Cabin Fever Experimentation Love

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A/N: Request from @Alphagalxy Uzi x N.  Sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy!  This one is spicy as hell.

N breathed heavily while searching around for Uzi. His core was practically burning, clutching his hand against it like somehow that would help. His systems kept alternating between his normal systems and heat cycle mode. He knew he shouldn't have come to the field trip with it being so close.

Uzi...where is Uzi? Please, I need Uzi~.

"Shit~!" N groaned in pleasure feeling his cock throbbing against his hatch. However, little did he know the angsty purple worker drone he was looking for had a different dilemma going on. She was inside of one of the cabins, looking at Rebecca and Darren's dead bodies she practically mangled to death. The oil cooled down her systems sure, but she felt something else wrong with her. Weirdly formed wings with a sentinel headed tail popped out of her.

"What the FUCK?!" Uzi squealed falling backwards onto the ground. She tried to pull at her wings and tail like that would do anything to make them disappear. She cradled her knees and started to hyperventilate. She didn't know what was going on, mind hazy and confused. That was until she heard a huge thud outside of the cabin.

"Uziiiii~!" N begged out her name in a loving tone, which to the purple worker he sounded off, but she couldn't think much given her solver was clouding her CPU. So without hesitation, she stepped outside, only to be pinned over by N within the next second. Both drones now lay in the snow. N panting above her.

"N? Uzi asked, "What's happening?"

"Uzi...I think my...crap! No!" It took all of N's strength to get himself off of her. It was then he saw Uzi's solver form, the heat subsiding for a moment. "Uzi are you-?"

"I don't know! I feel weird N! I-I killed Rebecca and Darren and I...I'm a murderer..." Uzi rarely ever let anyone see her break down. But in this situation, N was the only one here, she felt like she could trust him. Her crying because of her form was one of the reasons, but her body felt something else in that moment, a different urge. In an effort to comfort her N engulfed her into an embrace, using his tail to wrap around her waist.

His hands traveled from her upper back, to her waist, just a little above her thighs where she squirmed from his touch. She knew something was different about him, looking up into his visor, one of his optics kept switching between a heart a normal optical. She could feel his hot breath on her; before she knew it her body moved on its own, in an attempt to seduce him she leaned her head the side giving him more access to her neck. The male murder drone noticed this action and placed his lips on her metallic collar bone.

"N~." Uzi moaned from his touch, buckling her knees a little, he didn't seem to mind though considering he abandoned making her stand and settled with picking her up instead. He pinned her back up against a nearby tree, continuing to suck on her neck and create an indent that everyone could see. He wanted to mark her. Make her his.

N's cycle went into full swing, cock now fully erect as he pressed his hatch to release it. Uzi could feel it up against her upper thigh making her gasp. His lips went from her neck to her lips, his long slithering tongue taking over inside of her mouth. She whined from the connection as he smirked against their kiss. Grinding himself up against her now soaked clit, Uzi herself could feel something happening.

Her wings stiffened from her sexual urges, tail swinging out of motion, but her visor? It fully switched to the solver symbol. It was still Uzi, but her visor just appeared different, enabling a different side to her. A feral one she never knew she had. It took all her strength to break their kiss, a bridge of saliva collapsing between them.

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