Second Chance Pt. 4 (finale)

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A/N: Request from @BrianGeller Doll x N.  This is part four of four parts.  If this one gets enough  reads I may do a mini series continuing something similar to this in this manner but you guys let me know what you think.  Also sorry this one is kind of short.  Anyways enjoy the fic!

"Ronnie! Neo! Stop arguing with your father! You're going to school today and that's that!" Doll scolded her two children. Ronnie, the eldest, was a girl, with long hair like Doll's but silver like N's, her optics as white as the clouds. Meanwhile she took after her mother, wearing a cheer uniform, currently in high school. On the other hand, Neo, was only a couple of years younger, in middle school, currently developed an interest in technology. He wore a smaller coat like N's, but his hair was short and dark blue like Doll's hair, his optics also red. One thing however both of the siblings had in common, was the injectors their tails carried.

Currently, the two siblings were arguing with their father about going to school since they both had tests that day, N had tried to reason with them but they both just pouted and left their residence. He breathed a sigh of somewhat relief and looked to Doll, his wife.

"Well, they sure are energetic today." The male murder drone spoke and kissed his wife on the temple. Doll giggled.

"Hard to believe it's been sixteen years already..." Doll trailed off, her husband agreeing with her. She was happy with the family they created, she knew her mother Yeva would be proud of what she managed to do. "Do you need to go to work?"

"Yeah, their doing construction on some apartment buildings outside of the colony, they finally want to try extending outside of the bunker."

"That's think Neo will try to jump start a car?" The red worker asked, a little concerned, however this just made N chuckle.

"Oh, he probably will. Not to mention Ronnie is going to be all over the contracts. Why do our kids have such weird hobbies?" Her husband inquired, however Doll rolled her optics and looked at him.

"Serial Designation N, you're literally a murder drone, and we killed an Eldridge monster Cyn thing like twenty years ago that Uzi and I were possessed by. Need I say more?" However, N just shook his head and kissed her goodbye before heading out the door himself.

Doll walked to her bedroom gathering her things, ready to go to her little office job as well. While getting ready, she stopped, looking at a picture of her mother, father, and herself when she was younger. It made her core hurt to know her mother was gone, but so much had happened, she even forgave V for the whole killing her family thing. They didn't know any better at the time, so why hold grudges?

Mom, Dad, if you can see us now, please know we're okay. I'm sure Ronnie and Neo would have loved to meet you.

With that, she walked out of the door.

Later that evening Ronnie had just left cheerleading practice and saw that the middle school sector had been getting out around the same time. She went over to see her brother talking with some of his friends. Coming up behind him, she put him in a headlock while furiously rubbing his head.

"Hey squirt!" Ronnie laughed and Neo just whined, pushing her off of him. He bid his friends farewell and began to walk with his older sister.

"We still doing this? Did Aunt Uzi and Uncle Thad get everything?" Neo asked, his sister nodded.

"They managed to get the decorations we needed and we just need to put them up. Let's go to the store and pick up the cake." Ronnie replied and her brother tagged along. They got the cake, went back to their residence and put up the streamers. Afterwards, Doll and N both came through the door, turning the lights on. Soon enough they heard both of their kid's screech. "Happy Anniversary!"

Doll and N sat there shocked, they looked at one another, then back to their kids in confusion. Ronnie saw this and explained.

"We talked to Aunt Uzi and she said this was the day you guys decided to be together after prom. We wanted to do something special for you, just as a little reminder that we love you and all that. It's not much, but we just wanted to express we appreciate you guys."

"Yeah, what she said." Neo went up to his sister, they all laughed at his comment.

"Kids..." N trailed off, he was a proud father in that moment, while Doll covered her mouth and tried not to cry. They all went and hugged one another, celebrating for the night.

Afterwards, everyone went to their rooms for the night, Doll and N were in bed together. What started out as some sweet cuddles turned into a full blown make out session, N currently marking his wife's neck, lost in ecstasy. Unfortunately, that didn't last very long.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The two lovers got off of one another and fixed themselves up before Doll said something

"Come in."

"M-mom? Dad? Something-ss-s w-wrong with m-mmeee?!" Neo held his hand over one of his optics while stumbling into the room, his voice glitching out. Both parents optics widened before Doll was the first one to shoot out of bed and kneel down to his to see what was the matter.

Laid out before her, Neo's optical was covered by the solver symbol.

Word Count: 928 words. 

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