73.The Beautify feature shut itself off all of a sudden. (1)

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Ever since the last time when Lisa received a bunch of little suns, Jungkook never provided her with any new ones when she touched him at the same spot again.

She needed to come up with a new way to have him generate little suns.

Lisa returned to their bedroom holding Jungkook's hand.

She quickly downloaded the Plants v Zombies game. "Jungkook, let me teach you this game."

It didn't matter whether he learned the game or not. Her purpose was not to teach him how to play the game. He only needed to keep popping out little suns like the sun flowers in the game.

Sitting down next to Jungkook with her cellphone in her hand, she pointed the screen at him. "This is the sun flower. Its purpose is to generate little suns and they will serve as energy for the other tools."

Lisa paused all of a sudden. Lisa was just like a sunflower that could produce little suns.

He was providing her with energy.

Lisa gave him a meaningful look. Jungkook's eyes were lowered. He had deep contours and sharp eyebrows, much prettier than a sun flower.

"Look, I plant the seed like this and it will start producing little suns," said Lisa seriously. "Did you see how the little suns pop out?"

Lisa asked tenderly, "You get it now?"

Jungkook looked on expressionlessly. No little suns popped into the indicator above his head like the sun flower in the game.

"Do you feel that the sun flower that can produce little suns is very cute?" Lisa handed her phone over to Jungkook. "Here, you give it a try."

Jungkook blinked and gave Lisa a look. "Childish you."

The game was childish as was she.

Lisa stared at him. "What's so childish about it? The sun flower that can produce little suns is so cute." She tempted him. "If you can produce little suns, you will be cuter than it though."

Jungkook did not respond to that and still nothing inside his indicator.

Lisa was a little discouraged. Earning little suns was harder than earning money.

Lisa showed Jungkook an entire game. She killed off all the zombies and the little suns produced by the sun flower covered the entire screen. Jungkook still did not respond to that.

"One more time?" Lisa suggested.

Jungkook put down the phone and was about to head to the study. It was now time for him to read.

Lisa wasn't going to let him go so easily. She tugged at Jungkook's clothes and, while he was still dazed, pushed him down onto the bed.

Lisa reached her hands over and started tickling Jungkook on both sides. "Laugh."

Jungkook, forced to lay down on his back, looked quietly at Lisa towering over him with his black eyes.

Lisa tickled him gently through his clothes but he did not react to that at all, not even to avoid her.

Was he not ticklish?

Lisa tentatively reached her hands under his clothes. The tips of her fingers touched his slender but strong waist.

She tried again to tickle him.

"Why wouldn't you laugh?" Desperate, Lisa even pinched him a little on his waist.

Jungkook blinked. He continued to look quietly at Lisa while she kept on trying.

Lisa leaned into him, her lips touching his ear.

Ever since she noticed that touching Jungkook's ear would product little suns, she had tried a few more times after that but there were no more little suns. Same with his stomach. She tried touching him a few more times there later on and also no little suns.

Now, she tried doing both at the same time.

She moved her hand from the side of his waist to over his stomach while she gently touch his ear with her lips. She asked him softly, "What about this? Do you like this?"


"Jungkook, why do you have to be so difficult."

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