137.Lili is going to skip his lips again! (1)

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Her hand was smacked away by Jungkook.

He was obviously annoyed. With a man's strength, the back of the female server's hand turned red instantly.

"Scram. Scram. Scram." Jungkook's brows furrowed. On his handsome face was impatience, annoyance, and anger. Angry noises squeezed out of his throat was low and deep.

Jungkook was growling like a little evil dragon right now, looking dangerous.

The female server's hand, when smacked away, slammed against the glass end table. It hurt so much that she almost started crying.

Nevertheless, she still didn't want to give up on this opportunity.

Looking at Jungkook's face getting redder and redder, she was secretly delighted. He didn't want her now, but he would be hugging her proactively in just a little while.

Jungkook disliked the person, and he disliked the smell. He rushed to get up and wanted to leave this place.

Seeing that Jungkook was about to leave, the female server reached out to grab his clothes. Jungkook swiped off the wine glasses on the end table and there was anger in his pretty cherry-blossom eyes. "Scram you. Scram you."

The red wine poured directly onto the face of the female server who had yet been able to get up. The wine glasses too, fell onto the marble floor and made a loud noise.

The female server's hair and face were covered in red wine, and she had to close her eyes immediately to stop the wine from getting into her eyes. She looked very embarrassed. All of her seductiveness from earlier was gone.

The door opened all of a sudden.

The female server half crouching in front of the couch opened up a crack in her eyes and she saw an aqua blue silhouette coming inside.

Under the light from the hallway, the woman coming in had fair skin, delicate features, and was very pretty.

The female server watched as Jungkook, who was just mean to her a while ago and refused to even look at her, walked quickly toward that woman. His head lowered and he snuggled up against her. He held onto her wrist helplessly, looking very dependent on her.

Holding Lisa's hand, Jungkook was a bit nervous and frantic, "Hate her, me."

His voice low, he told Lisa, "Mad, me."

That woman was annoying, and I am mad.

Lisa looked at the indicator above Jungkook's head and in there were three black clouds with lighting.

He was truly very, very angry.

"Alright, I know." Lisa comforted him. "Don't be mad, little Kookie. I'll teach the bad woman a lesson for you."

Jungkook pinched his lips shut and one of the little black clouds was gone.

He was less upset now.

Lisa looked at the female server half-squatting on the floor covered in red wine in an embarrassing way. That, along with the strong fragrance in the room, it was not difficult to figure out what was going on.

Lisa looked at the female server from above. "Eunha needs work with her eyes. Was the purpose to insult Jungkook or me by sending someone like you?"

The female server's body shook. She was both shocked and insulted.

She thought when the woman entered into a scene like this, she would, at the very minimum, lose control and make inquiries.

But none of those had happened. Instead, the woman merely looked at her from high above in a contemptuous way. Or that the woman never saw her as anything worthy of her attention.

The female server felt greatly insulted.

Lisa looked away and walked out of the fragrant room with Jungkook in tow.

"Take that woman out and wake her up with some cold water somewhere. Find out what was going on from her. And take pictures of the room as evidence." Lisa's voice was cold.

The bodyguard knew that he had let his guard down and allowed the woman an opportunity pretending to be a hotel worker.

He should have waited nearby even if the woman was someone sent by Lisa to take care of Jungkook.

"Yes, Second Young Madam." The tall bodyguard looked ashamed of himself.

He had made a mistake, but Lisa did not question him right away. Instead, she had given him the opportunity to make up for his mistake. The bodyguard was determined that he must get down to the bottom of this to make up for his mistake.

"Don't startle anyone else and start from Eunha." Lisa left with Jungkook after the last thing that she said.

She wanted to see what else did Eunha had up her sleeves.

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