46."Do you want to be my boyfriend?" (3)

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Next to her, Lisa was so startled that her chin had fell off her palm and she almost fall down entirely.

Kids matured so early nowadays?

She quickly leaned into little Jungkook's ear. "No, you can't accept that. You are still a kid, you need to study hard and not think about anything else."

Lisa told him, "A student must study hard. Kookie should not be in a relationship until you are attending university."

She thought about it some then changed her tune selfishly. "You should focus on your school work even when you are attending university."

She didn't want little Jungkook to be experienced in relationships.

Little Jungkook's lowered eyelids fJeonttered some. He then looked up at the little girl and said to her, "Not like."

The little girl seemed to be shocked. She stomped her feet and said angrily, "Then I won't like you from now on either. Nor will I go and save you. I won't help you even when you are bullied."

Having said that, the little girl ran back to her own seat.

Lisa felt that kids nowadays matured so early. When she was going to grade school, all she thought about all day long was which pretty dress to wear every day and what to eat for dessert.

"Kookie, you can be good friends with that little girl but not......" Meeting little Jungkook's blank look, Lisa gave up on explaining. Never mind, what would this silly little thing know?

Mother Jeon came when school was out.

She had on a delicate matching set. On the top was a light blue suit jacket and matching a matching skirt on the bottom. She was poised and elegant. Her being there attracted the attention of many students and other parents.

Mother Jeon got inside the car with little Jungkook and Mingyu. Lisa went through the car again and sat in the passenger seat.

She turned to look at Mother Jeon and noticed that she didn't look any different from usual. Did the teacher not tell her that little Jungkook was locked up in the bathroom?

Lisa frowned. Or that he hadn't gotten around to telling her yet?

After they had returned to the Jeon's residence, little Jungkook went upstairs quietly with his backpack on his back, completely ignoring Mother Jeon's caring look.

Mingyu, on the other hand, told Mother Jeon politely that he was going to return to his room and work on his homework assignments.

"Wait." Mother Jeon stopped Mingyu. "Your father and I are attending a old grandpa's birthday banquet tonight. We already have your clothes ready for you in the bedroom. We will take you with us tonight."

Mingyu looked very happy. He asked in a very mature way, "What about little brother? Will he be coming with?"

Mother Jeon sighed. "Your little brother doesn't like going places with a lot of people."

"Okay, I will go change now." Mingyu's voice sounded light and brisk.

"Okay, you go."

Lisa saw Mother Jeon turning and telling the butler about preparing dinner for little Jungkook.

They weren't going to bring little Jungkook with?

Lisa knew that little Jungkook would be frightened and lose control of himself when going places where there were a lot of people. It was best to have him stay home.

Nevertheless, she felt an inexplicable heartache.

Lisa went upstairs but she didn't see little Jungkook when she went inside his room.

"Kookie?" Didn't he return to his room?

Lisa looked inside the bathroom and the patio. There was nobody there. Nor was he in the hallway, home theater, or study.

Was the little kid hiding?

Finally, Lisa returned to his room again. As soon as she sat down on the chair, she happened to notice a corner of his cloth sticking out of the closet. There was a small cartoon drawing on it. It was the same one that little Jungkook was wearing today.

Lisa walked over and stood in front of the closet. She recalled Mother Jeon had mentioned that there was one day when she suddenly couldn't find Jungkook and only later on did she find him hiding inside the closet and refused to come out.

Lisa tightened her lips.

She opened up the closet door reflexively.

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