I'll Take You Somewhere Safe

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A/N: Request from @MrAmbrose1 N x V.  My apologies if this one seems kind of short, I can make a part two if you'd like, just let me know.  I've been kind of sick lately but I'm starting to feel better which means I've been starting to get requests out again.  If there is a request you would like to make of a ship/idea written out you'd like to see, comment it in the first chapter of this book and I'll get back to you.  It will usually be out within a couple of days.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

N sat in his dorm room back in the training facility on Earth. He had just been debriefed on his mission to go to Copper-9 and kill the worker drones who were infected there. He was mainly excited at this new information, because that meant he got to go with V, but J would also be there.

He walked out of his dorm to go and get some oil for the night, until he unfortunately bumped into the said pigtailed drone with her posse. Serial Designation M and R. The two drones were practically her minions, begging for her presence every chance they got. N became a little frightened and tried to dodge out of their way, but it was no use, and he was pinned up against the wall by R, their arm pressing against his chest.

"The hell you think you're going synergistic liability?" J asked, laughing at the position he was in.

"J please, I haven't done anything to you-ah!" N screamed as he felt M kick his midsection, causing him to fall to the ground.

J and her little minions walked away laughing, leaving N to the floor. All he could hope was for things to change once they got to Copper-9. He could almost feel himself slipping away into despair. The only thing keeping him excited about the mission was V, but he just didn't know if that would last very long.

A couple of weeks later, N, V, and J were deployed to Copper-9 by the landing pod where they were quick to build their little spire and main quarters in said pod. By this point, N barely talked and only did his job. Not to mention the abuse from J didn't stop, it only got worse.

One particular day, V was watching N closely. The female murder drone felt bad for him, and would occasionally try to help him out whenever she could. V couldn't get in J's way, mainly because she knew what would happen to her and N if she did. It wouldn't be a pretty sight. She was forced to the sidelines, made to operate under J's commands whenever the pigtailed drone saw fit. But that didn't mean she couldn't watch out for N.

That one day though, changed everything.

N had managed to take out a group of workers, but one had unfortunately gotten away. The male murder drone thought he had done well considering he had killed more than usual, but the one that got away didn't go unnoticed by J. She flew down to N's little murder pile and used her leg to pin his head down onto the ground.

"Useless! You let one get away?" J shouted at him, still pinning him down, N didn't fight back though. He only kept a monotoned expression on his visor. J began to beat him, anything from using his own tail to inject him in certain parts to even cracking his headband and visor, he was left in critical condition. And all N did was just stand there and take it.

Once J was satisfied, she smirked and flew off to the spire a couple of minutes away. N laid there, he was still active, but unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to move for a couple of hours. Which was a problem, considering the sun would come up soon. Luckily, V had just finished hunting and started to see an abnormal oil trail in the snow on the ground. She flew down to check it out and spotted N. She screamed.

"N! Oh robo-god! W-What happened to you? Stay with me!" V panicked and held his head. He managed to move and look at her.

"J." Was all he was able to spat out before coughing up oil. His wounds were healing, but not fast enough. V's optics hollowed in rage and shock. She bit her wrist and put it above his mouth, allowing some more oil to flow into his systems.

"Don't worry N," V began, lightly kissing him on the lips, making the male murder drone jump a little at the action, but kissed back. "I'll take you somewhere safe. Somewhere she can't get us, I can't stand seeing you hurt anymore."

With that said, she picked N up and flew into the air, heading to the cabin fever labs. She had found the spot when hunting a couple of weeks back, deciding J wouldn't find them there. They had enough oil to last them for a very long time, and who knows, maybe they would find a way to partner with the workers on this little exoplanet.

She arrived at one of the cabins, it was run down, but with a little work it would become a home for them.

I can't stand to see N suffer like this anymore. I'm done with standing on the side. I feel like a puppet! And now he's just laying there, injured! I couldn't do anything!

V scolded herself and began to cry, but went to lay N on one of the beds. He saw her tears and sat up a little, wiping them away and making her jump in the process. She looked over to see him smiling, mostly healed by now.

"I'm okay now V, thank you." N said, for once she saw a genuine smile out of him, something she hadn't seen in years. Ever since they themselves were workers.

V laughed a little and hugged him, to which he wrapped his arms around her waist and reconnected their lips. The female murder drone happily responded and purred a little. N's tail slowly wrapped around her and he slowly started to push her back onto the bed with him. His kisses went from her lips to her neck, where he sucked on a sensitive spot of hers, making her moan. He then pierced his fangs down into her neck and began to drink some of her oil.

V gasped at the sudden action and arched her back. She panted as he drank and drank. About a minute later he had absorbed enough to help his body, and smiled at V, who seemed to be lost in his ecstasy.

"I love you, V." N spoke with sincerity in his voice, laying down next to the female murder drone. She turned to face him, and they were entangled in one another's arms.

"I love you too, N. And I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."

Word Count: 1162 words.

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