Running Away Was The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Us Pt. 1

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A/N: Request from @BrianGeller N x Tessa.  To clarify a few things, N and Tessa are both adults in this story, I know glitch and Liam Vickers confirmed all the character were 18 or older but I just wanted to address that.  Along with this, ITS A HUMAN AU!  This means N is human okay?  So don't come for me.  Anyways, this is one of three parts, enjoy the fic!

Tessa sighed as she sat in front of her vanity, N, her personal butler, was brushing her hair and smiling at her beauty. They exchanged looks at one another, knowing how they couldn't say anything until they were both completely alone.

"V, J, leave us." Tessa commanded, each of the maids in the room gave her a curious look before bowing their heads and exiting the room, shutting the door behind them. Tessa turned around to look at N, who simply laid a hand on her shoulder and rubbing it.

"Is everything okay, mistress?"

"Cut with the act N, we're alone." She sighed and stood up, walking over to the window. The atmosphere was rainy within the isolated swamp they resided in, a crow landing on the ledge outside in front of her, only a piece of glass to separate them.

I wish I were a crow, being able to fly out of here with my freedom tucked in between my legs.

"Tessa, what's wrong?" The butler asked her, and she only shook her head.

"I don't want to be here anymore, N. It's stuffy, my parents are constantly on me about activities that need to be done...I'm a grown woman! I should be able to leave the house freely, but instead it's barricaded by layers of security! Is this even legal?!" She shouted at the butler, who seemed to become wide-eyed, shocked by how blunt she was being.

"I know it's hard, but if you just wait a little longer-"

"How long must I wait N?! I'm tired of this! I don't want this manner, I don't want these stupid clothes," She continued on, pulling on her dress and pacing around in a frantic movement, "And I don't want this LIFE! It's SUFFOCATING!" She cried out, falling backwards onto her bed, sobs becoming more frequent.

N looked at her, lightly tugging the collar on his shirt as if that will give him more air to breathe. Closing his eyes for a moment, he himself took a breath and sat on the edge of the bed where Tessa laid. If anyone came in at this moment, he could lose his job for being so close to her on something so personal.

"What if I told you that you don't have to wait much longer?" The butler asked, Tessa shot her head up and tilted it in question. N looked to the door, making sure no one had heard them before he leaned closer to her, taking her hand. "I can get you out of here, Tessa."

"What do you mean?" She asked, eyes begging to lighten with hope, N seemed...hesitant. Like he was hiding something.

"Tessa, I like you more than a friend. I won't force you into anything, but I can promise to take you away from here. I have a friend at an apartment complex near a college, you'll be able to study what you want, free of any duties or shame that may come upon you here." N gestured to around the room, Tessa looked at him, quiet for a moment at his confession. The young butler kept his head down, unsure of what she was about to say.

This is it...I'm going to get fired.

"Okay." She muttered; N looked up to find Tessa smiling ear-to-ear.

" you mean-" He was interrupted by the girl jumping and hugging him, laughing.

"Please, N. I want to go live with you, be with you. I just live happily with you."

"Tessa..." N had felt joy overcome him, the two slowly inching closer and closer, quietly begging for their lips to connect, but alas, there was a loud knock at the door.

"TESSA JAMES ELLIOT! If I come in there and you aren't at your damn vanity getting ready so help me I will-" Her mother, Louisa Elliot, came marching in, only to find N, her personal servant brushing the young woman's hair, directly in front of the vanity as she said.

"I'm almost done mother." Tessa remarked in her elegant voice, Louisa only looked at her curiously before holding her fan back up to her face, waving it nervously.

"Oh...well good. I expect you down to greet the guests that are coming in an hour. Do you understand?"

"Yes mother."

With that, she left, and the two were left alone again, sighing in relief.

"That woman is terrifying..." N spoke, making Tessa laugh.

"She really is. But we have an hour, so how are we going to pull this off?" She asked the butler, he nodded.

"Right, so near the end of the gala, there will be a show in the front of the ballroom, everyone's eyes will be on that. In the meantime, if you pack a bag now, then I'll bring it to a side door that I know about inside of the manner. It's in the library. You sneak away during the show and meet me there, then we'll be free." Tessa was surprised at how intricate his plan was, but nonetheless felt excitement filling her chest.

She was finally going to get out of here, and live with the love of her life, doing and studying anything she wanted.

"You're sure this will work?" She asked him, and he nodded.

"We can only hope."


It was nearing the end of the gala; Tessa was exhausted from all of the conversations that had taken place. Anywhere from talking about tea parties to politics, it was all confusing, her brain felt fried by the end of it. However, the blessed time finally came, the show N had mentioned started, and it was time to make a break for it. Her parents paid no mind to where she currently was at the moment, to enthralled by all of their noble friends to be concerned, giving her an exact moment to get away.

She ran out of the ballroom, and made a dash for it into the library, where N was simply wearing a casual outfit, carrying his backpack while Holding Tessa's suitcase. She leaped in his arms, and he caught her, the both of them giggling a little.

"I can't believe we're about to do this!" She exclaimed, he shushed her and set her down, handing her a more casual outfit.

"Not that I don't love what you're wearing already, but if we're walking a decent distance then you'll need to change into something more accommodating." Tessa nodded, taking the clothing and changing behind one of the bookshelves, N turned his back to her, face flustered.

She eventually got the boots, tights, and hoodie onto herself before coming out. N gave her a loving glance before she walked up to him, cupping the side of his face before connecting their lips. He sighed in content before wrapping an arm around her, the two of them not pulling back for about a minute.

"You ready?" The butler asked her, she nodded.

"Let's go." Tessa boosted with confidence, taking N by the hand as they walked out together, stepping into their new and improved lives.

Word Count: 1228 words.

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