The Beautiful Purple Murder Drone

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A/N: Okay, I thought this was funny, it's spicy and I also wrote this while half asleep at like 3-4 in the morning. It's really fast-paced but yeah...I reread it and thought it was funny. This is a Murder Drone Swap AU one-shot so N is a worker and Uzi is a murder drone.  So enjoy lol.

N awoke from his horrendous slumber, he looked around, panting hard. He had that dream again. One where there was his weird eye, a drone with a big black bow, some eldritch beast, it scared him. N closed his optics for a second before taking a deep breath, and looking over to his desk. That's right, he needed one more part for his railgun and then he could try to destroy the murder drones.

N started to gather parts for a railgun after taking some classes and learning some machinery on his own, therefore creating a railgun to take revenge for his mother, and to also destroy humanity. The small worker gathered things in his backpack before going to the doors of the bunker, he didn't think his dad would be around his shift at this hour, so he assumed everything was clear. As soon as he opened the first door however, his father was right there waiting for him.

"Oh Robo-Jesus dad! What the hell?" N yelled, seeing his pissed-off father.

"And where do you think you're going at this hour Nixon?"

"Going to make out with the girlfriend I definitely ha-" N's dad cut him off once more.

"I asked you where you were going boy, answer me." N's father started to approach him, knowing that this was going to end badly with a lecture, N getting dragged back to the apartment dorm, and probably a big punishment of being grounded. The smaller worker drone had a backup plan however, he quickly pulled out the master key he had in his pocket, and ran towards the scanner.

N heard his father yell his name and run after him, but the scanner soon opened all of the doors, running past the other workers playing cards, he rushed out into the heavy snow storm, soon disappearing. He heard from a distance that the doors had been shut. Looking behind him, no one was there. His father was too much of a coward to exit the bunker. Just like he planned. The little worker continued to search around the piles of the corpse spire until he saw a little green light coming from another pile, he picked the small object up and started to examine it. He soon confirmed that it was indeed what he was looking for, and loaded it into his railgun.

Soon enough however, he heard a small little sound behind him.

A little bit earlier, was a purple angsty murder drone looking around for her next pray. Annoyed that she couldn't find any fresh workers, Uzi laid against one of the piles of the corpse spire and sighed in frustration. If she couldn't find something or someone soon, J was going to yell at her for overheating again, and owe V for searching, even though that bitch had a stash and the purple murder drone knew about it. She couldn't steal from her considering that was her territory.

Unfortunately, Uzi had been given the colony territory with the damn doors, meaning she rarely ever got to eat, making her performance a bare minimum of satisfactory. V and J did this on purpose out of pure hoarding since they noticed the other colonies around them had plenty of workers for their systems. The purple murderer got lost in her thoughts, but then her visor alerted her of a message. Heat Cycle Initiating Find Shelter Stand By...

Shit! No no no! Uzi let out a growl and soon enough, the solver symbol appeared across her visor. She was about to fly off and relieve herself for the time being until she could find some food, she was stopped in her tracks by the sound of foot steps. She immediately crawled into the spire and observed the worker she had spotted from there. He was cute, white hair, white lights in his visor, he had his worker hat, but looked a lot like the other workers outfit wise. While she could kill him...why not use him instead? Uzi started to giggle and began to take action.

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