy to see that Lisa was willing to try and get close to Jungkook and spend time on him.

Lisa smiled and said, "Oh good. I know how to make this one kind of desserts. I will make sure it's not too overly sweet."

Mother Jeon nodded. "There are many things that Kook can't have and need to watch out for. Just check with Chef Li before you start. He was the one responsible for Kook's everyday diet."

Lisa smiled and said, "That's wonderful. I'll go talk to Chef Li then."

That was when Jungkook, in his red shirt, walked in from the outside. It was early spring and the morning was still chilly. Nevertheless, there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Oh, look at you. You've sweat so much. Hurry up and go change upstairs. You don't want to catch a cold." Mother Jeon walked up anxiously when she saw that Jungkook had returned from his morning exercise.

Jungkook did not react to Mother Jeon's kind words toward hi but walked upstairs by himself.

Seemingly used to it, Mother Jeon looked at the back of her son until he was out of sight before she returned to her seat.

Lisa looked away from her. Even with autism, all mothers love their children.

She suddenly recalled what Lee Know had told her. It had told her that Jungkook's autism was treatable. She wondered if it was right about that.

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