7.This man is for sure a treasure!! (1)

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Lisa now was aware of the benefit of the indicator; she could monitor Jungkook's mood at any given time.

"Starting today, I will be sleeping in the bed." Lisa looked into Jungkook's eyes, who quickly looked down. "With you."

Jungkook's mouth was shut tightly and the black cloud over his head seemed to have grown a little.

Did that mean he was getting more upset?

Some autistic individuals did not like their territory invaded. Jungkook, who had always been sleeping alone, found Lisa's getting close to him difficult to adapt to.

Lisa moved her pillow and gave him most of the room. "Jungkook, my body aches from sleeping on the couch. I don't sleep well at night. I want to sleep in the bed."

As such, she would not budge on this one. She insisted on sleeping on the bed even if it meant Jungkook would be upset.

Jungkook was a handsome man. Even with the black cloud with lightning over his head he was still cute. Lisa wooed him. "We will each take half of the bed. I don't move around a lot when I sleep. You won't even know that I am here."

Jungkook's eyes were lowered and his aura cold. He seemed to be resisting the idea.

He still didn't want to do this?

Lisa blinked and crawled into another bed. The bed was a little on the hard side, not as soft as the one she had in the past. She wiggled around till she was comfortable and said, "I'm going to bed."

Well, if he was not used to it, she'd just have to make him get used to it.

Lisa closed her eyes. She felt that she was being bad, like a bully who was mistreating a nice child.

It was after quite a while before Lisa felt the spot next to her depressed and she could hear the noise of fabric rustling.

She turned and looked.

Jungkook laid down in bed and pulled the blanket over himself. He laid down flat and closed his eyes.

Under the light, his eyes fluttered a little. His eyes were perfectly shaped and his eyelids thin and pretty. The black cloud with lightning above his head remained where it was.

Lisa found that amusing. She decided to let him be for the time being. She can always placate him tomorrow.

She didn't know how much time had passed. It was serene outside the window.

Jungkook opened up his eyes. He could smell a light fragrance coming from next to him. His pretty cherry-blossom eyes glared at the ceiling blankly and he indulged himself in the fragrance. His chest was warm, somewhat ticklish. It was an odd sensation for him.

He liked the fragrance.

Lisa did not see that the black cloud with black cloud with lightning suspended over Lin Hui's head was gone in the middle of the quiet night.

The sun lifted up a corner of the dusky sky and the pieces of golden lights spilled over the window.

Lisa was woken up by the sound of the bathroom door closing. She opened up her eyes and saw Jungkook returning from brushing up. A strand of his hair over his forehead stuck out randomly, making him seem silly.

Jungkook walked over to his closet and opened it up.

Lisa looked over and saw an entire closet full of red clothing with one or two yellow ones among them. Her eyes hurt from that.

Lisa, "... ..."

Exactly how much did he love red?

Nevertheless, she must admit that red looked very good on Jungkook. His skin was fair and red was a good color for him.

Jungkook started unbuttoning his sleepwear with his head lowered.

His fingers were slender and long. When he was slowly unbuttoning his shirt along with his clear and handsome face, he was surely pleasing to the eyes.

Jungkook was topless after he had his sleepwear removed.

Lisa's eyes beamed and she wasn't groggy anymore.

Jungkook looked skinny but he was well-built underneath.

She could see hints of defined muscles even from the side.

Jungkook pulled out a red shirt and pulled it through over his head.

Lisa was not ashamed of her peeking action at all. Not only do men like looking at pretty women with curvy bodies, women enjoyed appreciate men's bodies as well. Jungkook was both handsome and well-built. She couldn't have been more pleased.

Lisa was fully indulging herself when, all of a sudden, Jungkook pulled down his pants. Her eyes followed him and what she saw, covered under the black fabric, was too shocking. She quickly looked away.

It was too early in the morning for something of this magnitude!

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