You're The Only One For Me

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A/N: Request from @Xerpich eNVy.  This one is spicy  y'all, so buckle up and enjoy!

~Take's place right after episode 5~

V and N sat in silence inside of the landing pod. The female murder drone's head was down, not bothering to look at the male next to her.

"Why?" He asked her softly. She shook her head.

"You just seemed..." V bit her lips, a sob threatening to break out of her throat. "You seemed so happy with her..." Her voice came out in a whisper, and N's optics hollowed in shock on his visor.


"I thought that i-if you were happy, then I could..." She couldn't stop the sobbing coming from herself, she hunched into her waist, no longer holding the strong figure she worked so hard to build in front of him. "I thought I could move on!"

"V listen to me!" N yelled, turning her chair around, pinning each of the armrests with his hands, forcing her to look up at him, her digital tears clouding her visor's vision. His expression softened, opting to bend down, getting on his knees while placing his hands in her lap instead, looking up at her. "Who are you talking about when you say 'her'?" He asked the female murder drone. She sniffled before replying.

"You seem so happy with Uzi, N. You two are good together. And she's...better for you than I am." V looked away, but she gripped his hands, hoping as if that would keep him there forever. He sighed in frustration before standing up. He lifted her up out of the blue, causing a small scream to release from her mouth. He sits in the place where she just was, making her straddle his lap while he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"V, Uzi is just a good friend. She's almost like...a little sister, you know? But you...I've always loved you V, I never stopped loving you. You're the only one for me, I can promise you that. And I'm sorry I made you think that way." N kissed V's virtual tears away on her visor, making her blush and shocked at the same time.

"You love me? Even after...keeping everything from you?" She asked him, he nodded, no words needing to be exchanged. She sat there, a little embarrassed at the crying fit she just had.

"I can make up for it~." He flirted with her, arm trailing up her robotic spine, making her shiver until he grasped the back of her neck with his hand, pulling her into a kiss. She was shocked at him being so forward at first, but she decided to follow his moves, moving her tongue across the bottom of his lip.

N growled however at her need for dominance, instead biting the bottom of her lip, pulling it slightly and making her moan first. He used the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth, she gripped his shoulders while arching her back, slowly grinding her hips on him in circular movements.

"If you want to make up for it..." V broke their lips connection and leaned herself against him, approaching his audio sensor, "Then FUCKING do it already."

That was enough to cause N to shoot up, holding her in his arms. She squealed from the sudden movement, before she knew it, he had sped into his bedroom, slamming the door and locking it. V felt herself be set down, still standing until N turned around, looking at her hungrily, flying his pilots cap off himself before unzipping V's jacket, letting her large breasts bounce out completely bare. His tail wrapped around her waist, and he pinned her to the bed in an embrace while beginning to suck her breasts with aggression.

"Yes~!" V managed to cry out, encouraging the male even more. Biting, licking, sucking, he paid attention to her breasts, but that could only satisfy him for so long. He clicked open her hatch, and she gasped feeling the cold air hit her pussy. He slid his middle and ring finger into her, making her back arch once more.

"You think this feels good~? Then how about this?" N asked her as he turned the vibration setting in his fingers on.

"N~! Ah! Yes! Good boy~!" V whined, which eventually turned into a moan, surprising the both of them. He thrusted his fingers into her with repetitive motions as she tried to meet him halfway, riding herself on his digits. That was until she began to feel a coil in her stomach. "Keep going...I'm almost there..." She whispered while panting hard, however, after hearing those words N pulled his fingers out of her, losing any kind of orgasmic progress they were making.

"What the hell N?! Why did you stop-AH~!" V completely rebooted for a minute before she felt N's entire length being shoved inside of her, she looked up at him, both pissed off and turned on by what he just did. "Y-you better make me satisfied! Understand?"

"Well if that's the case-!" He flipped V over onto her stomach really quick, causing her to yelp out in surprise, his quick movements kept catching her off guard, and she wasn't sure if she should be concerned or impressed by it. He stuck his member back inside of her while clamping his hands onto her hips. His thrusts started out gentle, then he proceeded to go harder and harder, until the headboard itself was banging back and forth.

"FUCK~!" V shouted, she didn't care about her pride or ego being completely shattered, in that moment all she wanted was to feel good by the one and only person she knew could fuck her this hard. "That's it! Good boy N, keep going!"

V continued to praise the male murder drone, his tail tightening around her waist every time she did so. She wanted this moment to last for as long as she could hold out, but once he hilted into a certain spot inside of her, she flew her head back, creating one last final moan before succumbing to pleasure. N immediately pulled out of her, turning to the side before he himself released. He looked back to V, who laid there, panting and breathing hard. He decided to be a little tease, and bend down to her womanhood. N slowly licked up the glimmering white liquid that leaked out of her, she jolted at the sudden feeling of his tongue.

"Ah~more...lick it all up, that's it. Good boy." She told him, and N hummed in delight. Soon he finished and V was shaking from overstimulation.

"Was that to your satisfaction?" He cocked a smile, and V only rolled her optics.

"Shut up...but yeah." The female murder drone looked at N who gave kisses to her temple. She was tired, content in his arms. Dozing off, she barely felt him leave the bed, soon enough, she felt a pair of lips on her own, waking up.

"Hey, hon before you sleep, I got a bath going, let's get you cleaned up." N spoke while picking her up bridal style, she looked to him, then to the bath, her core began to hurt in a happy and emotional way.

They sat in the warm drone-friendly water as N kissed her neck while cleaning her, whispering praises of how good she was. He whispered words of love and admiration, making sure she knew how important she was to him. It made V begin to cry, she could only think about that one night, many years ago.

"Did you know we almost did this? Back when we were workers? I'm not sure if you have ALL of your memories back yet, but do you remember?" She asked her lover, and N looked confused, shaking his head. The female murder drone turned around and straddled his lap, sliding herself back inside of his still hard member, making his back arch. "W-we...fuck~! We snuck off from the-ah! The gala, we were in the secret room of the hm-! The library, we were so close, our bare bodies about to touch but-oh~! Cyn...she killed everyone. No one was left. We ran, and the next time I saw you-!" V opened her mouth to release a moan that never came, another overstimulated orgasm washing over both her and N before she slid out of him, slumping her chest against his. "The next time I saw you, she was already building your murder unit, and the worker you was gone."

"V..." N whispered to her, rubbing his hands up and down her sides, still panting from their intimate moment they just had in the bath. She only shook her head.

"You're here now, we're here, together. Please N, I don't want to lose you again."

"You won't lose me, remember? You're the only one for me." He reminded her, she smiled and nodded her head, the two exchanging a kiss before getting out of the bath. N managed to change the bedsheets with some new ones, giving V one of his hoodies to sleep in while he only slept with a pair of boxers. The two held one another in each other's arms, V looked to the male who was already in sleep mode, caressing his face with one of her hands.

Please, stay with me this time. I don't think my core can handle losing you again.

Word Count: 1554 words.

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