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A/N: Request from @SpeedyHen1234 V x N.  Thank you all for your patience, I am slowly but surely getting requests out.  Also, just a quick little reminder, please do NOT repost these works, I do not give permission, and the show murder drones belongs to GLTICH productions and Liam Vickers, I just like writing stories and I would prefer for them to stay on the account they are written on.  Anyways, this one is hella SPICY so buckle up and enjoy my hungry readers.

This was a bad idea...

That thought roamed around in V's head as she stood in her room in front of her mirror. She replaced her uniform with a black lingerie set she had found when hunting around. She came across a certain...shop that contained many tasteful things, including the set V currently wore. While it fit her perfectly, V had other thoughts. The plain black lingerie bra clung to her breasts tightly, creating two perfectly round hills on her chest peaking through with a trim of lace hugging them just above her nipples. Her bottoms a black matching thong with black-laced stockings all the way down.

A blush appeared on her visor. The thong was riding up on V by just the slightest bit, making close contact with her clit, making her wet. Her thoughts and feelings were interrupted by hearing the pod door shut.

He's already here? Crap!

V got herself ready, not trying to think too hard about her body. She quickly made her way and sat in her chair she had at her desk, crossing her legs and puffing her chest out in a seductive manner.

"V? You here?" N's voice peaked through, knocking on her door.

"Come in~." V spoke in a soft velvet-soaked voice.

N opened the door and was about to ask her a particular question about where his pilot hat was, but little did he know V put on one last accessory to her outfit. As N looked up, the male murder drone stood frozen in shock, mouth agape and optics hollowed. There V lye in her lingerie set, with N's pilot hat on top of her head.

"Welcome home~. Do you like your surprise?" V giggled, but N only walked up to her, and fell to his knees in front of her at her beauty she portrayed. This shocked the female murder drone, but N only uncrossed her legs and gripped her thighs, nuzzling his head in her lap happily.

"You look so good...my V...mine!" He spoke and continued to nuzzle. V let out a small laugh and pet N's hair.

"Well, I'll assume you do like it then?"

"Of course I do! You look like a goddess!" He exclaimed, looking into his girlfriend's visor with the most adorable and loving gaze. V blushed at the contact being made but was happy to have made N so happy.

Suddenly, N hugged his arms around her midsection and began to kiss her stomach, trailing down. V made small little moans as he mad his way down, eventually spreading her legs slightly to reveal the thong in a brighter light. She could see his tail wag in excitement as she prepared herself for his tongue. However, he pulled away and a growl came up his throat.

"V...baby, you're cringing in on yourself, are you getting insecure again?" N asked, V was surprised he could tell such a small little detail. Not that V necessarily had anything to worry about with her body, but she remembered what she looked like back at the manner compared to now. She was a rather attractive drone, but sometimes body dysmorphia got the best of her.

"I-I'm fine N. You can keep going, everything's fine-ah!" The female murder drone squealed as he gently but swiftly pulled V onto the floor with him. He scooted backwards with her in his lap until they were in front of the long body length mirror that was set up.

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