All I Need Is You To Cure A Bad Day

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A/N: Small little warning...there is some swearing...oop.  Anyways enjoy!

N wasn't doing good as of late, he had apparently gotten into a fight with V that escalated to much too quickly, and V had said something that threw him off-course.

"N, we need to kill the rest of the workers, and get back to head quarters, that's our job." V sat across from the male murder drone in the pilot room of the landing pod. She stared up at N, hoping for a face to agree with her, but ever since him and that purple thing killed J, he changed.

"I'm not going to V. WE are not going to. We know there's something more than just the company wanting this now. Why not try to fix the pod and-" V hissed at N, but the chains held her back.

"Screw off! Damn defective drone. J and I should have killed you earlier when we got the chance. You were useless back then, and you're useless now. Don't think you've changed you good for nothing defective murder drone. Only reason you're here is because you were her favorite. " V finished and looked at N with the X spread across her visor. N's optics hollowed and all he did was just stand up, not daring to look at V, and climbed out of the pod, going to hang on a street lamp.

N thought back to when him and V were workers, but that's all he could remember. They used to be what they kill now, and that bothered him. N can't take back the fact that he killed all those people, how useless he was back at the mansion, in a way, he thought he was a hypocrite considering his past. The male murder drone tried to shake off the thoughts, but they got stronger and stronger. Each time his head spun, the memories coming back to him, and the fun he used to have. What if N went back to being a worker? Was that even possible?

With those new negative thoughts in mind, the yellow drone jumped down from the street lamp and started to head towards the bunker. If anyone could help him right now, it would be Uzi. She was the only person who didn't treat him like some useless piece of metal. She saw a potential in him that no one else could, not even Tessa or the other Elliots saw that in him, so to N, in this current moment, Uzi was everything to him and more. The male murder drone felt a little dizzy as a result of him not being able to sleep. Him and V had been fighting like that in the past week ever since they chained her up, but the problem was that even though N acted like it didn't mean anything, today was the final straw.

If it were up to him, honestly, he would have killed her already if it weren't for the company being able to clone her and bring her back to Copper-9 like they could with J. As N thought further, he noticed he had walked to the bunker doors, and knocked on them. The main door security recognized N luckily and let him in, noting that he was the only murder drone that they could let into the colony. N thanked the worker with a small smile and continued his way to Uzi and her father's apartment dorm.

As N was passing through the high school sector of the bunker, he noticed how there were pictures of small events that they held here and there, and while everyone in the sector seemed to be in them, Uzi wasn't. It was like to them, she didn't exist. This made N walk faster to the purple drone, hoping to see if she was alright, because for him, he needed comfort. The only comfort he could get from someone who didn't hate him.

Uzi on the other hand kind of had the same thing going on with her. It had been a bad day, while Thad started to talk to Uzi more, she was angry that it took showing off a railgun and killing a murder drone to show she wasn't just the shell of some angsty teenage worker. Along with this, Lizzy, Doll, and Rebecca threw hateful notes at Uzi, then to top it all off, she had an argument with her dad. That last part seemed to be what set her off.

"You need to stop this." Khan called out to Uzi from the kitchen as the purple drone had just walked in the door from school.

"Hey dad, nice to see you to." Uzi sarcastically said and started heading to her room.

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