108.Everything will return when she get the halo back. (4)

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When Mother Jeon found out that Lisa would be going with Jungkook to a gathering with his former high school classmates, she wasn't worried at all as the location would be the Oh family's resort. In fact, she was happy about it.

"Are you all packed? Are you missing anything? I can send someone to get them for you."

Mother Jeon mumbled, "The weather seems to be nice for the next couple of days. You guys have fun. I will have the chauffeur drop you off. Call home immediately if anything happens.

Mother Jeon went on to say, "Take the two bodyguards with you. They won't get in your way. Just have them go with the chauffeur."

Lisa agreed to everything patiently.

Watching Lisa took off with Jungkook and how the two walked side by side next to each other, the smile on Mother Jeon thickened.

Eunha, next to her, was so jealous that her heart both ached and felt bitter. She had married into the Jeon family 6 months before Lisa but Mother Jeon never cared as much about her.

She played favoritism.

Would Mother Jeon change her tune toward Lisa if Lisa went back to being mean to Jungkook?

Eunha was deep in thought.

"Eunha, what had been happening to your face lately?" Now that there was nobody else around, Mother Jeon finally asked Eunha about it. She didn't want to hurt her ego.

Eunha was taken aback a little then, forcing a smile on herself, she said, "I used some cosmetics that didn't jive well with my skin and had an allergic reaction. It will recover after a while."

She insisted that her face had an allergic reaction. No matter what others thought, they could only speculate. Nobody would know that there was such thing as halos in this world.

As long as she could rob the halo back, her face and her skin tone would recover.


The Oh's resort was located in City D, the next town over.

Lisa was dozing off in the car. She had gotten up very early that morning and she was sleepy now.

Leaning on the seat in the car, she felt languid and lethargic. She didn't want to move at all.

Contrarily, Jungkook was sitting there properly with his back straight. He was rigid and solemn.

Lisa lowered her head and looked at those two long legs that almost needed to find a place to put them. She saw the new socks that she had bought Jungkook, the red pair with puppy prints, showing from below his pants.

He had secretly put the new socks on.

And, with no expressions on his face, Jungkook looked cool. His image did not jive with his cute and colorful socks.

Lisa couldn't help but chuckled.

Jungkook turned and looked at her blankly.

Jungkook had made marked improvement. He would now react to Lisa's laughter. Unlike in the past, where she would talk to him for a long time before he would give a response.

Lisa's eyes curved. "How are you so cute?"

Jungkook looked quietly at her.

"I'm getting sleepy. Let me lean on you." Having said that, Lisa put her head on Jungkook's shoulder, giving Jungkook, the tool, no chance to object.

Jungkook's shoulder was broad and strong. The solid feeling of it was very different than Lisa's own shoulder.

Lisa squeezed the muscle on Jungkook's arm and said, "You are sitting up too high. This is not comfortable."

Jungkook blinked and bent down a little.

Lisa adjusted her posture and closed her eyes comfortably.

Jungkook dared not move and maintained the same posture the entire way.

The resort was a property under the Oh family. The Oh family had hotels all over the country and they were very well-known.

Nancy knew that her high school classmates were well aware of that and, as such, generously offered to pay for all expenses, – food, room and board – for this gathering.

The classmates were trickling in and Nancy had been there a while ago. She had a private room arranged and Jeonnch was being set up.

Many went up to her, "Nancy, we hadn't seen each other since the college entrance examination. You are getting prettier."

"Will you be staying here long term this time or are you going to study abroad some more?"

"Nancy, I don't think I will ever be able to stay at this hotel if it wasn't for you."

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