193.Obviously, Jungkook was upset at Kai. (3)

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"Big Sister Lili, this is my brother. His name is Kim Jeongin." Yeri introduced her brother to Lisa. "Big Brother, this is Big Sister Lili, she is Granduncle's granddaughter, and she came from City B. You need to show us around town and take us to yummy places today."

Kai was fair and have dimples when he smiled. Nevertheless, the way he dressed was very non-mainstream.

He had on a shirt with fringes and a pair of pants with so many holes cut that made one want to pick up a sewing kit and help him sew them back up.

"Hi Big Sister Lili," said Kai in a fawning manner. "Big Sister Lili is so pretty."

"I think you are older than me?" Lisa corrected him. "Perhaps I should refer to you as Brother Jeongin?"

Kai was startled by that. "No no no. I can just call you Big Sister Lili the same way that Yeri does. You can call me Kai."

She was Old Mr. Kim's granddaughter. Her status was very different than those from the side branches.

Lisa smiled at him. She wasn't going to spend too much time on discussing how to refer to each other.

Kai drove a bright red car. It was both eye catching and gaudy.

He quickly opened up the passenger side door for Lisa. "Have a seat, Big Sister Lili."

After Lisa was seated, he even gave her the full service of closing the door for her. He then walked around Yeri and got inside the driver's seat.

"Big Brother, aren't you going to get the car door for me?" Yeri grumbled.

"Do it yourself." Kai, chewing gum, was about to start the car. "Hurry up and get inside. Don't make Big Sister Lili wait for you."

Yeri's eyes widened. Her brother was leaps and bounds ahead of her when it came to fawning.

The car stopped outside an alleyway.

"We are here." Kai parked the car.

"Here?" Yeri felt dubious.

"What do you know?" Kai quickly got out of the car to get the door for Lisa. "Please, Big Sister Lili."

Lisa wasn't sure what to make of that. "You don't need to be this courteous."

"Big Sister Lili, just let him serve you. My brother has thick skin; good for being bossed around." Yeri and her brother bantered with each other all the time.

"She's right, Big Sister Lili. You can call me for whatever you need here in City Nan going forward. I don't have much, but I have a lot of friends."

Kai was a smart one. Old Mr. Ning had just brought his granddaughter back. If they could have a good relationship with her, they would still be ahead of the other side branches.

Lisa told them, "I am only going to be here for a few days."

"Why? Aren't you going to stay at the Kim's?" Yeri called out in surprise.

Lisa smiled and shook her head.

She worried that Jungkook would cry if she spent too much time here.

Kai wisely decided to not continue on that conversation. He quickly led the way. "Big Sister Lili, this way."

Walking through a long alleyway, Kai took Lisa and Yeri to a house with white wall and blue roof.

"This is a member-only place. They are not open to the public. Nobody would even know there are delicacies here unless they are shown by others." Lisa brought the two inside.

Bright green bamboos lined the long and windy corridor. It was particularly poetic with the white wall.

"There aren't a lot of people here." Yeri grumbled.

"What? You think everyone can come here?" Kai wanted to drum her on her head.

Through the hallway and into the lobby, Lisa finally saw servers in cheongsam.

Kai was a regular here and he was able to get them a private room.

"Big Sister Lili, take a look at the menu and see what strike your fancy. I'll order them for you." Sitting next to Lisa, Kai was ready to be at her service.

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