Murder Drones Games: Among Us Pt. 1

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A/N: Request from @TheMaroonWriter .  Just wanted to express a quick apology for taking so long on this one, things have really began picking up IRL and there's been more things I have been needing to take care of.  However I do appreciate theirs and everyone's patience as I write up requests.  Not sure how many parts this one will be but I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

"Ugh! This is so stupid!" Uzi complained while walking down the hallway with V and N. Ahead of them were paired groups from the purple workers class. Lizzy and Doll, Sam and Braiden, Rebecca and Emily, and Thad. Literally just Thad, he was there as a helping support due to his ability to converse with all groups.

The class was currently heading to a simulation chamber in which they are to act in an apocalyptic bunker and perform certain tasks each day throughout the week to assure they can maintain their living situation, no matter how bad the environment. While Uzi wished this was an elective, unfortunately it was mandatory. V and N being there was a small, tiny plus, given the fact they were given vials of oil to last them throughout the week.

"Aw Uzi! You never know! It could be fun! Like a sleepover!" N exclaimed, making the purple worker blush on her visor. V seemed to ruin the moment though.

"N, you think everything is a sleepover."

Before the two female drones started arguing, they reached the chamber and gathered around, their teacher at the front.

"Now class, this is just for a week, your rooms have already been assigned, there is no way out of it. There are no cameras, though, we do have your stabilization diagnostics up and running, if it gets dangerously low, we will evacuate you just in case. With that out of the way, try not to get yourselves or anyone killed." Mr. Vickers gestured them into the chambers where it simulated in the form of a spaceship of some kind. Supposedly, they called it the Skeld.

As everyone was now locked into the Skeld, they went to see their room assignments; Lizzy with Doll, Sam with Braiden, Rebecca with Emily, V with Thad, and Uzi with N. The purple worker and male murder drone's visors blushed furiously at the realization they were roomed together. Uzi really didn't think her teacher would have the balls to pair a guy with a girl, but it's not like she was complaining. Especially not since the two had recently gotten together.

"Well, we should get going to the cafeteria now! I think that's where the tasks for the day are received!" N began to walk off, but Uzi began to giggle a little, pulling N into their room and shutting the door. Interesting sounds coming out soon after.

While the two love birds were occupied, the rest of the gang appeared in the cafeteria to gather tasks and converse with one another a little bit.

"We should stay in our designated pairs, this way we have a buddy!" Thad mentioned, everyone seemed a little put off by it, but eventually agreed. Lizzy and Doll traveled to the navigation room, while Sam and Braiden went to the security office. Due to Rebecca's persistence that Sam was hot, she led Emily off to the reactor, leaving V and Thad alone. "Do you think Uzi and N got their tasks?"

"Nah, I'll send it to them, I think their occupied right now." V smirked in response.

Good to know that teacher was easier to bribe than I thought with partner pairs~.

"Alright, if you say so V. Oh! I have some wires I need to fix," The green worker began, pulling up a screen in front of him, "We should go to electrical first, then we can circle around." V nodded at his suggestion and had to divert some power anyways.

With the groups off in their separate areas, the skeld for the most part was quiet. A little too quiet. If the simplest drone were to focus enough, they would realize this wasn't just a simple test to the optical eye. Lurking in the shadows of the Skeld, lye a dark and hideous nature that was about to reveal itself.

It seemed to start off like every normal day in the skeld, each pairing was about halfway done with their tasks until they heard the screams of Emily and Rebecca.

"Oh my god!"

"Braiden! Sam!"

"What happened?" Thad asked and came rushing into the security room with V following not to far behind. Everyone else in the Skeld came rushing in to find the horrific sight of the two worker boys. Braiden's head had been decapitated, fallen onto the desk he was sitting at in front of the cameras, his torso just sitting limply in the chair. Meanwhile Sam had looked like his core was stabbed many times before the 'Fatal Error' message appeared on his screen. "What..."

"It was probably your murder friends!" Rebecca pointed a finger at Uzi, who was still sat there in shock. Her and N had actually just recently started tasks, but since they hadn't been seen for about half the day, it made sense that they seemed suspicious.

"What? No! I was with Uzi and V was with Thad the whole time!" N replied in anger, his tail swinging dangerously near the popular girl. The purple worker had to nudge his arm to knock it off, which he reluctantly did so.

"Everyone, look over there." Doll commented, her soft, Russian voice coming out. She pointed over to a corner of the room where a small trail of oil led. The group walked in further and spotted a small vent in the corner.

"Well now we know N and V couldn't have killed them. Only workers can fit into those vents." Uzi vouched for her friends, initially making herself innocent as well. Small details and fighting went back and forth until they decided to take the bodies to the chamber doors, putting in an emergency code the teacher had given them. With one pairing out of the chamber, the tasks were added on additionally, making everyone groan in frustration.

Lizzy and Doll decided to go take care of things in electrical; while Doll was fixing up some wires, Lizzy had been downloading some data. The blonde worker became lost in thought.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Doll asked her, drawing her out of her haze.

"Well...Sam and Braiden. They were murdered obviously; it wasn't some sort of freak accident. So, who killed them?" Lizzy asked, Doll could tell she was clearly nervous about the whole situation. Considering if there was a killer in the Skeld, they could be around at any second.

"I wonder..." Doll pondered off, finishing attaching her wires and closing the latch shut.

"Wonder what?" The blonde worker asked, hoping Doll knew something, anything, to put their minds at ease.

"It's...nothing. Let's just go-"

The red worker's words were cut off by the lights going out, Uzi went onto the walky-talky system asking if someone who was nearby could fix them. Lizzy mentioned how they were in electrical already and would take care of it. As the two female workers walked to the front of the room, they spotted a figure.

"Hello girls...time to die!"

Word Count: 1212 words.

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