The Lovely Little Yellow Worker Drone

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A/N: This is a little fluffy and cute Worker AU one-shot, just sort of those "Would you love me even if I was a worm?" kind of stories and what-not.  Might do some fluff for a little bit again. Also, requests are still open so if anyone wants to mention an idea please feel free to put it in the first chapter of this book. Enjoy the fic!

It all started with one little encounter N had with Uzi and Thad. How close they seem to have bonded. Don't get them wrong, Thad had actually developed a relationship with V, and Uzi with N, but still, N wondered what it would be like, even if just for a bit, to be a worker drone again. He remembered in the manner they constantly had him doing cleaning duties and taking care of Tessa, and if he had the smallest amount of free time then he would occasionally read in the library. But the big thing N wondered about being a worker again is if Uzi would think about him differently. It seemed workers would gather with one another based on their programming and subconscious. N wondered what it would be like to do that.

He thought about what Uzi would think, on one hand, she could be excited. Maybe her parents would except him more and he would be part of the colony. On the other hand though, Uzi could hate him, noticing the size difference, and possibly not love him anymore, he really didn't know if him being a murder drone or worker drone made a difference in that thought process. As N dug deeper into it, he didn't notice V stalking into the landing pod.

"Hey, what are you so lost in thought about?" V asked, walking up to him and lightly using her hand to bonk his head.

"Ah, V, hey. It's nothing." N said as he was still slightly in thought. He really wanted to know. Something about it made him feel...insecure. But V just sighed.

"We both know that's not the case. Tell me what's wrong, or else I'll get the purple thing over here to squeeze it out of you." V smirked, knowing her nickname for Uzi usually got N going. But in this case, he just looked at V with a sincerity in his optics.

"Do you ever think about what life would be like if we were workers again? Like, what would Uzi think of me then? Would she hate me?" N asked, finally getting his thought out there. V's optics hollowed into a thin line for a second before filling out again, she then let out a sigh.

To be honest, she had thought about it. She came across the same problem when she first got with Thad. Part of her wondered herself, but Thad reassured her he'd love her no matter what, how, when, they were too meet. V wanted to support N, but she did still have those thoughts from time-to-time and if you weren't to careful, they could eat at you.

"Well...yeah. N, I'm sure Uzi would love you no matter what. I talked to Thad about it once and he was fine with it, said it didn't matter. If he thinks that then Uzi would too." V replied, putting her hands on her hips before continuing, "I do still wonder, I wonder if things wouldn't be simpler, we could be an actual part of the colony, but there isn't a guarantee that would happen. People could still see you as a murder drone even if you were in a worker's body. Even then, if we were workers, we'd be like Uzi with that solver thing."

"I guess you're right." Was all N could say. V had a point, even if they were to revert to workers, perceptions wouldn't change, and he was confident Uzi would still love him. Funny enough, after that conversation, about a week had passed, and the purple worker came to the pod with an exciting discovery.

Laid out in front of N and V, were two new worker bodies. The two murder drones looked at the bodies, then to Uzi, which the purple gremlin was just smiling, all proud of herself. A little while back, she overheard V and N's conversation on being workers. The purple drone felt bad, seeing as how they just wanted a few moments to see what that would be like again, in a way she understood what they meant. She herself was not a murder drone, but that solver kind of messed her up in a way she couldn't go back. After their conversation, she ran back to the colony and went to Thad.

"Thad! Are there any more new worker drone units?" Uzi asked him, to which he seemed confused.

"Uh, why Zi? What do you need worker units for?" Thad asked, knowing his father was in charge of the worker drone units being made.

"I overheard a conversation between N and V talking about how they wanted to see what it would be like to be workers again. It wouldn't be for long, but the CPU's inside of the worker units would last long enough for them to be in those bodies for a couple of hours." Uzi explained her idea, to which Thad remembered his conversation with V, seeing how deep inside, she was curious herself. The green worker let out a sigh.

"I know there should be two that are being processed right now, I can see about my dad letting us have those. If anything, they can be little vessels for them every once in a while or something. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Thad smirked, to which him and Uzi started to come up with a plan on how to ask his dad.

After a week of convincing later, they were able to obtain the two units for their murderous significant others. Which led them to now.

"So, these are for us?" N asked, a little perked up at how he would have his own worker unit. While they could only last a couple of hours, it was certainly handy to have something like that on Copper-9.

"Yeah! Oh, V, here. Take this one to Thad, he will help you out with yours, and I'll help with N's, sound good?" Uzi asked, seeing small blush lines on V's visor, but the female murder drone just nodded before taking the worker unit and flying off to see her boyfriend, muttering a small thank you as she passed.

"Okay N! Let's get started!"

A couple of hours later, N's consciousness had been loaded into the worker drone unit, and as he opened his eyes, the first person he saw was Uzi. N smiled a little before sitting up. He had a black worker coat on with some black boots, pretty standard for a unit but that was the general clothing they came with. N felt the top of his head, his white hair remained the same, along with the same worker hat he had back when he was a butler. He felt smaller, but was still lightly bigger than Uzi. Speaking of the purple worker, he looked over at her, seeing her visor with a few tears, knowing she had been able to make him happy somehow.

The two didn't exchange words at first, but Uzi gripped him with a hug and laughed a little bit. N really didn't have anything to worry about after all.

" does it look? Weird right?" N asked, letting out a small laugh himself. Uzi looked at him but shook her head.

"You look great N! I'll love you no matter what okay? Worker or Murder drone, it doesn't matter." Uzi reassured him, to which N's visor blushed.

To Uzi, N was hot no matter what, but there was something about N being a worker drone that she felt was an important aspect to recognize. N was willing to transfer his consciousness over to a worker unit, just for Uzi to see what she would think. For Uzi, that meant a lot to her, so whatever N wanted at this point of her, she was his.

N hopped up off the little table he was laying on, and stood on the floor. The height was definitely something to take into consideration, but it felt really different, in a good way. A little later, V and Thad showed up. V was in her worker unit as well, both V and N looked at one another for a moment. They remembered what happened back at the manner, but that was a long time ago, and they had new lovers now. So the two yellow workers just exchanged smiles and nods, silently encouraging one another in a platonic and friendly way. They felt comfortable, not out of place. The little group decided to take it easy with the units that day and hang around the spire for a bit. After a couple of hours though, the fun had come to an end.

"So, N, what did you think about being a worker?" Uzi asked her boyfriend, and N came up with an interesting answer.

"It was great and all, but I wonder what you would look like in a murder drone unit~."

Uzi blushed at the thought.

Word Count: 1541 words.

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