Solace Pt. 1

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A/N: Request from @BrianGeller N x Alice.  I am working on everyone's requests and they are in the process of being written.  Please know I appreciate everyone's patience! This is one of two parts.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

Alice stood outside of the colony, taking a deep breath, she carried her backpack full of things from the labs, along with Beau asleep in her arms. After everything was figured out with the solver, and there was no longer a threat, Alice was found by Khan when the WDF went to do some investigations. He invited her to move into the colony and do some lab work in a better environment.

Walking up to the colony doors, she didn't even need to knock when they were suddenly opened, making her jump. Khan was met with her confused yet slightly grateful face, he led her and Beau in, getting them settled in. They set her up in an apartment dorm attached to a lab she could work in. Setting Beau down in a temporary cradle, she walked over to a certain male murder drone who was helping her set up, N.

N had been through some shit, while everyone else got a happy ending of some kind, hell, even Khan got Nori back by attaching her core to another worker's body, he had no one. V was killed by the sentinels, and Uzi had sacrificed herself to the solver. He was in a slump, he felt as if his entire being, purpose, and overall robotic life was destroyed. He had...nothing. There was no point. The only thing left behind was the colony, so the least he could do was try to help the workers out.

N had just finished moving in some boxes of lab equipment when Alice walked up to him, they both remembered one another, while on awkward terms, they both understood one another's situation, creating a peace and a truce.

" uh, it was N, right?" She asked him, making him turn around, facing her.

"Oh uh, yeah. I heard from Mr. Uz-" He stopped, optics hollowing before realizing his mistake. It made him feel a pain in his core before quickly shaking it off. "Mr. Doorman, that you were Alice, right? Apparently, you worked with Yeva and Nori?"

"Yes, that's correct. I mainly worked in lab while Yeva and Nori were in experimentation, but we worked in the same sectors." She replied, trying to not get too into her science talk.

"Right, anyways, did you need something?"

"Oh, yes! I was wondering if Beau's new worker unit was here yet. If so, I was going to get started on it." Looking over at a box, N sat it up on a table and opened it, revealing a worker body for about a young teen drone. Alice smiled a little, small little tears coming out of the side of her optics, she wiped her visor.

"Are you okay...Alice?" N asked her, noticing the tears.

"I'm fine. Beau's just grown up really fast. I remember when I first found him as a small child. I would have at least put him in a toddler unit for more mobility but...we were trapped by the sentinels and there wasn't a whole ton down there. I'm proud of him, I just hope he doesn't hate me for not upgrading him sooner." Alice spoke, she felt a hand land on her shoulder and found N smiling lightly at her.

"I don't think he hates you; I think the little buddy will be more excited than anything, along with making friends his age too. I'm sure he knows that you did all you can, and he still has you, someone who was willing to step up as a mother figure to him and not just leaving him to the sentinels." The mad scientist worker cried a little and laughed.

"Thank you, N. I really do appreciate it. I'm sorry about your friends...V and Uzi, was it? If you need anything or just want someone to talk to, I'm here. I wouldn't mind the company." It was true, considering Alice had been down there for so long and Beau couldn't talk verbally, hearing another voice provided a comfort to her.

"Actually...if you need some help around the lab or something...maybe I could come by and help out regularly?" He asked her, she smiled and nodded; she then began to take Beau's new worker unit out of the box and over to her lab table.

"How about you come help me out with this then, yeah?" N's visor seemed to light up, for once he let out a small genuine smile, something he hadn't felt in a long time. He felt his core warm up a little, but figured it was just from the excitement.

A couple of hours passed, N and Alice put Beaus new worker unit together one by one, the mad scientist worker checking on her son in his temporary cradle form time to time. Beau had been dramatically scared by the whole situation, making him sleepless for a long time. It was only natural that as a result he would sleep for a longer period of time as of now given the circumstances.

They eventually finished and the new worker unit was assembled.

"You know, for a DIS-assembly drone, you can build pretty well." She joked, N's visor came out with a small blush and he himself let out a bit of a chuckle at the pun.

Alice looked over the worker unit one more time, it essentially looked similar to Thad's design, but a bit smaller due to Beau only being about thirteen, brown hair, and a blue sports shirt with dark green shorts. She let out a shaky breath, turning around to retrieve the sleeping pill baby. Linking up the wires, Alice turned on the machine, and began the uploads of Beau's consciousness from his previous form, to his new worker body.

Installing his new storage chip in the back of his neck, and a new core in his chest, the process was finished. Beau had officially been transferred over, making Alice smile in the new life she could give him. N hugged her from behind, not in a lustful way, but as a hug of support, letting her know it would be alright. They sat next to him; it hadn't even been half an hour until the younger worker had woken up.

"M...Mom?" Beau spoke for the first time, Alice began to sob, putting her arms around her son.

"Oh, Beau! I'm so happy it worked!" She spoke, her son looked down at his new hands, and it occurred to him what had happened. He stumbled a little at first, but he jumped in excitement and began to run around, laughing.

Alice and the male murder drone smiled at the younger worker laughing and playing, running around. Khan offered to watch him for a bit back at his place to let Alice finish unpacking, which she took advantage of.

N stayed to help her out, she kept telling him he didn't have to do so much, N only kept shaking his head and insisting he help out. She noticed something though.

Those are some really heavy eyebags he's got...when's the last time he slept?

The mad scientist worker noticed the digital eyebags, multiple lines under his optics. It was obvious N hadn't slept for a while...or even a couple of days. She walked over to her couch and slumped back, letting out a sigh of content at the plush furniture.

"N...come here." Alice spoke requesting of him. The male murder drone was in the kitchen across from her putting some dishes up but walked over to her with a questioning look on his face.

"Everything okay?"

"Sit down and put your head on my lap. I can tell you haven't slept. It's okay N, you're safe here." Not sugar coating anything, her words left him in shock. He had a few tears come out along with biting his lip, but only nodded in agreement, doing as she said. He laid his body down on the couch, his head in her lap. She began to play with and stroke his hair, lulling him and herself to sleep.

Khan came back later to find the sight of the two drones, and he smiled. He carried a now tuckered out Beau in his arms, taking him to his new room and setting him on his new bed that was no longer a cradle. Before leaving the place, he glanced back at the two workers on the couch one last time.

I'm sorry what happened to you and my daughter, but I hope you can find some solace and peace someday, I know Uzi would want that for you, young man.

With those thoughts and hopes in mind, he shut their lights off for the night, returning to his own residence.

Word Count: 1465 words. 

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