The New Kid at School

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A/N: Request from @MrAmbrose1 Uzi x Thad.  I am getting requests out there so thank you all for your patience.  This one has a little bit of spice to it but not to much.  Anyways enjoy the fic!

Just fucking great, a new damn year, a new damn school. Why did we have to switch colonies anyways? I was perfectly happy at our old one!

Uzi's thoughts engulfed her as she walked into her new school sector. Due to her father's job, he had to move to another colony to start an upgrade project on their doors that would take years; and as a result, they ended up moving. The purple worker groaned as she found her class. Walking in, she went up to the teacher who seemed to glance at her briefly. She didn't even manage to get a word out before her teacher said something.

"Uzi Doorman, yes? Your seat is in the back corner there. Nice to have you or whatever." Her teacher said, not looking up from his desk and pointing to the left corner of the classroom. She spotted her seat and sighed, walking over to where she would meet her doom for the next couple of years.

Class went off without a hitch. Everything seemed normal other than the stares she got. The teacher didn't really bother to introduce her.

Am I that unnoticeable? Jeez this is gonna be bad...

As she was paying attention to the lecture, she felt something hit her on her right side, then heard a couple of girls laughing. Looking over, it seemed to be a blonde worker girl with her posse. If Uzi remembered right, she overheard a bit before class of someone named Lizzy with the same attributes. Next to her was Doll and Rebecca. Lizzy threw another paper ball at her and laughed.

What's so damn funny?! I'll show you a paper ball...fucking idiot.

The purple worker took out her hand and placed it below her desk, her solver sign coming into view, she then lifted all of the paper balls surrounding her, and they were thrown towards Lizzy's direction. The blonde worker got up and squealed.

"Freak! Dad! This new chick was throwing shit at me! Make her stop!" Lizzy fake cried. Uzi just help up her hands in confusion and anger, but as the teacher was about to scold her, someone stopped him.

"Lizzy started it dad." She turned her purple visor to find the guy who was sitting in front of her making optical contact with her, smiling at her. Dare she say he even looked like he had a blush on his visor. Uzi blushed at the confrontation but just looked down in embarrassment. Their first day and she was already being blamed for crap she hadn't started.

Luckily though, the teacher dismissed the situation, not having the motivation to care, and class continued. Once the school day ended, the same guy with the green visor walked up to her.

"Hey, you're Uzi Doorman right? Name's Thad, I'm sorry for my bitch of a sister." He chuckled, scratching the back of his robotic head. The angsty teen stepped back for a moment, trying to make sure he wasn't going to do anything to her, but she relaxed a little.

"Whatever. Listen I gotta go."

"Wait-! Maybe we could hang out? You seem nice..." Thad's blush on his visor began spreading. He wasn't sure what it was about Uzi, but there was something so attractive about her. Her attitude, her overall demeanor. Good robo-god did it make him intrigued.

"That sounds nice and all but I can't, I'm busy." Uzi brushed the offer off as being pity, but there was something about her reply itself that made her wish she hadn't said it. It hurt her core to see his expression become a little sad. "B-because...I just moved here! And I have to unpack, but maybe we week?" Her visor became flustered, the last part almost came out like a squeak, and Thad chuckled at her cuteness of attempting to socialize.

"Sounds great Zi! Talk more tomorrow?" He asked, holding out finger guns. She sat there shocked for a moment, but nodded her head in approval. He jumped in a victory stance.

Don't worry Uzi, I'll make sure you have a great time here! A girl as cute as you shouldn't have to feel so out of place. You're just so...beautiful.

Throughout the week, they planned on hanging out at Thad's place a little after the weekend to study for a test. But more just seemed to keep happening with Lizzy and her group of minions. Tripping, pushing, shoving, laughing, teasing, anything that they could think of they kept doing to her.

The purple worker became a little frightened, scared of what Lizzy would do to her if she found out about her and Thad hanging out, but at the same time, she was too excited to cancel. Thad had been protecting her and supporting her all week. Safe to say she had a crush on him. Finally that day came, and the two workers set up their things in Thad's room.

About an hour had passed, they were working on a study guide and practice problems for the test, Uzi was engrossed into her work, as Thad found out she was actually really smart. It made him fall for her even more. The green worker couldn't take it anymore, and he slowly lifted Uzi's chin up with his hand.



Before they knew it the two connected their lips from across the table. Sparks flew and Uzi's core felt as if it could explode at any moment. She grabbed his arm, making him crawl over to be right next to her. He pulled her into his lap and their kissing became a little more aggressive.

Thad slid his tongue against the purple's bottom lip, asking for entrance. She shyly opened her mouth for him and he wasted no time exploring her wet caverns. Uzi did the same with Thad, almost seeming as if they were fighting for who would take the lead. However, Uzi was submissive enough she whined, begging for more affection out of him.

The green worker moved his attention to her neck, kissing from behind her audio sensor to her collar bone

"Ah! Thad!" Uzi gasped his name as he licked over her core on her chest. It was humming and hot, but he couldn't get enough of her moaning for him. His name on her tongue felt right.


He continued to lick at her core, making her grind on him a little and he grunted. An arm slid against her lower back and up her sweater, his cool metal colliding with hers, making her moan from the touch. He eventually pulled away though, not wanting to take things to far.

"How about you come back here tomorrow night once we get back from school and taking the test? Movie night sound good?" Thad asked, nuzzling against her.

"Sounds perfect." She sighed in content. This was very new to her, but it made her mind burst in excitement from the new sensations.

Word Count: 1180 words.

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