Lizzy's Downfall

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A/N: This is a request from @TheMaroonWriter sort of a Lizzy Angst mini-fic.  I decided to write this one because I think there are some topics in here that shouldn't be avoided because it can happen.  TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide and Swearing, if you ever feel that way please contact someone that can help. I'll even write a cute little fic if you request it.  Requests are open, if you have a ship and/or idea you want to see be written then please put it in the first chapter of this book so I can keep track.  Anyways, enjoy the fic! (Also I might update another one today to kind of lift spirits to those who do read this).

The only thing that ran through Lizzy's mind at the time was how pissed she was at how popular Uzi had become. While the purple worker wasn't trying to draw attention, the fact that she had not only killed but also befriended murder drones brought a whole new sense of the colony's purpose. Because of that fact, people started to forget about what USED to be. The blonde worker tried everything to get the attention off of Uzi and back on to her so she could feel on top. Things like exposing the purple drone's fanfictions she would write, or tripping her in the halls, hell, even beating her up with her group of followers didn't seem to even work anymore.

One day, after their classes had ended for the day, Lizzy went up to Uzi to try another attempt, but Thad, and two of his other friends Sam and Braiden stopped them.

"This is going to far Lizzy! We're sick of your shit! For the love of robo-god, just leave Uzi and the rest of us alone. Copper-9 does not revolve around you!" Thad shouted at her, she stepped back appalled, shocked her brother would go against her like this. It seemed like after Doll left, her security was destroyed, there was no longer someone there to protect her. For once, she was actually fighting her own battles.

"Oh, please. Those murder drones will get hungry and kill us all eventually. The purple freak just needs to accept the fact she's being used and everything can go back to how it was." Lizzy snarked at Thad, but the green worker only rolled his optics.

"Do you not realize what has all happened? Because of Uzi we have a chance at possibly getting off of this planet and figuring out what the hell happened. We could even start integrating back into society with the humans on earth! Do us all a favor Lizzy, and just take a step back for maybe...well forever." Thad spoke, taking Uzi and the rest of the gang out of the classroom.

Lizzy stood there shocked. Thad had never spoken up to her before, and his friends even dared to stand behind them. Lizzy turned to start complaining to her friends but when she turned around, the people who were there were already gone, leaving with Thad's group after seeing the potential of the situation. They left her. They switched sides just like that, and she didn't know where Doll had run off to, so she was alone.

"You'll see! You all will see! I'll get my DAD to dock your fucking grades! Try getting into the college sector now assholes!" Lizzy threatened to the group ahead of her, to which they all turned around.

"I thought you were better than this sis, I really did. But now I see that I was wrong, you're nothing but a bitch." Thad spoke his venomous words, until they all turned back around, disappearing in the distance.

Harsh tears welled up in Lizzy's optics. She was not about to let a little group of workers ruin her reputation. She was Lizzy damn it! The most popular drone in the school sector of their colony! The Queen Bee! With her father as the principal, she will make them pay. Over the next month, she was more harsher than ever, one weird thing however was that she had not seen Uzi Doorman anywhere. But due to that, she seemed to make Thad and the rest of the workers suffer greatly.

One morning, Lizzy entered the school sector and saw Thad with his worker friend protesting and getting signatures to exile Lizzy from the colony. Due to her corruption that she had caused within the last month, everyone was ready for her to leave. No one wanted her there anymore. She was still alone. Uzi. IT'S THAT PURPLE FREAK'S FAULT!

"That purple freak put you behind this didn't she?! That bitch!" Lizzy shouted, grabbing the clipboard from Thad and ripping the signatures up, essentially pissing him off. He pushed Lizzy to the ground and stood above her.

"For your information, this was MY doing. I'm tired of you making our lives a living hell. Especially this past month. As for Zi, she's been staying at the landing pod sick with a virus that N is helping her through. Something you obviously could never do. Doll hasn't even come back and even she doesn't want to see you." Thad stated blankly in front of Lizzy. The blonde worker looked into his optics. She tried to look for any kind of sympathy that may be hidden behind his eyes. But she saw nothing. No remorse, no mercy. They all had really wanted her out of that colony. They all hate me.

Lizzy, without saying a word, walked back to her home in defeat, hearing some of the workers from the group cheer as though they had won a victory. When she got to her room, she sat on her bed, the blonde worker didn't even bother turning the lights on. Everything was dark. She didn't deserve to see. Lizzy thought about her life choices, with Doll and the others, it was so simple. She thought it was just a little game until they grew up, but it had gotten so addictive, manipulative, powerful, Lizzy couldn't stop. She loved that feeling it gave her, the power she had over everyone. It was her own little world, and everyone else was just living in it. I really am a monster, aren't I? I'm a freak, and in this world, freaks don't deserve to

About a week later, Uzi returned to the colony since N was able to help her through that horrible virus. (Drone-Version of the Flu) But she noticed people seemed...quiet, but happier? She walked to her locker, putting her stuff in there and getting ready for class when Thad walked up to her.

"Hey, Zi." Thad greeted, he seemed out of it. His optics were glitched a little, and he had digital eyebags that seemed to be as if he hadn't shut down into sleep mode in days. Something was definitely off.

"Hey Thad! What's wrong? You seem distraught, and everyone else in the sector is acting strangely too. Even when V came back to the landing pod yesterday she ran to her room in tears. What happened?" Uzi asked, and Thad flinched slightly at the mention of the event that occurred in his head.

"Zi...Lizzy's gone." Thad managed to get out those simple words, but it didn't click to Uzi.

"Gone? As in she's missing?" Uzi asked, while Lizzy was a bitch, she was Thad's sister, and Uzi cared for Thad, wanting to see him happy.

"N-no Zi," Thad began to cry a little, and took a deep breath before grabbing her hand, looking into her visor. "She's dead. Lizzy...did something she wasn't supposed to do to herself...and dad...found her dead in her room a week ago." Thad sobbed. Uzi's optics hollowed in shock and immediately hugged Thad to comfort him, to which the green worker happily accepted. While Uzi wasn't much of a cuddler or anything, her friend's sister just died for robo-god's sake!

"O-oh no...Thad...oh Thad I'm so sorry..." Uzi hugged him tighter. "Your is he handling it?"

"I don't know, no one knows where Lizzy was for like a week. After he found her...he left the colony. He doesn't work in the school sector anymore either. He texted me that he was alright and just needed some time to think about the family...but it's just him and I Uzi...I don't know what to do now. Sure she was making our lives a living hell but...this? Did I...?" Thad didn't finish his sentence, but Uzi knew what he was trying to ask, she shook her head no and reassured him it wasn't his fault. The purple worker herself was a little shocked, it didn't feel real.

After the school day, Uzi, Thad, Khan, N, V, Lizzy and Thad's father, and even Doll showed up to attend Lizzy's grave a little ways outside of the colony with the rest of the dead workers. In Uzi's head, sure Lizzy was a bitch, but she wished she could have helped her. Done more. Maybe that day Thad stuck up for her, she should have said something. But it was too late now. Lizzy was dead, just another worker dead like that. But it wasn't the result of a murder drone, or some freak accident, it was the simple worker sentient mind itself.

About an hour later, the group walked back to the colony and went their separate ways, their days spent as they would normally proceed, just, without the blonde worker in sight ever again.

Never to be heard of or mentioned again.

Word Count: 1577 words.

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