The New Situation Pt. 1

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Fair warning, Khan is a real jerk in this one, along with a small reminder ahead this one-shot is a Poly-Relationship one.

Uzi had been having some problems as of late. While the bullying and ignorance she received in school, along with her father leaving her for dead and not knowing how to approach her, this left Uzi with a field of emotions. In cases like this, she could have used the help from Nori, the purple drones mother, but alas, she was dead, from the same thing Uzi had been infected with. The absolute solver, was also a big play in this. This evening, Uzi came home from school, unlocking the door with one of her master key's, and once the door swiped open, she was immediately met with Khan's eyes, her father, sitting at the island in the kitchen, a worried, yet terrified expression on his face. When the camping incident happened, Uzi had came to and woke up on the bus. She went over the amount of times she regretted the incident in her head, killing all those drones who didn't deserve it. Yes, she was sad and felt bad about it, but at the same time, a lot of those people were her bullies. So she had mixed feelings.

However, the main problem was that when they came back, Khan had to read the reports of the students accounted for. When he had seen the loss of students, Uzi, N, and V had to discuss what happened with her. As Uzi started to explain when she discovered the cabin in the picture Khan had given her, she told him about how it started with her head hurting, then turning into an overheating sensation. She couldn't control herself, and the result was that she killed those drones who were left behind, missing from the report. Khan couldn't believe her, that she was the exact same thing as her mother. On one hand, Khan wanted to hug Uzi, and tell her it would be alright, but the other side? The other side won. He was disgusted with her, wondering how she could do that to her classmates. He didn't say anything that night, and he went back to his room, locking the door; and leaving Uzi in a puddle of tears with a concerned N, and pissed off V by her side.

Now that Uzi and her father, Khan were alone again in their apartment in the bunker, Khan said something as Uzi walked passed him so she could get to her room. And she burst into tears.

"I want you out of the colony Uzi. You have until the end of the week to move your stuff out. Consider this me being nice, I could easily kill you like I finished off your mother." Khan harshly spat. He didn't want to do this, but in his mind, it was better to make Uzi hate him, DESPISE him even, so she could run, and wouldn't meet the same fate as her mother. She'd be better off with the murder least I know N will take care of her, Khan thought. Although once he met Uzi's optics, his stomach twisted into knots.

Uzi had fallen to her knees and started to cry once again, but soon, she started to shake, and slapped her head to reboot her edge levels system. She looked at Khan with a blank face.

"That's fine. You're a shitty father anyway. Remember dad, you tore this family apart." Uzi spoke, and went to her room to collect her things. Once Uzi had closed the door to her room, she leaned against the door and slowly slid down. She began to cry again, but this time, she started to sob, to the point where she felt she couldn't even breath. She went from sitting on the floor to laying on the floor, still sobbing. After about a minute of her sobbing, she could hear objects being thrown back in the kitchen where Khan was through her door.

"YOU DID FUCKING WHAT? YOU BASTARD! SHE CAN'T CONTROL IT AND YOU KNOW THAT! THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I-" Uzi's opticals widened as she could hear that the yelling voice was N's, one of the murder drones. She smiled slightly at the thought of N protecting her. Soon enough, the yelling and crashing of objects stopped. And soon, there was a knock at her door.

"Uzi? H-hey are you in there? Can I come in?" N asked through the door. Slowly, Uzi got up and opened the lock from her solver. N and Uzi shared a quick glance at one another, before Uzi started to break down again, and before she could fall to the floor, N caught her.

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