Maybe Studying with You Isn't So Bad

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A/N: So, I got a little suggestion from @Ethan_I_dunno about an Emily x Sam story.  I thought of a really cute fluff story to go with this so I decided to test drive this one.  If anyone would like a part two of something I could do with it then let me know.  I found this to be aDOORable.  If there is a request of a ship/idea you would like to see be written out then please comment it in the first chapter of this book.  Once I respond I can usually have it out within a couple of days.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

Emily was never one to work with others. She was content being by herself. Sure, she was part of the cheer team, but she considered Lizzy and the rest as more of acquaintances than friends. She thought Uzi would be a good friend at first, actually liking the purple worker, but their energies just didn't seem to match, so she never talked with her.

It was just another day in class for her. She was taking notes from the presentation projecting on the board until their teacher announced finals coming up, making all of the students groan in pain.

"The planet's abandoned there's no fucking point anymore!"

"Shut up Braiden it's school and that's that!" Their teacher shouted at the drone whose head was on fire. Once again, another thing thanks to Uzi hacking his sentience.

Soon enough the bell rang signaling the end of the day was already here, and it was time for cheer practice. Lizzy's group went on ahead while Emily trudged behind. It's not that she didn't like cheer or anything, she was happy to be in it. But it just seemed...pointless to her. She didn't have anyone to hand out with, it was just another activity to keep her mind distracted from the void and loneliness that her and just about every other worker drone was feeling.

Deep thoughts aside, she went into the locker room and changed into their red uniform that they had to wear. She walked back out but Lizzy seemed to have walked up to her.

"Hey, Ems, I've got a favor to ask ya from my dad." Lizzy said, talking about their teacher.

"Oh? What did he need?" She asked, tilting her head.

"You know Sam right? Stoner with the beanie? Not purple freak, he wears mostly green?" Lizzy asked, and Emily nodded, urging her to continue. "Well, turns out his grades are slipping a little and he wants you to tutor him until finals. So, you're excused from cheer for the week." The blonde worker said and walked off, Doll soon following to her side. Emily just sat there in shock.

You're now I'm expandable? What kind of fucking exoplanet shit is this?!

She sighed, wanting to fight back, but she couldn't. It was just the worker drone way. It annoyed Emily that she was THAT self-aware of everything. Unless they actually planned on expanding their society across the planet or go and talk with Earth, there was literally no point in their existence. Those thoughts made her core hurt. It made her feel alone. So, to be thrown off to the side like that was just another way of reminding her of it.

Despite the internal argument with herself, she turned back to go change and ended up meeting Sam outside of the gymnasium who was waiting for her.

"Hey! Emily, right? I'm Sam, we're in the same class." He attempted to be friendly, but Emily kind of backed off from him.

"Uh, yeah. I know." Was all she managed to spat out. Add communication to the list of shit she could not do. "Here's how this is going to work, we have a week until finals, you meet me everyday after classes in the library. Understood? If you're even five minutes late, then I'm leaving. I don't have the time nor energy to wait on someone that won't bother to learn." Emily said bluntly, surprising Sam a little.

"Oh, yeah totally! I get it. Don't worry, I won't be late. In fact, if that's the case then we can just walk there together!" Sam suggested, for some reason it made Emily blush at the suggestion, but she shook it off about a second after.

"Oh...sure. I guess. Let's just go, we're wasting time." Emily began to head towards the library. Sam just looked at her for a second and smiled.

She's got some walls up, but I'm sure deep down she's really nice. She's really pretty too...

A week passed and Sam kept his word of walking with her to the library, along with not being late. He was able to understand the material well thanks to her explanations. Meanwhile Emily actually found Sam's company to be enjoyable. For once she felt as if she didn't have to worry about what people thought of her. It made her core feel...weird, but warm.

The day of finals came and it made Emily a little upset that she would have to return to cheer practice instead of going to the library with Sam.

He makes me feel good. And his personality...he just seems like the sweetest drone...wait...

She blushed as the realization she had. Emily liked Sam, and not in just a friendly way either, but in a romantic way. Now that finals were here though, it didn't seem like those feelings could stick for very long. She was just going to go back to her pointless existence in life anyways. It seemed like with him she had a purpose, and now that motivation was no longer there again.

Finals for her weren't a problem. They got their test scores back and she got a perfect score. She was about to pack up her things and head to cheer when someone stopped her. A specific male drone laid his test down revealing a 93%.

"Thank you so much Ems! You really are the best!" Sam said to her, and she was startled at his compliment.

"Oh wow! Great job Sam! Remember that was all you, you worked hard for that score, I'm proud of you." She replied, looking into his optics. He rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey, listen. I had a lot of fun this past week, you don't have to but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out more? Or maybe...go to dinner with me?" He asked, his visor blushing now, and Emily looked at him in shock for a second.

"Yes! I-I mean, yes, I would love that." She giggled a little. Sam jumped up in a small little victory, making Emily giggle even more. The two exchanged numbers and agreed to hang out after Emily's cheer practice.

Maybe Studying with him wasn't a bad idea after all...

Word Count: 1124 words.

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