The Journal Entry

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Uzi layed on her bed inside of her room. She sighed as she thought about two specific murder drones. Serial Designation N & V. Both drones were an adorable duo, when Uzi met N the first time she went outside of the colony, N had introduced V as his girlfriend. Beforehand, Uzi didn't think much about it, seeing as how the two had not conversed much, so there was no reason she should have been jealous. But as time went on, Uzi started to envy V and N's relationship. She wished someone would treat her as well as N and V treated each other. Because of this, Uzi started to become distant from the two, seeing as how sometimes she would end up as a third wheel, and it made her uncomfortable, and as much as she hated to admit it, depressed. The purple worker drone started to leak some virtual tears on her visor as she crawled under her blanket, slowly falling asleep crying at her sorrowing loneliness.

Meanwhile, at the pod outside of the colony where the two murder drones resided, V and N were trying to think of ways to talk to Uzi about something. The two murder drones over time while loving one another, started to fall in love with the purple worker drone as well. It started off with N meeting her, thinking even though there was an error in his system, he couldn't help but find the worker drone attractive even after he went back online. He originally felt bad about it, seeing as how he thought he was cheating on V by thinking those thoughts. However, after a couple of weeks, V asked N what he thought of Uzi.

"N? What do you think of the purple thing?" V inquired to her boyfriend, leaning against him, the two cuddling on N's bed. N looked at V a little confused.

"What do you mean hun? In what way?" N asked, a brow raising on his visor, along with a sweat drop loading onto his visor. Right away by that V could tell she had her answer, but she wanted to hear it verbally from N so she knew she was not assuming anything.

"N, I'll be honest, I know I don't show it, but I care a lot for her...and I think I like her, in the same way I like you." V looked up at N, to which she found his face in a surprising expression. V thought that he was about to end their relationship, but instead he chuckled lightly and tightened his grip onto V, giving her a light kiss on the lips before speaking.

"Thank Biscuits! I've been wanting to say the same thing, I just didn't know what you thought about it or how to approach the subject! I like Uzi the same way I like you too V! But, I'm not sure how Uzi feels about us." N looked down in a worrisome manner. V felt relieved that he felt the same way, but knew that he was right. Uzi might not like them back. But to V, it was better to confess rather than keep your feelings in. She learned that the hard way.

"Well why don't we go talk to her? It's still early in the day. I'm sure she's probably in her room or something, doing schoolwork or whatever the hell teenage worker drones do when they are alone." V said, which made her smirk a bit, thinking some rather dirty thoughts of what she could do to Uzi if they were alone. Looks like she needs to have a talk with N on their way to the colony. The male worker drone nodded and got up from the bed, and the two headed out to talk to the purple worker drone who would hopefully accept them into a relationship together.

Once V and N showed up at the colony, they were outside of Uzi's bedroom door, about to enter before V stopped N from opening the door. She put her finger to her mouth in a shushing motion before creaking the door open lightly. V's thoughts were confirmed when she found Uzi crying under the covers of her bed. V forgot about her aggressive attitude trademark and become instantly worried, which N did the same. The two entered the bedroom and walked up to her bed.

"Uzi? Are you okay?" N asked, rubbing the workers back in comfort before Uzi shot up, not noticing nor hearing them come in. She panicked as she saw the couple in her room. It made her heart clench in envy, then guilt for feeling that way. So she did her automatic response.

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