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A/N: Request from @Alphagalxy Uzi x N x V.  Hey guys, sorry if I haven't posted on this book for a little bit, I know it's been a while.  I won't get too much into it but I've had some personal things going on that caused a big decision I need to make on my own for my well-being.  Rest assured everything is fine and I'm not ending the book, in fact I tend to find peace and solitude for when I write.  But that's enough about that for right now, I hope you guys enjoy this little fic!  Enjoy!

Uzi ran through the thick blizzard at play on Copper-9, digital tears practically covering her visor. The only people she wanted within that moment were her murderous boyfriend and girlfriend. Eventually reaching the landing pod, she burst open the door to find a shocked V sitting in the pilots seat, while N was possibly in the other room, engulfed in his new drawing hobby.

"Purple thing? Hey what's wrong?" V asked her goth girlfriend, she looked ruff, visor cracked, oil leaking out from her arms and legs, hoodie torn in certain parts.

Almost like someone tried to fight her.

V felt rage start to boil inside of her for someone attacking her girlfriend, but she needed to comfort Uzi first. Standing up and engulfing her in a warm hug, the female murder drone called out for their boyfriend.

"N! Get your ass in here! And bring the bandages!"

"I'm coming, what's wro-Biscuit?!" N asked worryingly as he turned the corner and spotted the purple worker in rough shape. "What happened?"

She took a deep breath in before explaining.


The bell had finally rung in Uzi's classroom, signaling the day was finally over. As she packed up, making sure to be slow at her work as to not be overtaken in the crowd of students, she suddenly felt a foot on her back, pushing her to the ground. She could hear the slight crack of her visor, making her optics hollow in shock and yelp in pain.

"Where do you think you're going purple freak? To your murder couple? Please, you're just a third wheel!" Lizzy laughed at the damage she had done. Coming up behind her was her little posse, Doll, Emily, and Rebecca, all laughing at the purple worker as well.

"Please, just...leave me alo-AH!" Uzi cried out in pain again once she felt Doll cut her with some type of knife, meanwhile the other two cheerleaders continued to kick the living shit out of Uzi. Before she could succumb to the pain and pass out however, Lizzy held them back.

"That's enough for one day, the hell will continue tomorrow. Enjoy your peace while you can, Doorman." The blonde worker taunted and walked out of the classroom, the rest of the girls laughing and walking out as well.

Uzi, wreathing in pain slowly lifted herself up using her desk, oil spilled out of her like a waterfall, she wanted to collapse right then and there. Lizzy had gone harder on her more than usual, unsure of what the reason was, all the purple worker could think of was returning to N and V.

I need them...I...don't know where else to won't believe me.

And with that, she slowly stumbled her way to the landing pod, leaving a trail of oil behind her.


"Those little NARCS! I'll kill them! N?!" V angrily asked their boyfriend while switching her hands for blades.

All both of the murder drones could see for a moment was red, rage boiling inside of them. N, who had been holding a bandaged Uzi, was now breathing heavily. It was rare to ever see him so enraged by something, it even made V's robotic spine shiver. The male murder drone hugged the purple worker even tighter, making her visor blush in response. And when he growled? Robo-Jesus did she find that hot.

"We will kill them." N spoke, V nodded, and they both got up to start heading out, however, the purple worker panicked.

"NO! Don't kill them! They're still...well...yeah, their just a group of bitches that probably do deserve to die, but wouldn't it be more painful to let them live with the guilt then death? Wouldn't that be giving them the easy way out?" She asked her murderous significant others, to which V and N looked at one another for a moment.

"I suppose you're not wrong..." V muttered while N crossed his arms and pouted.

"I'll make your decision easier, if you kill them, then no more cuddles for an entire WEEK. But if you were to scare them...then I guess that would be fine." Uzi looked away, she knew once she said that N and V would be giving her the uploaded JPG puppy dog eyes on their visors. However, instead the two gave one another a look, nodding to each other, exchanging words without communicating.

They knew what they had to do to avenge their girlfriend, while they couldn't kill the cheerleaders, they could sure as hell make them feel like they're going to die.


Back in Lizzy's bunker, her and the rest of the group all hung out in her bedroom, gossiping while braiding one another's hair.

"Is it just me or did that purple freak seem a lot dumber today?" The blonde worker asked, Emily nodded while Doll just shrugged.

", who are you talking about again?" Rebecca asked, looking completely zoned out. Lizzy just rolled her optics and was about to talk about something else until the power went out.

"What the hell? UGH! The damn power went out. Dad better fix this!" The blonde worker huffed in frustration while crossing her arms. The rest of the girls agreed until something got knocked over in the corner of the room, they all squealed and huddled up on the bed with one another.

"Okay, that was like, not me." Rebecca spat out.

"Oh my god, shut up!" Emily shouted back at the fellow worker, another crash was soon heard but it seemed to be right next to them now.

"Who's there?!" Lizzy asked, she could feel Doll's arms wrap around her tightly, it seemed like even she too, was scared of what was happening.

Soon enough they saw two yellow lit murder drones crawl from the corners of the room on the ceiling, the cheerleaders hollowed their optics in shock while V and N began to giggle like a bunch of psychopaths, looking at the little group like their next meal, just laying there like sitting ducks. Well, if ducks still existed.

They jumped down, and that was it, everyone made a break for the door, even Lizzy herself, running ahead of the group, reaching her hand out for the door until-

"NOT SO FAST!" V screamed and pounced on top of Lizzy and Emily, pinning them to the ground while N continued to laugh, having his own torturous fun with Doll and Rebecca.

"Please! Please don't kill us! I'm to beautiful to die!" Rebecca cried, digital tears rolling down her visor. As the two murder drones raised their tails, acting like they were about to strike the helpless little cheerleaders, the lights turned on.

"Pffft! Okay guys, I think that's enough." Thad laughed while leaning against the doorway.

"Awe man! Just as it was getting good!" N angrily released Doll and Rebecca, who only fled out of the room and passed Thad, V let Emily go, but kept Lizzy pinned for another minute. She gripped her arms, causing her to draw some oil from them, making the blonde worker wince in pain.

"Get off of me you freak!" She shrieked at the female murder drone, but V just growled at her.

"Hurt my Uzi again, and I'll make sure that I'll suck all of the oil out of you while you're still ALIVE. Then? Hah! Well then I'll feed you to the fucking sentinels so much that your corpse will be unrecognizable to the drone's optics. Do you UNDERSTAND me? Huh? Or do I need to do the same damage you did to my girlfriend?" V spat in her face, Lizzy at this point was shaking as she simply nodded.

Getting up and stretching, V waltzed passed Thad, giving him a fist bump while the green worker looked at his sister in disgust from her behavior. She would definitely think twice next time before messing with the murder drones' girlfriend.

Word count: 1390 words.

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