Boozy Uz...N?!

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A/N: Request from @TheMaroonWriter N x Uzi.  This one is spicy as hell so enjoy lol.  Prepare to be TRAUMATIZED XD.

"And pencils down! That's it for the exam, class dismissed." Mr. Vickers spoke to his class before going back to playing solitaire on his visor. Uzi groaned from exhaustion, being able to finish her paper within the last minute. Turning in the exam, she walked into the halls and began her somewhat long trek back to her home, where hopefully N would be there waiting for her.

As she walked, she thought about how she would come back to her home, completely exhausted from the day of testing she had, and how N would coo sweet nothings in her audio sensor while cuddling her as they watched her favorite horror movie. Just the thought alone made the purple worker blush. Swallowed into her thoughts, she barely noticed when she finally opened the door to her apartment, a little surprised when she didn't find N at the door waiting her when he usually was.

"N?" She called out to her murderous boyfriend, but heard nothing but some small little giggles inside of her room. She raised a digital brow while walking towards the room in question. "N? Hey I'm back, is everything oka-what the hell?!" To Uzi's shock, there she found N on her bed, completely naked and...was he drunk?!

"Huh? Oh~! Welcome home *hic* Uzi~! I missed you hehe!" N laughed, rolling back and forth like he was trying to catch his tail that was wagging, but failing horribly. The worker blushed at the sight in front of her, mouth agape. Trying to ignore the...appendage on her boyfriend, she slid her backpack off and walked up to him, sitting him up while rubbing his shoulders. He whined. "Are you mad at *hic* me?"

"N-no N, I'm not mad, but what happened?" Uzi asked. N just groaned while rubbing his head into her chest, making her get flustered even more.

"I think *hic* heh...I remember *hic* Thad? He like *hic* showed up at the pod." N said before laying back onto the bed again, proceeding in the activity he was doing before.

Thad huh? Should I call him?

Uzi thought, it really wasn't a question, in order to know what happened she'd have to call him, and also to make sure there's nothing permanently wrong with N. And to also get down to the bottom of why he's NAKED! The purple worker sighed in frustration before getting her phone out and ringing the green workers contact.

"Hey Zi! I figured you'd end up calling...heh."

"THAD! Why is N at my apartment DRUNK and NAKED?!" Uzi asked in pure anger, to which Thad only giggled.

"Damn he's naked?! Dude got drunker than I thought!" He laughed, the purple worker could tell he himself was still slightly drunk.

"Just...tell me what happened Thad. Please?"

"Okay chill. I found some premium gasoline in my dad's liquor cabinet and took some. I figured N would be a good drinking buddy since his body's big because you know, he's a murder drone."

"Alright, so he is drunk, that fixes that problem. So how the hell did he get to my apartment?" Thad seemed to sigh at her aggression.

"He had like a couple of shots and then suddenly he was hammered. I didn't think he'd be such a light weight. I didn't know what to do since he was just flat out drunk so the only thing I could think of was to take him to your place."

"So let me get this straight, you skipped school, went to the pod, got him drunk, then took him back to my place?" Uzi asked.

"Yeah that pretty much sums it up!" She could hear the smile in his voice and growled.

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