27.When he opened up his eyes, the strange big sister was gone. (2)

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When Mother Jeon returned from her gathering that night, she immediately went to visit her son on the second floor.

Aunty Feng reJeonctantly prepared the bath water for little Jungkook. She quickly walked up to Mother Jeon with a smile when she saw Mother Jeon walking inside. "Madam, you are back."

"How's Kook doing today?" Her son was nice and docile and would never cause any trouble. Mother Jeon, however, wished that he could be more active like other kids, even if that means he would get into troubles from time to time.

Seeing that Mother Jeon had returned, Lisa patted little Jungkook next to her and said to him, "Hurry up. Tell your Mommy that this old witch hit you."

Little Jungkook read his book quietly and didn't make a sound.

Lisa leaned into his ear and said fiercely, "Hurry up tall on her, just like big sister had taught you earlier. Tell your Mommy that you were hit."

Little Jungkook's mouth was shut tight. He still didn't make a sound.

"Big Sister is going to bite you on your little ear if you still don't listen to her!" Lisa threatened him fiercely.

Little Jungkook lifted his head and said, "Bite Big Sister, ear."

Mother Jeon, hearing that her son had just said something, was delighted. She walked quickly over. "Kook, what did you just say?"

"Not this one. Tell her that the old witch had hit you." Lisa instructed him again.

Little Jungkook blinked his large eyes. "Hit old witch."

"What?" Mother Jeon didn't understand what her son was trying to tell him.

Aunty Feng, hearing his words, shuddered and she walked up quickly, "Madam, the bath water for young master is ready."

"Wait a minute, Kook is chatting with me." Even just one sentence from her son was more than enough to make Mother Jeon happy. "My nice son, what did you just say? Can you repeat it for me?"

Next to him, Lisa was anxious. She leaned into little Jungkook's ear and teach him word by word. "Kookie, quickly, tell you mother that the old witch had hit you and twisted your ear."

Little Jungkook lowered his head. "Hit me. Old witch. Twist my ear."

The smile on Mother Jeon stiffened a little. "Someone hit you and twisted your ear?"

She wasn't sure if she had heard her son correctly but she quickly went to check his ear. His little ear was white and tender. There were no tears or any markings.

Aunty Feng shuddered and looked at little Jungkook in shock. She couldn't believe that he was telling on her.

Mother Jeon quickly checked the rest of his body but didn't find anything. "Kook, what do you mean by that?" Who would dare to hit him inside the Jeon's residence?

"Aunty Feng." Mother Jeon called out to the maid. "You were the one who was watching after Kook today. Did you ever step away from him?"

Aunty Feng forced a smile onto herself and replied quickly. "Madam, little young master played quietly in his room all day today. I was with him the entire time. Nothing happened."

Lisa only wished she could beat up this old witch right now. What a shameless person. "Kookie, quickly. Say that it was her who hit you."

Little Jungkook was like a broken machine that repeats. "Kook. Hit you."

Mother Jeon, taken aback a little, rubbed her son on his head. "Okay, your bath water had been drawn. Mommy will take Kook for his bath."

Aunty Feng was finally able to relax her body. She found that comical. The little fool had tried to tell on her?

That night.

Little Jungkook changed into his red cartoon pajama after he had bathed.

"Big Sister will help you take care of the bad people tomorrow." He didn't know how to tell on them so she would have to come up with something else.

Little Jungkook laid down and closed his eyes.

His little face appeared even more tender and alabaster under the soft light. His cheeks, with their baby fat, made it look like had had a piece of candy in his mouth. He was soft and cute beyond words.

He was so cute that Lisa couldn't help but leaned down and gave him a peck on his cheek.

A gentle and warm touch. Little Jungkook opened up his eyes and looked at Lisa blankly.

Lisa patted him on his head and said, "Go to bed. Goodnight, Little Kookie."

Little Jungkook closed his eyes once again.

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