I'll Take Care of You

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A/n: Suggestion from @Ethan_I_dunno an Alice and Beau mother and son story.  This sort of just looks into the cannon story in a sense.  It's a little sad I will warn you now.  However I thought this was a fun one to write so yeah. It's a little short so sorry about that, usually my stories are longer.  If you have any requests of a ship/idea you would like to see written out, please comment it in the first chapter of this book so I can keep track.  Usually I'll have it out within a couple of days.  Anyways, enjoy!

After the Copper-9 explosion, Alice had woken up in the labs. She looked around but found everyone dead, and the entire place abandoned. No humans in sight. No worker drones in sight. She glanced up at the hole revealing the night sky multiple feet above her, but she couldn't bring herself to go up there quite yet. She didn't even know if she could without the right climbing necessities.

Alice explored further into the labs, finding documents of the patches that they were working on for the solver, but also dissection logs of previous experiments that didn't seem to work out. She became engrossed in the labs, creating her obsession with developing upgrades to her body. She became so distracted by this that she hadn't even thought about leaving. Of course, in her defense, there wasn't really anywhere to go if no other supposed workers were alive.

About a week after first waking up from the explosion, she decided to head into the actual office and cubicle areas to try and find any more information that was being processed, maybe even find a computer that had a connection if she got lucky. But all she found were sentinels, hungry and waiting. She had to use the office cubicles to her advantage, looping around and dodging into each one to avoid being eaten by a hungry ass dinosaur. That was until she heard crying.

A baby audio? The hell? Since when were baby drones a thing?

Alice peaked from the wall of the cubicle and gasped at the sight. Apparently, a baby pill drone had just been activated into its first minute of life, and it started to attract the sentinel. She was torn. At first, she thought it would be a good distraction to try and get away from the robotic dinosaurs, but she felt guilty. Robotic or not, that was still a child.

A child I need to protect...

She shot out and managed to decapitate two of the sentinels with an axe she had found. Grabbing the baby, she ran off and led the raptors elsewhere, away from her and the baby. She locked them in another sector that could be dealt with later. Right now, all the orange worker could focus on was the child crying in her arms. Unknowingly to her, she began to rock him back and forth, shushing him. Telling him it would be alright.

Since when did we have a mom program? I thought we were just experiments. But if we're self-aware, does that mean we have the same intentions as humanity as well? They are the ones who created us...

"I'll...take care of you."

She managed to turn one of the sectors into her main home area. Somewhere she could raise the pill baby. At first, she was loving, took care of him, later even named him Beau. He was like a son to her. Until Alice learned the truth. She had seen a new report through one of the computers of the workers building their own colony on the surface of Copper-9, the planet she was stuck on the inside of.

"They never even LOOKED for anymore survivors down here?! I'm trapped! Do they even care?! Fucking NORI and YEVA just left us! They left us Beau!" Her obsession became worse, and since Beau never had another worker unit to transfer into as he got older, he stayed stuck in his pill baby body with little upgrades like weird spider arms. He hated it, and he hated that what he considered his mother, Alice, was so obsessed with all the weird shit down where they were.

When the day came that Uzi, N, V, and Tessa accessed the labs, he was ecstatic to see new people, but he also knew once Alice spotted them it was over. She had driven herself to insanity being down there alone. She was so modified that he barely remembered her scared face from when she first rescued him.

In Beau's eyes, no matter how insane Alice got, she was still his mom, someone who gave him a chance to survive in this world, and not in vain. He'd do anything to help her, including taking people captive so they could be dissected and used for parts. There was even a time when Alice needed a new hand, but since Beau was developing intelligence, she gave him the upgrades he needed first, putting herself last. She still had motherly instinct, even if she never directly showed it.

The day she let the sentinels loose to kill N and Tessa, Beau didn't have a good feeling. He knew it was over when it seemed like the drone named Uzi broke the control panel, unlocking all the doors. He just remembered his mother getting stomped to bits, soon being feasted upon. There was nothing left for him. V was being attacked by sentinels.

If I can help them be alive a bit longer, then I would make mom proud. Then I can join her without feeling bad...

With a singular flash, he drove the sentinel towards him, giving V a small nod with his cowboy hat, before being devoured by the sentinel itself. Oil splashing everywhere.

It was a sight and gesture V would never forget, and a family that would never be rediscovered ever again.

Word Count: 978 words.

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