The New Situation Pt. 2

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About two weeks later, the three drones had gotten used to one another being in a relationship, but Uzi was starting to get some...feelings. And not the type of feelings like loving someone else, more like...physical, and affectionate feelings. Uzi was craving for more in their relationship, but she felt that it was too soon for that, and tried to let it go. The purple drone's alarm went off on her visor signaling her to wake up and she groaned into her pillow. She got up from her bed and looked around her room. She was happy with it, she had redecorated after a bit and her room looked similar to her old one, but dare she say it was a bit bigger than her old room back at the bunker, this allowed for more space for setting up a station on working on her next railgun to exterminate humans. Yes, she was still on that. Uzi had walked towards the door and into the other side of the common room where there was a small kitchen in the corner. Over in there she had seen V in her green silk shirt that went just below her thighs, and one sleeve had fallen off her shoulder. Uzi blushed lightly as she could see the outline of V's chest more, but the purple drone quickly looked away before greeting the murder drone with a quick kiss and grabbing a bottle of oil from one of the cabinets.

V on the other hand was freaking out. Uzi's hair was flared in little places here and there all over her head, along with her beanie being slightly tilted. The purple drone to had a black silk shirt going just a little over her thighs, with her striped black and purple thigh highs to finish off the tired look. V had then gotten an idea, as Uzi was about to sit on the couch into the common room, V wrapped her arms around the purple drones waist.

"V-V? What are you-ah!" Uzi squealed a little as V pushed one of Uzi's sleeves off her shoulder and she started to kiss her neck.

"Uzi~I wanted more then just a quick peck." V laughed a little before she started to lick Uzi's neck, and to this, Uzi bent forward slightly at the sensation, not being used to being touched so intimately, you could say the purple thing was a little touch starved. This caught V's attention.

"Uzi, you alright?" V asked concerned noticing how Uzi slightly bent forwards.

"BITE ME! I'm fine, I promise, I just...I'm not used to being touched..." Uzi blushed and V's opticals hollowed, but then she made a smirk on her face and chuckled. She picked the purple drone up and carried her towards N's room, and knocked on the door.

"Mmhmm...come in." A groggy N replied through the door, and V swiftly kicked the door open. N's visor became alert and blushed a little once he had seen V and Uzi in their pajamas, along with that, he wondered why V was holding Uzi bridal style with Uzi kicking and screaming.

"Guess what stud? Our purple thing isn't used to being touched, the hell have we been doing? We need to fix this now." V sent a quick message to N's visor telling him her plan, and immediately N blushed, sending a quick message back to V's visor saying he was on board.

V smirked as N agreed in her message she sent, and this made Uzi stop thrashing around making her curious about what N and V were doing. However, her thoughts were soon stopped when V threw Uzi onto the bed against N, to which the male murder drone hugged Uzi from behind and started to nuzzle her neck. The purple drone lightly moaned as N started to go from nuzzling Uzi's neck to nipping her a little. While Uzi was distracted, V crawled on top of N and Uzi, then slowly lifted the purple drones shirt just above her chest, letting Uzi's breasts bounce slightly before V licked her lips and bent down.

"V-V! Wait! What are you-UGN!" Uzi tried to move but N's hold on her tightened slightly and he started to lick her neck. Uzi was becoming overstimulated with V licking her chest all over and N starting to move his hand down to the purple drone's panties, sliding two fingers underneath and rubbing her lower regions. Uzi moaned at the sensation, until she felt V pull away and N doing the same. Uzi whimpered at the loss of pleasure.

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