101.Lisa realized that even a small beast has wildness inside. (1)

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Eunha narrowed her eyes as she examined Lisa.

Lisa had regained more of her beauty. Looking at Lisa's white and smooth cheeks, Eunha's eyes reddened and ached.

Lisa blinked her eyes innocently. She got closer to Eunha and asked dubiously, "What's up with your face? Your skin had darkened and became rougher. And you have pimples."

Lisa knew exactly where it hurt the most to jab. She said to Eunha everything that Eunha had said to her before.

"Oh, you shut up." Eunha couldn't help but said. She gave Lisa a vicious glare and ran back to her room, crushed.

Lisa's beautiful eyes were smiling at Eunha's back.

Hah! She deserved that!

Inside the room.

Eunha removed her necklace and was so upset that she wanted to throw her necklace away. Her rationality returned, however, and she stopped herself.

If she smashed the jade into pieces, all of the halo would return to Lisa and her beauty would be gone forever.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Half of the halo was gone, along with half of her beauty.

Truth was, she was still pretty compared to her old self. But, once she had possessed what was the very best and been praised by all the others around her, how could she tolerate going back to where she once was?

Eunha recall Lisa's face today. Lisa's beauty had already recovered half way. It was just a matter of time when she regained all of it.

Eunha was so upset. That was to say that everything that she had done in the past was in vain.

Eunha recalled how Lisa was pretty, doted, and surrounded by all the others when she, on the other hand, could only sit in a corner and watch silently in envy. Eunha clutched the jade tightly.

She couldn't allow the dream to come true.

Meanwhile, the room door was pushed open and Mingyu was back.

"Why didn't you go downstairs for dinner?" Mingyu walked over to her. "Are you not feeling well?"

Eunha, with her back to Mingyu, turned around slowly.

Mingyu looked at Eunha's face and said, "Your face......"

First it was her face shape, then it was her eyes, nose, and now even her skin tone and lips had changed.

"What's the matter? How come your look changed so much for no reason lately?" Mingyu found it hard to believe. Something was off.

She was still the same person but Eunha's feature used to be delicate. Now both her features and her skin had became crude.

Eunha was caught off guard by his question. She had the halo before and, under the effect of the halo, she had become prettier and prettier, and nobody thought much about that.

Now that she had lost most of the halo and lost its effects, the change on her looks would attract others' attention.

Eunha bit down on her lip and her eyes moistened.

In the past, that look on her would always make Mingyu's heart ache and throw his arms around her.

Now, her lips were no longer red, pretty, and shaped like cherry and her eyes were also not limpid, bright, and seductive like they once were.

The expression on her no longer looked pretty like it did before.

Mingyu frowned.

Eunha turned her face away slightly. She looked at herself in the mirror and said, "I have used some bad products lately and am having some allergic reactions."

Her face now had become more angular and her features not as delicate. Along with the pimples, it did look like swelling from an allergic reaction.

Mingyu asked caringly, "Have you seen a doctor yet?"

"Yes. The doctor said it is a bit severe and will take a little while to recover." She will need to get the halo back from Lisa during this time.

Mingyu walked over and put his arms around her. "You need to share with me right away when something happens in the future. Don't just keep it all to yourself. I'll be worried."

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