Camping Trip Pt. 3

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"N?" A female voice spoke out a few feet across from him in the trees, he immediately pulled the image away from his visor and covered himself, only to realize it was too late, he was caught, and none other by the person he was getting off to. Uzi.


It was over.

He fucked up.

"U-Uzi! Wait please I-I can explain!" N waved his arms around and his visor went yellow as he saw Uzi had perched up with her solver wings, and for some reason her hoodie was gone, replaced by a stripped shirt. But she wasn't disgusted.

Uzi was trying to look for N earlier, she was worried he had gotten lost or distracted, so she went to go check on him. As she walked deeper into the forest, she could hear N's voice calling for her quietly. She was about to run and go find where he was, but she continued to listen as he seemed to drag her name out more in a moaning sensation rather than panicked. Uzi's visor blushed. Was N doing what she thought he was doing? Was N jerking off to her? Uzi quickly took her jacket off as to not get herself caught in the branches up where N was, and silently crawled up the tree until she came face to face with n's visor being covered by what looked like a picture of her, and his dick, to which he was stroking while moaning her name. She could also see a small message in the corner of his visor reading: Heat cycle in progress, stand by. Huh, so that's what V meant when she said Uzi may not get the answer she was expecting directly. N was in a heat cycle and that's why he was acting so weird. Then suddenly, she's not sure why, but she called out to him, which made him freak out.

"N, I'm not mad." Uzi spat out quickly, she wasn't sure why she said that, and she herself started blushing. "So...heat cycle huh?"

"I-yeah...listen Uzi this isn't how I wanted to tell you...I wanted to wait until it was over but V said you were feeling really down and I just, couldn't stand the thought of you alone on a trip sad. So I wanted to come and spend some time with you and have fun, confess, and just be able to relax for the week." N stuttered out. This really wasn't how he wanted to confess to Uzi.

"So, you like me to?" The purple drone asked and for a second, N thought he was hearing things. Too? Does that mean Uzi reciprocated the feelings?

"Yes! Of course! I mean I like you more than a friend Uzi! This just wasn't how I intended for it to go. I didn't want to confess to you in this state because I was afraid you'd think I was a jerk or something from the heat cycle. I'm still fully sentient while it happens but still." N attempted an awkward smile towards Uzi whose optics seem to be beaming with happiness. Uzi couldn't hold back any longer and hopped on top of N, hugging him. N seemed hesitant for a second, not sure if he could trust his instincts, but hugged back because his emotions took over, he was happy she felt the same way to, even if it wasn't the way he intended to confess in this situation.

"So..." Uzi stretched and leaned back, but positioned herself in N's lap, looking at him inquisitively.

" you want to be my girlfriend Uzi?" N asked smiling, it really was N in that moment, the cycle feature had essentially subsided for the moment, allowing N to think clearly, without another word, Uzi gave him the answer by giving a soft kiss on his lips. This startled N but once Uzi pulled away, he slightly nudged her for a second one in an endearing way.

"Yes N, and you are my boyfriend now. Which means," Uzi leaned back again, her legs wrapped around him now, "That you are going to fully tell me what's going on with you. Are you okay? When did the heat cycle thing happen?"

"Well yeah I'm good, I started to feel a little weird last week and suddenly I got a pop-up from my visor saying it was enabling a Heat-Cycle Feature. I went to ask V what it was and she said she got it to when she got together with Lizzy. Something about realizing your feelings for the first time, which is what I got for you. Afterwards I was scared I'd jump you because I was holding back all week, I was unsure myself of what was happening." N gave in and providing the actual answer to Uzi. Which now that she thought about it, it made sense as to how weird N was acting.

"Poor baby, how long does it last for?" Uzi cooed at him, to which N happily received the attention and snuggled his head into the crook of her neck, wrapping his arms around her waist, and she curled her fingers into his hair.

"V said it could be a couple of days or a week depending on the drone's situation." N replied, to which Uzi asked another question.

"What do you mean depending on the situation?"

"I-uh, like if the drone has someone that can help them out, its only a couple of days, if not, it's usually a week. Since my cycle was uploading into my body last week, it now activated this week, that's usually how it is the first time it's installed into a disassembly drone." N finished, he was blushing red at this point, until he realized how that sounded. "We don't have to do anything! I'm not expecting us to move that fast if neither or one of us is okay with it! I just want to spend time with you for right now. That's enough for me."

"N, you wanna come to the cabin with me?" Uzi asked, her eyes becoming mischievous and a grin spreading onto her face.

"What do you mean?" N asked, knowing what she already meant, but he wanted to be sure.

"V being the wing woman she is managed to score us a cabin far enough away from the camp a little not to far from here actually. What I'm trying to say is if you're okay with it, I don't mind helping you N."

Oh Biscuits.

Word Count: 1039 words.

A/N: Next part is the finale of this mini story, I was also thinking about writing a little murder drones swap AU story in a separate book.  Still a little steamy but not as much as this particular book.  This one is mainly just for fun.  I may write it, who knows.  I'll let you know if I do though.  Happy 4th of July!

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