Murder Drones Games: Among Us Pt. 3 (finale)

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A/n: Request from @TheMaroonWriter .

It went silent in the room with the two mangled corpses. No one dared to utter a word once Uzi made that comment. They all looked around one another in the room, not knowing what to do now. They could go to the colony and inquire, but if they tried, it was possible they'd be dead before they even left the room. N shook his head from everything that happened and hugged Uzi.

"So what do we do? We just...go on like nothing happened?" V asked, and N nodded.

"Maybe it's for the best for now V. We don't know where the killer is, not to mention if they have access to inside here and the colony. Maybe they left...the only people left are with us, maybe they don't want to engage with Murder Drones. We could all stay as a group during the week until we go to bed." N tried to reason, it made sense to him if the person who did kill didn't engage because they had, he assumed, the same strength or was weaker than them.

They all nodded in response at N's suggestion, there wasn't really a way to tell if N's theory was true, but it was the one that made the most sense. With that, the group stuck together all day, tackling one room at a time and decided to do so until the week was over.

Over the next couple of days, they maintained this routine and it seemed to work. No one else got murdered or killed, and tasks were continuing to get done. That was until the last day they were there. Everyone had just gotten started and were relaxing in the admin room until an alarm began blaring with lights flashing red.

"The hell is that?" V asked, and Uzi grabbed N's hand who began to run.

"It's the reactor! We need to override it!" The purple worker shouted, and the other pairing soon followed after them. They all released hands from one another trying to get to the reactor fast enough. Uzi managed to override one end while Thad took care of the other. She looked over to see only her and him in the room. "Where's N and V?"

Thad didn't say anything and tilted his head down, walking up to Uzi. She looked at him in confusion before putting a hand on her shoulder, he then looked up, to reveal one of his eyes obtaining the solver symbol.

"I'm so sorry about this Zi." Was all he spat out before pinning her down to the ground. She tried to fight him off but had seen N and V's cores thrown out onto the floor in front of her. Her optics hollowed in shock and some digital tears even began to crawl out.

"Oh, don't cry dear, they're still alive, we can just put their cores back into some worker bodies once we get some. It'll be alright, I promise." Uzi heard an older female voice say, she looked up, and stopped fighting Thad. She sat up with her arms still pinned behind her.


"Uzi! My daughter!" Nori ran up to her daughter and hugged her.

"I were dead..." The purple worker just sat there, shaking, trying to process everything that was happening.

"Well, we can get to that later, however, I do have a favor to ask of you."

"Did you kill everyone?! Why? What was the point?!" Uzi spat out at her in anger, while she was happy to see her mother, she was also pissed that she had taken her boyfriend and V's cores. She also turned to Thad who now stood her up and kept her arms behind her back. "And what about you? Why would you do this Thad? Why?"

Thad tried to say something, but his visor glitched out, Nori sending him a command to not talk. Uzi noticed this and turned back to her mother, whose smile was becoming more concerning by the second.

"Well, not everyone. I tried to get your little friend Doll, but she was stronger than I thought. Just like her mother, Yeva. I didn't expect her to shove her little blonde friend in the vent so, your little guy friend here helped me take care of that. As for the two workers in the security room, well they made a good snack. Did you have a good time with...what were their names? Emily and Rebecca, Thad?" Nori laughed, and her daughter could only look at the green worker in shock.

"You killed your sister?"

"I had to...the bitch deserved it." Thad managed to get out before being commanded to shut back up again.

"What do you want with me, mom? Give N back!"

"Ah, yes, your little boy toy. I won't kill him, or her," Nori said, gesturing to V's core, "However, before I give them back to you, my dear, like I said, I need a favor."

"And that would be?" Uzi asked, wanting to get the hell out of this Skeld, and be back with her cute and adorable boyfriend. All she wanted in that moment was kisses and cuddles.

"You want to destroy humanity still, yes?"


The chamber doors finally opened, and Uzi and Thad were the only workers who stepped out. Their teacher only rolled their optics and walked off, mentioning how their project grades will come out the next day. With an exchanged glace, Thad and Uzi nodded at one another, before both of them turned into their solver forms and began attacking the colony as a whole. Screams, cries, begging for their lives to be spared, she wanted to stop, but Uzi couldn't. She herself was crying all the way until she exited the colony where her mother and Thad were standing outside. Finally, Nori gave Uzi the murder drone cores.

"You two wait here for one year, and I'll come back for you. I'm so proud of you Uzi, you've made the right decision. Once I destroy the headquarters, we can have our happy endings." Nori said, walking into one of the landing pods before flying off. Her and Thad just stood there in silence at all that happened.

"Cyn really got her, didn't she?" The purple worker asked Thad who only nodded.

"Uzi, I don't really think your moms there anymore. I think it's only Cyn in there. I'm sorry." The green worker apologized.

"We have a year."


"A year to get prepared and kill Cyn. Let's revive N and V, and take that mother fucker down." Uzi said coldly, now making optical contact with Thad's visor. The green worker was taken aback but nodded. They had a year.

A year to destroy the solver once and for all, and try to take back anything they had left.

Word Count: 1126 words.

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