Corporate Can't Prepare J For This

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A/N: Okay so this is a bit of a test chapter mainly because I wanted to see what I could do with this ship, if you don't like it that's completely fine, however I did have a bit of trouble with this one.  I am thinking about doing an Oil Rose chapter at some point though.  Enjoy the fic!

J was a corporate lady murder drone, that's how she always was. Luckily, she was able to incorporate that kind of work ethic into Copper-9's defense system instead of the corrupted JcJensen company. J's job was to essentially keep track of updates within the systems, look over data when need be, and keep in touch with other colonies on the planet to help with networking relations. To simplify, all the shit she did before, but she more or so has a little control over it now. Along with this, her and Uzi became an item after Uzi threatened to kill her with the railgun, J submitted and there began there little love story.

However, on this day, it was like any other day. J would get up from the landing pod, drink some oil, and do some work for the day. Not that the female murder drone loved the work, but more or so she wished something different would happen. Uzi always came by and said hello, that or J would visit her instead. But something seemed off with the purple worker lately, making J have a little panic set in. She wouldn't be surprised if Uzi did find someone else. J often got caught up in her work, while she has attempted to fix that issue and take care of herself more, sometimes she couldn't help it. For some reason, J felt her stomach churn at the thought of Uzi leaving her for someone else because of that reason.

They were each other's rocks, someone they could rely on, cry to without anyone else seeing, and overall enjoyed each other's company. Uzi was the kind of person who was not afraid to speak her mind, but if she hadn't been visiting the pod lately, then J didn't want to bug her in case her purple girlfriend was busy. The female murder drone groaned and slammed her computer shut, standing up from her desk and deciding to take a small nap on her bed. J let a small little tear fall from her visor. She was torn. What if she was boring Uzi? Was that the problem? Suddenly J received a message on her visor, she sat up slightly and tapped the side of her head to read it.

Uzi (Girlfriend): Hey, just letting you know I'm gonna come by later, I want to talk to you about something! See you then!

J shrunk back a little and her optics hollowed, preparing herself for the worst. Most likely Uzi was going to break up with her. Go figure, J never considered herself as the fun and edgy type anyway. She'd be better off with another worker like her. Maybe Thad.

Meanwhile, Uzi was talking to V about a certain pig-tailed murder drone.

"Why don't you two just fuck?" V asked, lying on Uzi's bed while the purple worker herself was sitting in her chair at her desk backwards, hugging the backrest. Uzi's visor started to blush harshly.

"What kind of solution is that? J hasn't visited me in days V! I don't want top bug her if she'd busy but what if she wants to break up? Hate sex is not my thing!" Uzi groaned. V smirked. Those two were idiots.

"Listen purple thing, I know J, and she wouldn't express that concern without talking to you first. J is used to corporate labor, meaning she is probably working a little too hard. If that's the case, show her that you want to help her relax." V smirked at the last part, signaling with her hands in a certain inappropriate motion.

The purple worker drone waved her off and turned back towards her desk. What if V wasn't wrong? What if they were in that step of their relationship where they needed to let off some steam, and could start having at least some kind of physical intimacy. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try. With that idea in Uzi's mind, she sent a message to J letting her know she was going to come over soon.

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