My Everything

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AN: This is another Fluff Fic, it is of Lizzy and Doll, small little tiny angst warning, not really though, just them realizing their feeling for one another.  Also, I do not know the Russian Language, so out of respect I am just going to write Doll in English, but you can imagine what you want if you will. Enjoy!

To cut it frankly, Doll is a really monotoned drone, yet for some reason, Lizzy still fell head over heels for her. Unsure of her feelings at first, she confronted V about the issue. Lizzy wasn't sure what it was she was feeling at first. It didn't add up, she never really considered the ability to liking females instead of males, or both, or, whoever really. When Lizzy went to V, the female murder drone could only snicker at Lizzy's issue, not to make fun of her, but because she had been that way herself at one point with J.

Once V was able to sort of lead her to a type of acceptance within herself, Lizzy could only go on herself from there. She wasn't sure if she wanted to confess to Doll, on one hand, she wanted to give it a shot, on the other, she didn't want to ruin what they have already, the friendship they created really was one to behold. Lizzy had always been there for Doll and vise versa. Lizzy was there for Doll after the red-eyed worker drone witnessed her mother and father's death. From there on, they were inseparable. Lizzy could have easily shaken it off as perhaps feeling like it was a sister relationship and that was what she was feeling, but Doll was more than that to her, meaning she was something more.

Little did Lizzy know Doll was having the same dilemma. She wanted to confess to Lizzy what she felt. Lizzy was always there, unlike Lizzy however, Doll had already accepted the fact of liking girls, so to her, it was just mainly trying to figure out if Lizzy liked her or would consider liking her in the same way she feels. Doll sighed and laid down on her bed inside of her room, maybe some sleep could help her to analyze the situation better.

When Doll awoke, weirdly enough she saw Lizzy sitting in her desk, scrolling away on her phone. Doll sat up and didn't exchange any words with the blonde worker, she could only look at her, straight at her pink optics. To Doll, Lizzy was everything for her, she was literally all Doll had left, and she didn't want to loose her. If she did, she really doesn't know what she would do. Doll's thoughts were interrupted due to Lizzy cupping her face.

"Hey, you were out for awhile and you didn't say much at classes today. You alright?" Lizzy inquired, still cupping Doll's face.

"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." Was all Doll could manage, she whimpered a little at the loss of Lizzy's hands on her face, but this seemed to irritate the blonde worker a little.

"Obviously not, Doll. I can tell when something is bugging you, you may be somewhat emotionless, but not completely." Lizzy placed her hands on her hips, giving Doll almost like a mom stare, which made her giggle internally. She really was everything to her and more.

"If I were to say there was someone I liked, what would you do?" Doll asked out of the blue, wanting to get straight to the point.

"Who is it? Depending on the person I may or may not approve. Oh, god, it's not Thad is it? If it is then definitely no-" Lizzy was cut off.

"What if it was you?" Doll asked, her head tilted to the side. Lizzy felt a mix of emotions. At first, she was a little hurt because she thought Doll didn't like her in the way she had hoped, but now...

"You better not be fucking with me." Lizzy started to have tears crawl out of the corner of her visor, her voice broke, she wasn't sure why she was about to start crying, but if Doll was playing some joke on her, then it wasn't funny.

"I'm not Lizzy, I could never do that to you. The person I do like is you. But I understand if you do not feel the same." Doll looked up at her, internally, Doll was screaming at herself, but she just couldn't exactly show it, no matter how hard she wanted to, she was so used to not showing to much emotion. Though, her embarrassment was showing a little by the red blush on her visor. Lizzy's optics widened and she threw herself at Doll, throwing her back onto the bed, hugging her tightly.

"Same here, idiot. I like you too." Lizzy exclaimed, Doll, suddenly giggled a little. Which threw both of the drones off.

"Looks like I'm starting to show some more emotion." Doll let out a small smirk, to which Lizzy returned her happiness, and the two drones connected their foreheads together.

"That's okay, we will have plenty more times to laugh and cry together, I'm sure of it."

Word Count: 861 words.

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