Murder Drones Games: FNAF Night 2

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A/N: Request from @TheMaroonWriter . This is part two of five. To the many readers, if there is a request of a ship/idea written out, please comment it in the first chapter of this book so I can keep track, and I'll get back to you. Anyways, enjoy the fic!

After Lizzy attended her early morning lecture after her shift, she returned to her dorm to try and get some well-needed sleep. She quite literally let her bag slip off of her shoulders, onto the ground, and fell backwards on her bed, letting her visor drift off into sleep mode.

The blonde worker was floating in an abyss, she opened her optics to find Doll standing across her several feet away. Looking around, Lizzy, while unsure of her actions, began to walk towards her crush. She was standing up, but a little hunched over, almost like something had taken over her.

"D-Doll?" The blonde worker asked aloud, she reached out to touch her arm, but was immediately knocked backwards and fell to the ground. She hadn't even looked up yet when she felt oil splash on her face, and liquidated sounds coming from the red workers now dead body, with someone feeding off of her. A silhouette, but she couldn't see them

Lizzy screamed, begged for the silhouette to stop, unable to move. Without a second doubt, she saw the silhouette leap towards her, ready to attack the blonde worker.

"No!" Lizzy screamed jolting up out of bed. "A...nightmare?" She asked herself and looked at the time, it was currently three in the afternoon, so she decided to get up and do some schoolwork until she had to go to her night shift once again. Luckily, she managed to shake off the nightmare, marking it off as new-job-jitters.

Eventually after some schoolwork, eating, and watching some television, it was finally time for Lizzy to head to her shift again. As she opened her door, she found Doll standing outside of her place.

"Robo-Jesus! You scared me!" The blonde worker remarked, taking a deep breath before closing her door. Doll just chuckled.

"Sorry, you ready?" She asked, and Lizzy just nodded.

The blonde worker couldn't stop thinking about that nightmare, she couldn't help but feel there was something important about it. The two girls reached the Pizzeria outside of the bunker and unlocked the door, eventually walking back to the office. They clocked in, and sat down, looking at the cameras.

"Looks like N won't be moving for a while longer. You think he's gonna come talk to us again?" Lizzy asked the red worker, who only shrugged. They stopped in their tracks though when they suddenly heard clashing coming from...the kitchen?

"What the-? Our shift just started!" Doll groaned in frustration and switched the cams to find a tall female drone in the kitchen drawing oil from robo-god knows where. The drone dressed as some kind of chicken glanced into the camera, making eye contact with it before it eventually glitched out for a couple of seconds. This was enough to make Doll nervous, switching back ad forth between that one and the first. The kitchen camera eventually cleared, revealing the place now empty. Lizzy had seen the whole thing happen and looked to Doll.

"M-Maybe we can find N-?"

"HI THERE~!" A female voice spoke from the right doorway. The light flashed to reveal the murderous chicken female drone. Doll jumped back while Lizzy screamed. The chicken drone began to walk towards them, extending a claw into view, the two workers began to back up before-

"V! No! I said NOT to kill them!" N spoke from the other side of the door. The red worker let out a sigh of relief from the sight of the bunny drone.

"Oh come on N! You know, even Uzi's getting hungry, just saying." She remarked at the bunny drone. She knew N hated when he brought her girlfriend into things. After all, she was still learning how things worked.

"Uzi knows better self-control than you do you damn chicken." N replied angrily, he really had no filter when it came to V, there was nothing he could say or do to change her motives, but he could at least try to protect the two.

"The hell did you just call me?" V lifted her claw towards N, but she was stopped by Lizzy.

"Who are you?" The blonde worker asked, Doll was shocked to see how forward she was being, but could see her secretly shaking. She smiled at her crush's attempt to keep them both safe.

"Huh? Oh uh, well, the names V, but my damn stupid stage name is Chica for some reason." The female drone replied, crossing her arms. She was going to attack them, but they seemed interesting, one of them being awfully familiar to her. A little to familiar.

A memory she didn't want to remember.

That horrifying night.

V and N both sat down on the ground, while the two workers sat in their security chairs.

"Hey N, what's pirates cove?" Lizzy asked glancing at the cameras, which made the bunny drone perk up, and V rolled her optics.

"Oh, that's where my girlfriend Uzi is! She's awesome! She's smart and kind and-"

"And a total lame ass buzzkill." The chicken animatronic interrupted, making N growl a little.

"Uzi huh? Why does that name sound familiar? Do you know, Doll?" She asked the red eyed worker, Doll had been strangely quiet, a little too quiet to V's liking. But the Russian drone simply shrugged her shoulders.

"I can't recall." Was all she said. It bothered Lizzy a little, but nonetheless they dropped the subject.

As they got settled into the rest of their shift, the two workers talked to N and V about the Pizzeria. According to them, it was supposedly V who kept destroying the new construction being made.

"But why? Don't you want the place to be rebuilt?" Lizzy asked.

"And let you workers use us and throw us out? No fucking way! We'd lose our freedom we have here! We can't even move until after midnight for some reason, it pisses me off! I just...there may not be anymore people here, but damn it I'd rather be like this than some mindless slave again." V muttered to herself. Her visor turned into a sad expression before N laid a hand on her shoulder in support.

While he didn't remember much about those days, V's RAM never deleted. She always remembered

It always came back. THEY always came back.

The blonde worker went quiet at her reaction and muttered a small apology before switching to another subject. Doll swore that as they talked, she could hear laughing throughout the night.

Looks like he's starting to get more active...I wonder how that's going to go...

A few more hours went by until the clock hit six, and the others returned to the stage, while the workers returned to the colony. Lizzy walked to her dorm room, looking around to find it quiet and empty.

"There's...something wrong with that place...I can't put my finger on it." Lizzy said to herself out loud. After all, there was no one there with her to listen to her.

Not anymore anyways.

Word Count: 1191 words.

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