167.Mother Jung ripped the box with the little jade stamp inside from Lili. (3)

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Lisa fetched the first aid medicine, applied them to his fingers, and purposefully wrapped his fingers up uglily with gauze to punish him.

Jungkook kept his head lowered. His lips pinched shut. He was obviously unhappy not getting what he had wanted.

Lisa couldn't help but chuckled when she saw the little black clouds popping up above his head.

Placing the first aid kit to one side, she placed her palms on both of his cheeks and lifted his head.

In his dazed look, she leaned into him, her lips touching his and she gave him a gentle bite as a punishment.

Jungkook's eyes lit up. He didn't feel any pain.

Lisa gently touched his lips on and off, teasing him purposefully, watching as one little sun after another popped out from above him.

The touching that was barely there made him long for it. Jungkook didn't understand the concept of longing, he only eagerly hoped that Lisa would kiss him properly and firmly.

He looked at Lisa with desire in his pair of pretty cherry-blossom eyes. He wanted more.

Even after kissing twice, Jungkook's experience was still terribly limited. He had no idea what it meant by taking control and turning the table.

He looked at Lisa earnestly. His body taut. He was somewhere in between excited and feeling terrible. He hoped that Lisa would kiss him more.

"Lili, Lili." Jungkook, couldn't hold it in anymore, called out to Lisa eagerly.

Lisa felt that she was being a bad person. "No rush."

She needed 200 little suns. She must take her time to squeeze them out from Jungkook.

She outlined his upper lip. She must say that Jungkook had very shapely lips. They were soft when she kissed him, and they smelled good.

The 20thlittle sun.

Then she moved onto his lower lip. She even kissed him on the corner of his lips.

The 30thlittle sun.

Jungkook's mouth was like a source of treasures right now and could provide an unlimited supply of little suns. Lisa was worried that where else could she try if this area had dried up?

Lisa dare not think too much about it. She could only hope that Jungkook would not be getting tired of kissing too soon.

Soft and fragrant, Jungkook's eyes were filled with daze and his fondness toward this kind of contact.

The color in his eyes deepened. When Lisa bit him again gently, he shuddered and couldn't help but grunted dully.

The 40thlittle suns.

Jungkook's fingers that had been wrapped uglily by Lisa were clenched tightly. He was becoming greedier and greedier. He wanted more. He wanted Lili to keep on kissing him.

His lips were finally pushed open by Lisa.

The 50thlittle suns.

Jungkook's handsome face turned beet red, as did his eyelids. He gulped and all he could taste with Lili.

He liked this so much. He loved it when Lili kissed him.

The 60thlittle suns.


Lisa did not head over to the Lin's until three days later.

She saw that Mother Lin wasn't looking too well. Her cheeks were pale, as were her lips.

"Ah, you are here, Lali. Have a seat quickly." Mother Jung forced herself to cheer up a little and greeted Lisa.

"Are you ill, Little Aunty?" asked Lisa as she sat down across from Mother Jung.

Mother Jung waved her hand and said feebly, "I haven't been sleeping well lately. I deemed about your parents a lot."

"Oh right. I had you bring with you what they had left behind for you. Did you bring it with?"

Lisa nodded, "I did. What's the matter with it?"

Mother Jung asked anxiously, "Show it to me first."

Lisa pulled out the little box that Mother Jung had given to her a while back.

Mother Jung snatched it out of her hand and quickly opened it up. There was, indeed, the little jade stamp inside of it.

Lisa looked over at the sapphire cup sitting on top of the end table. She saw a white lip print on its rim.

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