Murder Drones Games: FNAF Night 5 (finale)

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A/N: Request from @TheMaroonWriter . This is part five of five. To the many readers, if there is a request of a ship/idea written out, please comment it in the first chapter of this book so I can keep track, and I'll get back to you. Sorry the finale is kinda short but yeah.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

Lizzy awoke in the dark room she had managed to find refuge in. Being the fact she was so tired, she managed to sleep all the way until the next day, midnight to be exact.

Shit...that means they're still out. Son of a bitch.

The blonde worker silently beat herself up for sleeping for so long. But after she ran away from Doll, she managed to hide in a small empty space underneath the stage that she could lock and block off. She could hear them walking around on the stage.

How am I supposed to get out if they just stay on all sides? Crap!

Lizzy tried to think of every possible solution she could use to get herself out, but it seemed useless-

Wait! Phone! I could call Doll's phone really quick, if she left it in the security office then that should draw their attention!

The blonde worker silently and stealthily pulled out her phone and began to call Doll's contact, to her luck, the red worker did manage to leave it in the office and it created a ring loud enough for all three of the animatronic drones to run for the hills in that direction. Wasting no time, Lizzy crawled out from under the stage and began to run down the opposite end of the hall. She ran past the kitchen and turned towards the corner until-

"Thad?!" Lizzy stopped. The golden bear drone was blocking her exit, all she could see behind him was a large puddle of oil. As to who's oil it was well, she wasn't sure.

"Lizzy, please, we can fix this. You can make this right." Thad pleaded, lending his hand out for hers to grab. She looked at him, then to his hand. She debated on taking it for a moment, if she did, there's a strong possibility that she would feel somewhat whole again.

But it wouldn't be the same.

"No!" She screamed at him. He sighed in frustration.

"Fine." Was all he spoke before stepping to the side, allowing her to see Doll's husked corpse. Her optics hollowed, and she began to cry. "You did this to her Lizzy."

"I did not! She's not-she can't be-no!" Lizzy cried. Turning around to perhaps find another exit, she was too late. Behind her was Khan, N and V. Smiling like crazy, like a prize they just claimed. "P-please, let me go. I beg of you. Please..."

They all began to corner her, closing her in, until-


A large explosion was heard from where the stage was located, due to their programs, the animatronic drones ran to the front to check what the problem was. Lizzy started to run to the opposite side in hopes to reach another exit, but not before she was pulled into the pirate's cove. About to scream, her mouth was covered until a certain purple fox drone was in her view, shushing her.

"Will you stop? I'm not going to hurt you! Robo-god!" Uzi spoke.

"U-Uzi? What-are you not?"

"I'm not crazy like them no. To be honest, when Doll got a hold of me and turned me into this, I wasn't expecting her to use dad against me. The explosion will keep them busy, you need to run, but take this." The purple worker explained, putting a USB into her hand.

"What is this?" Lizzy asked, looking down at it.

"The USB has all of the drones codes inside of them. My mother, Nori, she was in a study to examine them. She can help stop this, please Lizzy, escape. Escape and put an end to this. For my sake and theirs, please." Uzi begged her.

"You do understand, if I take this to your mom and she finds a way to get rid of you guys-"

"We'll die. I know. But I don't want to be this forever. I don't want to be under control forever. At least this way...maybe I can be reborn..." The purple worker spoke with a desperate voice, Lizzy sobbed and hugged Uzi. The purple worker was shocked but soon hugged back. "Now, go!"

Lizzy ran towards the other side of the exit with the USB in her hand, and she managed to get outside of the Pizzeria. She ran and ran until she reached the colony doors, never looking back.

I made it...

She then looked down at the USB in her hands, knowing her next moves and mission.

"I made it."

Meanwhile back in the Pizzeria, Khan was back in the room Lizzy had been originally tied up in. He walked up to a certain chest, opening the lock and taking out a certain figure. He looked at a smaller box on the chest, taking that object out as well, before winding the music wand attached. Creepy music began to play through as Khan took Doll's core out of the capsule, and inserting it into the animatronic figure he had taken out.

"From this point forward Doll..." He turned on the switch she had, making the figure rise up and reveal red eyes,

"You will be the puppet master."

Word Count: 894 words.

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