Uzi's Origins

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A/n: Request from @QuadrupleGeyerrrrr Khan x Nori.  Thank you all for your patience as I'm getting these done, I really hope everyone is enjoying reading these fun yet kind of cursed one-shots I like to write.  Also thank you all for 11.4k at the time of you reading this!  Holy Hell that's a lot of reads.  Anyways, enjoy the fic my hungry readers.   Grab some milk, because it's a spicy one.

Nori currently lay on the bed inside of Yeva's bunker. Her mind filled with thoughts of nothing but a male worker drone. Her best friend, the owner of the little bunker, Yeva, sat at her desk, staring at Nori in a confused state. She wasn't sure what was wrong with

her purple friend, but something seemed off.

"What's wrong?" Yeva inquired, and Nori shot up and out of her daze.

"Huh? Nothing."

"Liar. Tell me."

The purple haired worker laughed at her friend's attempt to be funny. Yeva was pretty monotoned, but she still made an effort, which was something Nori could appreciate.

"I was just thinking about Khan is all..." She finally admitted, and Yeva sighed. She knew the two had gotten together about a year ago, but if Nori was quiet like this then something was on her mind.

"Are you having problems?" Yeva asked, not sure exactly what the problem about her and Khan were, she thought they had been doing just fine.

"No! Well, not really, I just...there's been something I've been thinking about...I want to ask him, but I don't know if he'll agree." Nori mumbled shyly, a blush appearing on her visor. This took Yeva aback for a minute, she had never seen her friend so shy about a particular subject before.

"Well then what's the issue? What are you wanting to tell him?"

"Yeva...I want a baby." Nori came right out and said it. Her optics hollowed in shock, but Yeva only nodded, now understanding the situation.

"So, it's about the new production chip program then." Nori nodded at her answer. Recently, the worker drones managed to create reproduction in which the way humans would reproduce so they could save materials left on Copper-9. As a result, the women and male drones inserted a chip in their systems to be able to reproduce and have children.

"I would be nice to leave something of me behind if I ever did kick the bucket. I want to know that I did something. Leave my mark." The purple worker sighed, falling backwards onto the bed again. Yeva sat there for a minute but smiled.

"You should tell him. Honestly, me and my guy have been thinking about doing the same thing. If you and Khan do decide, maybe our children could be friends. It's not like they'll try to kill each other. I think." Yeva suggested, Nori began to giggle and looked at her friend. They talked a little more but eventual said their goodbyes to one another.

Nori traveled down the halls with more determination than ever, ready to tell Khan, her lover, what she wanted, and that she wanted it now. However, Nori did blush at the activity they were about to do. She never really experimented with that kind of stuff before, but it made her excited.

After a few minutes, she managed to reach her and Khan's bunker; taking a deep breath, she opened the door to find her lover working on some blue prints at the kitchen table.

"Hello honey! Welcome back!" Khan exclaimed. Nori smiled for a second at her lover, before putting on a devilish grin.

"Hello, dear~." Nori walked towards him, like he the prey she was so hungry for. Stalking over towards him, she wrapped herself around his shoulder from behind and began to give him a few kisses on the neck.

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