A Present for N Pt. 2

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A/N: Request from @TheMaroonWriter N x Uzi part two of the "A Present for N", requests are still open.  If you would like to see an idea/ship written out then please let me know in the first chapter of this book so I can keep track.  Enjoy!

As N woke up from a previous passionate night with his girlfriend Uzi, he unfortunately found the bedside cold and empty. The male murder drone pouted from the loss of presence of his girlfriend and sat up in the bed. He looked over to notice that Uzi's clothes had been strawn out, leading to the bathroom where he was hearing...something?

N's visor blushed at the trail, wondering what Uzi could be doing. Was she showering? Was something wrong?

Does she want...another round from last night?

N shook himself out of his thoughts and got up. Her put on a pair of boxers he had for lounging around and slowly walked up to the bathroom door. The scene almost reminded him of the horror movies Uzi made him watch with her. The trail of blood, or in this case clothes, that slowly leads to the closed door to the bathroom, light flickering underneath the door. Weird scratching sounds anchoring through a thick atmosphere until finally...N opened the door to find a white cat just sitting in front of the mirror.

"What the-? Wait, I thought there wasn't any wildlife on Copper-9! What-who are you?" N asked, incredibly confused to find a cat of all things in his bathroom. But as he looked at the creature closer, he realized Uzi's beanie was fit perfectly on its head, just lightly tucked behind it's ears.

"BITE ME N! Meow. I woke up like this! What the hell is going on?!" Uzi, the drone turned into a cat, exclaimed, she herself freaking out about the event.

"Uzi? What...okay something definitely happened. First you were a murder drone, turned back into a worker, and now you're a cat..." N recapped to himself, the male murder drone had never seen a cat in person before, he had only ever heard of them even back at the Elliot mansion when he himself was a worker.

"No shit sherlock. Just help me figure this out! Ugh! I'm going to kill V for this! Meow!" Uzi whined, she was upset she turned into a cat sure, but there was a different reason she was partially crying as well.

"I don't think whatever V did involved this. She may have done that to prove a point but she would never give you something that carries a side effect. At least I don't think so..." N trailed off, he heard sniffling, seeing Uzi start to mentally break down. Tears now rolling down her white cheeks of fur. N went and picked her up in an attempt to comfort her. "Uzi...it'll be alright, I'm sure we can figure this out and get you back to your worker form soon."

"It's not just that N! It's still your birthday! We still had the afternoon and I wanted to be able to hang out and do something special! Not bother you with whatever this is! Meow!" Uzi cried, sobbing. N was surprised that even though Uzi turned into a cat, she still wanted to make the day special for him. Hey boyfriend let out a small chuckle, and took Uzi back with him to his bed, sitting her down in his lap and petting her.

"Uzi, everything you do is always so fun and special to me, today isn't any different just because it's my birthday. It's sweet of you for wanting to do so though. But, if you still want to make it special, then how about we use this form of yours to advantage? I've always wanted to play with a pet!" N remarked, his tail wagging. If Uzi wasn't a cat in the current moment, her visor would be blushing and overheating. But N was kind of right, might as well give this form some kind of attention, especially if N had wanted to play with a pet. This was just one way to achieve his wish.

With slight hesitation, Uzi just nodded and agreed to let N do what he wanted. He sat Uzi down on the bed for a moment and looked around. He managed to find a small metal rod and attached the string to it, he then went over to his closet and got a fuzzy purple jacket out that he had found years ago. He cut a piece off the jacket and tied it to the other end of the string, creating a cat toy. He presented it to Uzi, who just sort of looked...disturbed but intrigued.

"Why does it look like that? This is stupid N! I'm not gonna-hey bring it back here!" Uzi spouted but soon began to chase the fluffy piece around when N moved it. He giggled silently to himself and kept moving it around. Side to side, up and down, he was really surprised with how high Uzi could jump in her cat form. He played with her a bit more and even V and Lizzy made a little surprise visit and laughed at Uzi's cat form, which apparently, they didn't cause so that was a dead end.

After a little while, they calmed down and sat on the bed, but Uzi took this opportunity to get up on a shelf that N had. As payback for making her play with him, she took to the cat behavior and pushed things off. She approached a remote, sitting down and look at N with a devilish smirk.

"Uzi don't you dare! No...no! Uzi Doorman don't push that remote! No! Dang it!" N sighed exhaustedly as Uzi kept pushing it, eventually falling over. She then got off the shelf and hopped into his lap.

"Heh, sorry. I just wanted to do it, I always wondered what it was like. That was fun!" The white cat said as she began to relax on N's lap.

The male murder drone just let out a small chuckle and turned on the television to an anime show him and Uzi liked to relax for the rest of the night. N continued to pet Uzi through the show until about two hours later, Uzi felt something happening to her body. It turns out through all of the affection N gave her, she changed back into her worker form in N's lap. Completely naked.

N blushed at the sudden turn of events and went to get Uzi a hoodie, but she kept him down, still sitting in his lap. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck, asking one question:

"So about last night, want round two? It's still your birthday after all~."

Best. Birthday. Ever!

Word Count: 1124 words.

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