Period Comfort [xReader]

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A/N: Request from @Adriejama N x reader.  So a couple of things before I start this, I'm going to make this a test chapter.  If people like the x Reader things then maybe I'll make a separate book and make an x Reader one-shots book but for now this is just a test to see if people like it, or if I have motivation to do it.  It was just something I wanted to try, so let me know if you want to see more.   Secondly, This is an N x Fem!WorkerDrone!Reader one-shot, meaning in this one you read yourself as a female worker drone.  I feel like it was safe enough territory to do this kind of thing in.  Third, I wanted to do a period comfort for any fellow gals currently suffering at the moment or if they will be suffering soon.  Anyways, to everyone and the person who requested this, I hope you enjoy!

You were just relaxing in the landing pod before you felt it...that horrifying, stabbing sensation in your lower abdomen, and within a quick motion, you felt it.


You bolted to the bathroom and sure enough, there it was. You had started your period, oh, the horror as oil stained your white underwear. Groaning, you pulled out an emergency pad you kept on you and soon after a few minutes made your way out of the bathroom. You felt tired and exhausted. Soon enough you spotted N, your boyfriend, waking up to you.

"There you are!" He said as he hugged you. You hugged him back as he felt warm, your tense joints relaxing a little from it. However, the pad you had on wasn't going to last you long, so you pulled away.

"Hey N," You began, "Listen, I need to head back to the bunker for a bit, I'm not feeling very good."

"Are you okay?" He asked you worriedly, but you just nodded your head yes while clutching onto your stomach. It felt as if you were being ripped to shreds, the only thing being able to comfort you is your heating pad back home, which only to be discovered later that it no longer worked.

N, the loving and supportive murder boyfriend wanted to help you in any way he could, but as he watched you walk off, he couldn't help but feel useless, so he went to the only other person he could to ask for help, V, who coincidentally just arrived back at the landing pod from hanging out with Lizzy.

"V! Can I ask you for some advice?" N inquired to her, as V retracted her wings, she looked questioningly at N. A little shocked.

"I...suppose? What's this about?" V replied, crossing her arms.

"Well...she told me she hasn't been feeling well and she was holding her stomach a lot. Do you think she's sick?" N asked her, but once he said something about your stomach, V immediately knew what was wrong with you.

"Oh, N, no she's not sick. She's on her period."


"Yeah you know, that time of the month? It's when girls bleed for like a week down there because of how their bodies work. I think they did it to worker units as an educational thing but it died out over time when the humans were killed. Luckily murder drones don't have it but the worker units here on Copper-9 would most likely still have them due to their difference in timing and updates. Poor girl." V really did feel bad for you, that sort of stuff was never fun. She remembered having to help Tessa out at the manner, and that in itself was...troubling.

N slowly nodded at the new intake of information, but he still looked lost. He didn't know how he could help you directly, V seemed to read this and continued on.

"If you get her things like a heating pad, some chocolate and medicine to relieve the cramps then that's all she will need, N. Everything is fine, okay?" V laid a hand on his shoulder reassuring him. If he had dog ears they would have shot up in the moment, his nanite tail wagging as he made the list in his mind of what to get you.

Within the next hour N managed to get everything V told him about, however you were in bed trying to get your cramps to go away. You then heard a knock at your door.

"C-come in..." You said weekly, only to find N with the period things in his hand and smiling at you. You sat up in shock. "N! Did you...bring all this for me?" You asked him, and he nodded. You couldn't help yourself as you jumped into his arms and gave him little kisses here and there on his visor. He giggled at the attention but set you back down on your bed.

"I got you a heating pad, some chocolate, and pain medicine. I also though this stuff was kind of bland, so I also got you a dog plushy! I think it's a golden retriever or something!" N said while tucking you back into your bed. You snickered at his personal touch and happily took the stuffed animal. He soon plugged in the heating pad, putting it against your stomach under the blanket, you took the pain medicine and were munching on a chocolate bar as N sat next to you, cuddling into you while rubbing your stomach.

"Do you want to watch anything?" You asked him, figuring a way to pay him back was by letting him watch what he wanted, but he just shook his head.

"I'll watch whatever you want to watch, love." You blushed at his nickname for you, your visor flushed to the brim at this point from all that he's done for you. You wanted to argue back, but you could see he was starting to drift off, so whatever he wanted to watch he'd end up falling asleep anyways.

You turned on your favorite show and soon enough fell asleep with N cuddled into you. The warmth from the heating pad and him as a whole calmed your cramps, soon enough you slipped off into sleep mode, happy with what your boyfriend did for you.

When you two woke up from the little nap you had, you immediately knew to go and change your pad. Walking into your bathroom that was connected to your room, you sat on the toilet and were about to change the pad until you heard something.

"Honey? Are you okay-AHHHH!!!" N screamed at the sight of your underwear, it had looked like a massacre, and you couldn't help but start laughing. You quickly changed the pad, flushed the toilet and washed your hands, afterwards, N just stood there, horrified at what he had seen. " they make you loose that much?"

"Pfft, you haven't seen anything yet, this is just the first day. Usually this goes on for about five to seven days-!" You laughed but squealed as N hugged your waist, small tears coming out the corner of his optics.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled, falling to his knees and rubbing his face into your stomach. You just smiled and ruffled his hair.

"It's okay, N. I appreciate you trying to be supportive but it's okay to ask questions too." You reminded him and he nodded. The rest of the night included you two watching your favorite show and N asking occasional questions about what periods were like.

Word Count: 1252 words.

Update: It's coming won't be to late now...

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