Doll's Little(Huge) Problem

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A/N: This is a Doll x Lizzy story, I got a few more requests so those are currently being worked on, hopefully they will be posted tomarrow and the day after.  Request are still open for anyone wanting to inquire, just put them in the first chapter of the book.  This one is VERY steamy so enjoy the fic!

She was a perfectly ordinary woman last night. Doll went to bed with her big breasts and womanhood, while she still had her breasts, she woke up with a manhood instead. Doll sat still in her bed, while she was a monotoned drone, this floored her. Something like this has never seemed to happen before, even with her solver...wait. Her solver! Maybe that had something to do with it! She knew Uzi had the solver, perhaps she could help her out.

A little while later at school during a study break, Doll decided to approach Uzi at her locker.

"Uzi, we need to talk." Doll inquired once Uzi shut her locker, letting out a small scream.

"Robo-Jesus! What are you doing here Doll? Bite me! The only thing we need to talk about was what I saw in your place after prom!" Uzi pointed a finger at her, on the defensive, but Doll simply nodded.

"Fair enough, I'll tell you once you help me out, yes?" Doll looked into Uzi's optics. The purple drone could tell Doll was being serious and a little anxious about the ordeal. What was so bad that she had to ask Uzi about it?

"Alright, what is this about?" The purple worker asked, crossing her arms. Doll lightly scratched the back of her neck before continuing.

"Your...solver. Did anything strange ever happen to you? Like your body unit wise?" Doll's visor came up with light blush lines, and Uzi raised a digital brow.

"Well...yeah. I did this weird transformation thing at the camp when we went on that field trip a little while back. My wings and tail came out, is that what you mean?" Uzi inquired, but Doll shook her head, until Uzi thought of something else. "Do you have a man's appendage?"

Doll outright had to reboot before answering Uzi, seems like she was right. So this WAS a solver problem. According to Uzi, this happened to her too as Doll and the purple worker continued their discussion. Doll asked about how to get rid of it, but Uzi just kind of went silent before answering her.

" see...when I woke up with it, I freaked out. But then V did an analysis with her programming. I guess it's sort of like an update that never really happened and appears every once in a while. So to get rid of have to appease it." The purple worker replied, her visor now blushing, and optics refusing to meet Doll's.

" mean..." Doll lightly blushed again, for a monotoned drone, her emotions were on the high today, maybe it was the hormones?

"'s also better if you do it with a person, it makes it go away faster. But you can do it by yourself about that information you promised?" Uzi changed the conversation quickly, hoping to no longer talk about it, in reality, she still felt bad for Doll though.

Doll told Uzi the respective information before parting ways. Doll thought deeper into her situation. Take care of it? The red worker was sure Uzi essentially meant jerking off and becoming intimate with someone, but there was a small problem along that mix. Doll was with Lizzy, they were both girlfriends. She could ask Lizzy for help with it, but she wasn't sure how Lizzy would react to this sort of thing. What if it made her not want to be together anymore? With that thought in mind, Doll decided to head back to her place, and take care of the problem on her own terms. Uzi said it would work if you did it yourself, it's not like it wouldn't work right?

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