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A/N: This is request from @BrianGeller N x Lizzy.  I wanted to try this in a party-like setting so hopefully you enjoy!  Requests are open and if you are interesting in seeing something being written please put down your request in the first chapter of this book.  Enjoy the fic!

Lizzy was going through a pretty transitional change after the incident with Doll and prom. It left her confused, irritated, betrayed, and she hated herself for agreeing to it in the first place. It was just a plan to kill a murder drone, which they would be praised by the colony if it did happen. Lizzy being a popular drone, it would be expected of her. But as she became friends with V, she learned a lot of things.

V herself somewhat opened up to Lizzy. Explained her issues or annoying little moments she's had with others like N. N. Oh god, even just the letter now makes Lizzy's visor blush. V, while still annoyed at N for helping the purple worker drone kill J, talked about what N was like.

"I mean, he's nice but it's annoying. The dude never shows an angry side or anything and it's creepy! We are murder drones damn it! Show some anger! That's what we're supposed to do!" That's all she could remember what V said. The blonde worker did wonder if N had a dark side. After that conversation though, she found herself thinking about him more and more before she realized she had a crush on the male drone.

This was just another little change Lizzy noticed in herself. The blonde worker was shaken out of her thoughts by a message being received through her phone. She picked it up and noticed it was from Rebecca. Apparently, her and Darren were throwing some king of rave thing a little ways outside of the colony tonight. Rebecca begged Lizzy to come, saying that if she came, then the rave was bound to be a success. Lizzy sighed and accepted the invitation. She needed to try and get her mind back on track, even if just a little bit. And it wouldn't hurt to relax with the others.

So, with that thought in mind, she began getting ready. While workers can't really wear makeup because of their visors, they make it up through their outfits. Lizzy decided on a cute little two-piece for herself. She had a big chest, and she knew it. So, she decided to put the top-piece of a yellow and black web-like design bikini top on, with some low rise black stretch pants she could wear with her worker boots. The blonde worker knew it was a far-fetch from her usual style, but honestly? She didn't care anymore. She wasn't the worker that others knew anymore after that whole incident. She felt like she lost her best friends. The colony just wasn't the same for her anymore.

The blonde worker pulled a pink hoodie over herself so she could get passed her dad without any further questions, which didn't matter anyways since he had fallen asleep on the couch grading papers and watching TV. What she didn't expect though, was her brother Thad meeting her at the door, apparently doing the same thing. The two siblings just laughed once they exited the apartment dorm and decided to make their way to Rebecca and Darren's little rave they were holding.

A little while earlier laid a male murder drone in the landing pod, bored out of his mind. N sighed as he was alone in the pod again. V went out to hunt while Uzi was at school, but he would be expecting her soon, seeing as how this was when her classes usually ended. N thought back to the night of prom, it was still fresh in his mind. It didn't feel the same anymore, sure Doll was taken care of for right now but nothing was certain. This irritated N. While the male murder drone was all happy-go-lucky all the time, he started to feel like a shell of himself. He couldn't tell what was real and fake anymore. He himself was having a hard time excepting the change.

He was shaken out of his thoughts however when Uzi busted through the pod all excited about something.

"N! Thad invited me to a rave that's being held tonight! Let's go!" Uzi gasped for air as she said so, and N tilted his head in questioning.

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