My Dear N

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A/N: Request from @BrianGeller Yandere Doll x N.  Requests are still open, if you have any ideas/ships you want to be seen written out let me know in the first chapter of this book.  If you have any other ideas/ships you may want to see EVENTUALLY please comment them in this chapter.  I'll try to get another request out later but I need to take care of some stuff IRL first.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

She laughed as she walked up to the now dead female murder drone. Walking up to view her accomplishment, Doll couldn't help but develop V's same psychotic smile that she practiced so long in the mirror for all those long hours as she waited.

V's core had been stabbed with a signature knife Doll used during the Promening. The female murder drone tried to fight back, but considering her core was her resource to regenerate, she simply didn't have enough time, leading to her death.

"Such a clear shot, huh V? Two birds and one stone, I get to kill you to avenge my family, and your limbs. Oh, and I guess your oil will make a nice meal as well! Three stones! Heh..." Doll spoke as she broke into a fit of chaotic laughter. It was cold, harsh, and venomous.

All that could be heard after her fit of laughter was the breaking of V's limbs, as Doll bit into the handle of another knife she had, tearing off her own limbs to be replaced. Upgrades was just the first step of Doll's plan, and to kill V so she could get to N...N. Her precious N. The male murder drone was so alluring to her. She couldn't get him out of her head. It was like a virus that couldn't be taken down so easily. It made her become...sick in the head.

Now to take care of that bitch Uzi...N my dear~, I'm coming for you, I'll save you from her grasp she keeps you in. I'll make you mine~!

Doll laughed as she used her new disassembly upgrades to sprout her solver wings, covered in human blood and organic matter. She laughed all the way as she flew to the landing pod, but soon became quiet when entering. Taking a small little smoke grenade with a sleep aid inside out of her pocket, she could hear N and Uzi in a very...somewhat physical activity. The purple thing was in his lap, making out messily, both of them moaning and groaning.

Grinding on MY N?! Disgusting!

"Mhn...N? When is V coming back to join us?" The purple worker asked, leaning her head back as N attacked her neck. The three drones had been in a relationship for awhile and just recently decided to get a little more...physical regarding some sexual activities.

"I think she'll be here from her hunting soon, then we can satisfy you Biscuit~." N moaned as he went further, kissing her core and sliding a hand up her shirt.

Uzi arched her back from the touch, both drones were to busy to notice Doll releasing the grenade and rolling it onto the floor, the two were soon surrounded by smoke. Before they could realize what was going on, their systems immediately succumbed to sleep. Doll began to laugh frantically once again, and approached with some thoughts in mind.

N was tied to a chair, waking up in the middle of a dark room. In front of him was Uzi on the ground tied up. She was crying, digital tears rolling out of her visor. N wanted to call out to her, he tried, but his mouth was sealed with duct tape. A tail with a sentinel's head wrapped around Uzi from the shadows and picked her up. Uzi screamed, thrashing about, but Doll came out of the shadows.

N's optics hollowed at Doll's upgrades, her limbs had the same little dents and scratches as V's did, making him realize where V was. She was dead, and Uzi was next, then possibly him to.

"N~. My dear, I'll free you from this nightmare, I'll make you so, so happy. We just need to do some things first so we can live happily. I'll do anything for you! Even-" Doll paused before picking Uzi up a little more with her tail, N would hear Uzi crying and begging for Doll to not hurt her or N. The male murder drone screamed to the purple worker through the duct tape, but it was no use. "This!" Doll finally said, taking out her arm blade upgrade and decapitating Uzi.

"Uphzi! Npho! MMM!" N screamed in anger, he tried to take out his wings, but realized the additions were no longer on there. Seems like Doll got rid of them. He began to cry, his girlfriends, the loves of his life, were gone.

N gasped waking up, for a split second thinking it was a dream. He let out a small chuckle and tried to get up, only to find himself tied to the same chair. He just didn't have tape over his mouth now. Slowly, he heard some small giggling, Doll coming up to him in her new Disassembly form, wings and all, except it seems somehow in the process she neglected to put on any clothes. Her arms were held together by her hands behind her back as she stared at N lovingly.

N on the other hand freaked out, even blushing a little considering she was completely naked in front of him. But he realized what he had seen wasn't a dream, and as that realization occurred, both V and Uzi's heads were rolled out into the light on the floor.

"Now it's just us darling! For all eternity!" Doll said, creeping up to N and cupping his face.

"What have you done? WHY? Why did you take them away from me! I'm...I'm alone again..." N tried to thrash around, but Doll wasn't having any of it, and sat in his lap. He tried to get her off of him, but considering how constricted he was, it was no use. Especially with her new...or more or so V's Disassembly form.

"No! I did this for us N! Don't you see? You're not alone, you have me~. I'm the person who will always be by your side, I'll never leave you, hurt you, shoot you...unless you're into that." Doll said, running two fingers in a play manner along his chest. She slid his coat off a little and connected her bare chest with his.

N wanted to fight back, he really did, but once Doll said that, there was something wrong with N's systems. He glitched out a little, becoming in a daze. He was desperate for someone to love him, show him affection. V and Uzi provided that but they were gone. While Doll did kill them...he didn't want to be alone. So, with a hesitant act. N kissed Doll, digital tears rolling down his visor, knowing his fate was sealed.

Doll had won, he was her plaything. Forever.

Word Count: 1163 words.

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