189.Lili was bad. Liar. Abandoned him. (3)

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The younger generations from the side branches needed to fawn over Old Mr. Kim but Miss Kim was not the same. All she needed to do was to smile and Old Mr. Kim would want to give her the stars and the moon.

"Right, Lali is not the same as them." Old Mr. Kim, cane in hand, looked very delighted. "Have them prepare the car. We will head over to the Jeon family right now."

"Mr. Kim, you take your medicines first. I'll have them prepare the car for you."

"I feel fine today. I don't need medications."

The butler felt helpless. "Mr. Kim, the doctor told me that I must make sure you take your medicines."

"Lao Jiang, since when did you become so naggy? You are naggier than an old man like me......"

Over at the Jeon family, both Mother Jeon and Father Jeon were there. Father Jeon waited at home for the result instead of going into the office.

Lisa, as the person in question, was much more relaxed. She knew the answer already. Knowing that Eunha had, in the past, tried to replace as has the Kim family's granddaughter, Eunha must know something.

By the same token, Eunha's actions clearly indicated that Lisa was Old Mr. Kim's granddaughter.

"Master, Madam, Old Mr. Kim is here." The butler came over quickly to inform them.

Father and Mother Jeon both stood up. They already knew the answer from the happy look on Old Mr. Kim.

"Old Mr. Kim, you received the DNA test result?" asked Father Jeon.

"Yes, I did." Old Mr. Kim had the butler handed the DNA test result over to Lisa.

The way he looked at Lisa had an added sense of cautiousness. This was the granddaughter that he had spent most of his life trying to locate.

Lisa took a few looks at it. Then, looking up, she looked into Old Mr. Kim's nervous and anticipating look. His hand that was holding onto the cane continued to tighten.

Lisa thought about it some and she called out softly, "Grandpa."

Old Mr. Kim was stunned on the spot. A man, who had experienced so much his entire life, almost couldn't resist this greeting. The corners of his eyes moistened immediately.

Looking at Old Mr. Kim's watery eyes, Lisa was somewhat shocked and someone understanding. She called out to him again, "Grandpa."

Old Mr. Kim wasn't worried about being embarrassed at all. He wiped away his tears with his sleeve directly. "Good. Good. Good."

Standing next to them, the butler's eyes also reddened. He knew how long Old Mr. Kim had suffered. Now he was finally no longer alone.

Old Mr. Kim finally calmed himself down after a long while. "I want to bring Lali home with me. I had looked for her for so long. She should know where her home is."

Mother Jeon had a bad feeling and she said quickly, "Lali has already married into the Jeon's......"

Before she could even finish talking, Father Jeon, sitting next to her, had reached out and placed his hand over hers to stop her from going on. "What Old Mr. Kim meant was to have his granddaughter go and stay with him for a little while. Don't worry. Lisa will be back."

Mother Jeon noticed that she had overacted. Letting out a deep breath, she said, "You are right. Lali had just found her grandpa. She should go home for a little while."

Old Mr. Kim turned and asked Lisa, "What are your thoughts on it? Would you like to come home with me? I want to take you to visit your grandmother. I am sure that will make her happy. I also want to announce your identity publicly and let everyone know that you are a daughter of the Kim family."

Looking at the eagerness and anticipation on Old Mr. Kim, Lisa knew that now that she had found her family, she would return for a little while. She should spend some time with the old man who had not had any family members for tens of years.

Lisa nodded.

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