71.Kookie, thank you for hearing me. (3)

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Lisa looked at Eunha calmly, almost somewhat cold, and said to her, "The doctor's diagnosis is not even out yet. How are you so sure that his condition had been getting worse. Or, are you telling me that you can see into the future?"

Eunha was stunned by the coldness in Lisa's eyes. She recalled her dream and was frantic. She explained herself, "You used to share your worries with me. I care about you is all. If you don't want to hear what I have to say, I'll just keep my mouth shut."

Lisa was blunt. "You are not worried about me. You just wanted to listen to me gripe and make fun of my misfortune. Eunha, stop treating others like they are fools."

Eunha was taken aback a little. She had never seen Lisa being so aggressive in the past.

She wanted to explain herself.

Lisa cut her off. "We are at a hospital. Can you keep your mouth shut?"

"You......" Eunha walked away with her face beet red. Whether it was from anger or embarrassment, only she would know.

Lisa hrumphed and summoned Lee Know. "I still have three little suns. Give me 3 more percent of my halo."

Lee Know's happiest time was when Lisa trade in her little suns. [Yes, Host.] With her 20% from before and 3 more percent right now, she had taken back a total of 23% of her halo now.

Lee Know had told her in the past that the halo she had gotten back through spending little suns could not be taken away from her again by Eunha.

That was the reason why Eunha wasn't able to take away Lisa's halo again, even after she had her jade fixed.

The second that the exchange took place, Lisa could see that her skin tone was another shade lighter. But the amount was less than before; as such, the result wasn't as obvious.

Eunha, who had walked back over to Mingyu, still had anger in her eyes. Not only was Lisa's attitude toward her changed completely, Lisa was also antagonizing her all the time and her words were blunt.

"What's the matter?" Mingyu noticed that his wife looked off.

Eunha bit her lip and said, "I guess Lali is anxious and isn't in a good mood. I was trying to comfort her earlier and she snapped at me."

Mingyu frowned. "She bullied you when you when you were concerned about her? You just might be doing yourself a disfavor for being such a nice person."

Eunha smiled shyly. "It's not a big deal."

Mingyu patted her on her head in a doting way. "I'll feel bad about it." Granted, that was part of the reason that he had fallen for her.

Eunha blushed even more.

"Your eyes......" In that very instant, Mingyu thought there was something wrong with his eyes.

With a shy look, Eunha asked, "What about my eyes?" She looked at him and blinked.

Ever since she had stolen Lisa's halo, her fair skin wasn't the only thing that she was happy about. There were also her eyes.

Back at the Lin family, she had always been envious of Lisa's natural-born beautiful pair of limpid eyes. They were big and bright and, when she smiled and her brows and eyes curved, they looked like they had stardust in them.

When Lisa cried and tears welled up in her eyes, it made others wanted to drown in her tears.

Eunha dreamed about having a pair of eyes that resembled Lisa's and her wish had come true.

Although her eyes were still not as pretty as Lisa's but, under the effect of the halo, her eyes were now almond-shaped. They were limpid and pretty.

Even Mingyu loved to kiss her on her eyes when he was feeling affectionate.

Mingyu frowned and felt that he was hallucinating.

Eunha's original eyes were spiritual and limpid so why was it that they looked so ordinary all of a sudden?

Being looked at by Mingyu so lovingly, Eunha blushed and said tenderly, "Don't keep staring at me like that."

Mingyu looked away and, not giving anything away, said, "The doctor's here."

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