The Set Up

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V had been very irritated the past couple of days. N met that new purple worker drone, and he practically spends all his time with her now. This made the female murder drone create a horrible churn in her stomach. She was pretty sure N really liked Uzi as more than a friend. V remembered when it was just her, N, J, and Cyn back when they too were worker drones serving for the Elliot Manner. It was such simple times back then. They had a schedule, a regiment. V could in a sense be on auto pilot. She remembers how she would daydream about her and N dancing at the gala together. But alas, that never happened. They were turned into murder drones, affected by the absolute solver, sent to Copper-9, and now they kill what they used to be. Not even having a proper schedule either, she just killed whenever she was hungry. V's thoughts were interrupted as she heard two voices from outside slowly making their way into the pod. V just turned the chair around facing the corner and ignored the two drones in love.

"N, we need to figure out more about this stupid solver thing. Not to mention if my mother had it, are there others who have it as well?" The purple-haired drone asked. N, simply just standing next to her, shrugged his shoulders and walked to the pilot chair next to V, sitting down.

"Uzi, I understand why we need to figure this out, but let's relax. You had a hard day at school right? Then come hang out with V and I! We can all watch some of that...animoo? You know those animation shows you were talking about!" N giggled and bumped V's arm. V gave him a glare and kept looking into the corner. Uzi noticed this and slightly backed up.

"Anime, N. And I have some files on here that you can watch them on, but I'm kind of tired so I think I'm going to head back to the bunker. Besides, Thad and I need to meet for a group project before I can get some rest, I need to work on my new railgun, and yeah. So I'll see you in a little while, yeah?" The purple drone asked with a small smile and scratching the back of her head. N's reaction became sad but he understood that Uzi was busy. She couldn't just drop everything to hang out with them.

"Alright! I understand! Oh, and Uzi...tell me what happens with Thad! Okay?" N chuckled while giving her a wink. This caught V's attention, what did the little purple freak have to do with Thad? Wasn't he that other worker drone they saw once? Maybe he too was affected by the solver and Uzi is trying to get more answers. However, V only put her thoughts in that direction, not really understanding fully what was going on. She just wanted the two love birds to finish their conversation so she could go back to her room and sulk. V looked back at Uzi in shock to see the smaller drones visor turn bright purple and blush.

"BITE ME!" Uzi yelled giving N the middle finger then climbing out of the pod to go and run back to the bunker.

N and V sat in silence for awhile before V got up and started to walk to her room. She remembered when she used to be able to talk to J about how she felt with N. But considering that J was no longer alive, she had no one to talk to. She felt alone, she wasn't able to express how she felt, and all of that was because of that purple worker drone that N sided with. For that, V sort of resented Uzi. She felt as though Uzi took everything away from her, sort of how when they worked at the Manner, Cyn kept stealing N's attention. However, the two murder drones had their little reading times before they went to bed at the manner, learning new facts about golden retrievers. This made V smile at the memory.

"V? Can we talk?" N's voice suddenly made its way to V's audio sensors, and she stopped for a moment, her back to the male murder drone. She slowly turned around to see N's visor slightly blushing,

"About what, idiot?" V slightly flinched when she said that. Why did she say that? Why was she like this? She was nicer when she was a worker drone. Sometimes V wished she stayed a worker drone, so she wouldn't have to feel the things she felt now.

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