One Tiny Little Sacrifice

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A/N: Request from @BrianGeller Yandere!Lizzy x N.  Requests are still open, if you would like to see a ship/idea written out then comment in the first chapter of this book so I can keep track.  I will usually have it out within a couple of days.  Also, if anyone wants to mention in this chapter what ships they EVENTUALLY want to see in this book I will consider those as well.  I am currently working on an N x V one for the eNVy shippers as well so keep your eyes peeled for that one.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

Lizzy laid on her bed annoyed. All she could think about was N. N...amazing, handsome, and buff N. She couldn't get enough of him. She wanted him, badly. But she couldn't have him. Why? Simple answer would be Uzi. Complicated answer is that she needed to get rid of Uzi. The purple worker claimed him from the very start and now the two were in a relationship with one another. The blonde worker groaned at the thought.

Ugh! I need to get rid of that freak...

"Lizzy? What do you keep sighing and groaning at?" Doll asked, making her jump. That's right, Doll came home with her. She completely forgot.

"Nothing...just thinking." Lizzy said and turned away from her friend, but Doll knew that wasn't the case.

"You know...if you wanted to get rid of a certain someone, killing is always an option." Doll spoke, Lizzy's optics hollowed out and she turned to face her.

"Doll! I...can't. I don't think I could do that...could I?" Lizzy asked more to herself than Doll.

Killing Uzi just to have N? Would that be wrong? Or...I mean it's not like anyone would notice she's gone...

"It wouldn't be a bad thing Lizzy. In fact, it would help me as well if she was dead, Uzi I mean. I need her out of my way." Doll spoke. This gave Lizzy an idea.

"Okay, then how about this, you kill Uzi for me so I can get to N, in return, I'll help you get whatever it is you need?" Lizzy proposed her idea, she felt...strange? Almost like her visor glitched a little, some sanity slowly starting to slip away. Doll smirked and put a hand on her robotic hip.


The red worker made her way out towards Uzi's place while Lizzy sat there in her room in silence. This was it. She was finally going to have N all to herself...right? No one else could get in her way, and her hands would be clean of any murder since Doll was so used to it from eating other drones. The blonde worker held sat up and held her knees together. She rocked back and forth. The silence of the room beginning to ring in her audio sensors, her visor consistently starting to glitch, until eventually she began to giggle, turning into full on laughter. She had lost it, and N was finally going to be hers.

He's all mine now~.

Doll came back to Lizzy's place and her red visor shook in shock at Lizzy's new demeanor. The blonde worker was calm now, but had a creepy and eerie feeling to her. A sane, but yet unsettling smile on her face.

"Well? Is it done?" Lizzy asked to which Doll nodded. "Good." Was all Lizzy spoke.

Now we just wait...Don't worry N~. I'll comfort you through her death. I'll be there for you.

The male murder drone walked into Uzi's room and came across a gruesome sight. His girlfriend lay decapitated on the floor, her core shattered, oil and entrails laid all over the room. He screamed.

"UZI! No! No no! Why? Who did this to you? Uzi!" N cried out, he fell to his knees and held her lifeless hand. Khan came across the sight and did the same thing. Both drones lost something precious to them.

N felt as if he lost himself in the process. He didn't have anyone else, V left the pod years ago, yet to be seen or heard of again. Khan almost acted as if his girlfriend's death was his fault even though they were likely talking with one another while she got murdered.

It's my fault that Uzi's dead...what do I do now? My love is gone...

N sulked to outside of the bunker, there really wasn't a reason for him to visit it anymore. Instead of heading to the landing pod, he just went out to a building and laid down against it in the snow. The sun could burn him for all he cared now. Maybe he could reunite with Uzi then. As he sulked and mourned over her death, a certain blonde worker stepped up to him. N noticed the company and looked up.

It was Lizzy, she had a sad face, but she dressed in darker magenta colors, her hair down instead of up.

"I heard what happened from her dad, are you okay?" Lizzy asked, keeping up with her sad expression. She just needed to play it a little longer.

"She's dead. Because of me." N mumbled, taking Lizzy aback.

You didn't kill her hon, I got that taken care of already~. Be happy, it's just you and me now.

"It's not your fault N! We don't know what happened, but I know you loved her enough to never kill her." Lizzy claimed, making N look up at her. He believed every word she said. He was in a weak and vulnerable state. Anything anyone said at that current moment he would believe. He just needed comfort, but that was something he had only ever gotten from the purple worker.

"I loved much. And now she's gone. I'll kill whoever murdered her! They're DEAD!" N yelled in pain. Lizzy should've felt guilty, scared even. But she didn't, she just smiled for a split second before returning to her sad expression.

"I know I'm not her, but if you need someone, you can hang out and stay with me. I'm here if you want to talk N, okay?" Lizzy spoke, but all she felt was N's arms wrap around her waist. Her was down on his knees, crying into her midsection. He let everything out.

That's right, fall to me. I'll make you feel better~, I'll be better to you than she ever was. The purple freak deserved what was coming to her.

All Lizzy did was return to her inhumane smile, looking down at N's head, she wrapped one arm around his shoulders while petting his hair with her hand. She finally had N; it just took one tiny little sacrifice. That's all.

Meanwhile, Doll stood in the shadows watching them, afraid of her own best friend and what she had become.

Word Count: 1119 words.

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