Movie Night

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A/N: Okay, so this and the next few stories will be fluff just because it will be  a nice pallet cleanser.  Also thank you to those who are reading my cursed stories, I am quite aware of it but still, thank you for entertaining the idea and reading them lol.  They will also be kind of shorter than the other stories I have written, mainly they are sort of just confession stories, maybe a little bit of angst, but mostly just comfort and stuff like that.  Enjoy the story!

N was a pretty clingy enough drone before he met Uzi, the attention was what got him. That first little spark of contact. When he and the other two female murder drones crashed onto Copper-9, V and J made sure to keep their distance. They thought that if they stayed away long enough, N would essentially become like them, only focused on the job and nothing more. But if anything, it just made his situation worse.

However, this all changed due to one little worker drone. When N first met Uzi, he wanted to kill her to prevent killing V with the railgun. But in N's mind now, he wouldn't really care if V was dead, like J. He had Uzi now, for some reason, N felt overly attached to her, he wasn't sure why but he just was. The first time they hung out, N had made a small pun about the snow, which made Uzi giggle a little, and fell into a small laughing fit so much she had to grip N's shoulder to keep her stance. This made N's visor blush, his core whirl, and it seemed as if his sentience had grown significant feelings towards that purple drone.

N figured out what his problem was after a little bit of thinking. Despite V and J's persistence that N was useless and an idiot, he could analyze situations carefully, and even think of some plans whenever he used to go hunting. Essentially, thinking about Uzi, he had concluded that perhaps he was a little touch starved, and with that, might also like Uzi as more than just a friend. At this current realization, N tried to think of ways he could perhaps talk to her about this, but was interrupted by his thoughts seeing the purple worker enter the landing pod.

"Uzi! What are you doing here? It's still pretty early." N inquired, they usually had a designated meeting time, but Uzi seemed to be here much earlier than expected.

"Classes were cancelled today due to some renovation they wanted to add or some shit like that. The hell I care, but I thought we could go and scavenge for railgun parts or something." Uzi let out a small smile, but N dropped his shoulders a little at the suggestion, to which Uzi noticed. "Or we could just chill out today. We've been running around so much a break actually sounds kinda nice." N perked up a little at that suggestion.

"Oh! I was able to find a projector and get it working!" N began, grabbing the device in question and booting it up, "I have a few movies I was able to save, I haven't gotten the opportunity to watch them yet, you want to do that?"

"Oh, sure! Why not I suppose." Uzi's visor blushed a little at N's offer, all she could think about was that it was kind of a date. Considering V was staying with Lizzy in the mean time, they had the pod to themselves. While Uzi may be an angsty emo drone, deep down she is still a hopeless romantic girl who hoped one day she would find someone for her, and only her.

The male murder drone began to set everything up, Uzi even introduced the idea of batteries, the drone version of human popcorn (and for some reason marshmallows if I remember right in episode 4). The two drones sat down in the pilot chairs facing the surface of the board where the projector was, and started to watch the movies. Weirdly enough, N had a comedy movie, an action movie, and a horror movie. As N and Uzi were watching the horror film, N got scared and kind of clung onto Uzi, making the purple worker's visor blush and optics hollow slightly. Soon enough N realized what he did and muttered a small apology, but he didn't move away, Uzi just wrapped a small arm around him and gave him a small smile. Something she seemed to only do with him. The two drones looked at the small gap between their mouths, both moving forwards slightly before the two finally connected.

Uzi let out a small content sigh in the midst of their kiss, moving their positions so she was now on N's lap. The two of them broke the kiss and connected their foreheads together. With the horror movie playing murderous screams in the background, the smell of popped batteries and a small wave of blankets and pillows surrounding them in a dim light of the room, the two knew that this was a moment of special beginnings.

Word Count: 858 words.

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